A neighborhood mom thought she caught her teen babysitter smoking and was hilariously wrong.
A neighborhood mom thought she caught her teen babysitter smoking and was hilariously wrong.

Anyone with a Nextdoor account knows that there are some terribly nosy neighbors out there. There are also a lot of folks who love to complain … about everything.
These lookiloos can also be especially suspicious about what the local teenagers are doing.
Sarah Holderr, a teenager from Kansas, babysits for her neighbor Amy.
One day, Sarah received a text from Amy saying that her husband, Randy, caught her smoking while driving her car. First thing is that Randy should have minded his own business.
Secondly, if he has a problem with her smoking, he could have talked to her about it personally. There's no need to narc on her to his wife.
In the text, she refers to a "a cigar of some sort," which seems like she was accusing Sarah of smoking a blunt — a cigar with weed rolled into it. Which kinda makes sense because it's pretty rare to see a teenage girl smoking a cigar.
Even though she was being accused of an illegal act by Amy, Sarah responded with good humor, admitting that, in fact, she was only eating a taquito.
"I feel bad because in my opinion [my neighbor] is crazy nice and I get where she's coming from,"
Sarah told BuzzFeed News. "She hasn't responded, I'm assuming out of embarrassment."
Sarah posted the interaction on a since deleted Twitter post where it completely blew up, earning over 280,000 likes. And, of course, the folks on twitter had a lot to say about Amy and her nosy hubby.
let amy know randy might run some kids over in his mower with his shitty eyesight
— Deedee Megadoodoo (@comedydog) February 12, 2017
I think I hate Amy and randy
— vargz (@austinvargo) February 12, 2017
she sounds like a white mom who will write a strongly worded letter to your manager
— HIFISLUT (@HIFISLUT) February 13, 2017
love me a good ol' Cuban taquito
— Eric Kowalik (@EricKowalik) February 13, 2017
aside from that being a taquito, I'd tell your helicopter mommy neighbors to mind their own damned business
— val-holla! (@ValerieSprague) February 13, 2017
my son smoking his taquito in Mexico over Christmas break lol pic.twitter.com/BqyRo8koYP
— SG (@momlikestonap) February 22, 2017
did you hand tequitos out to all the neighborhood kids ?
— Nikki (@nikscene) February 12, 2017
lmao Randy out here scoping younger women
— OFF ROUTE (@onlinepresent) February 13, 2017
This article originally appeared on 7.3.19
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