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Education & Information

People might not consider driving the speed limit to taking care of your teeth as money-savers, but they are.

No matter how the economy is doing at any given time, people are always looking for ways to save money. Rents go up. Job losses happen. Kids need braces. Retirement looms.

Financial advice often focuses on where to put your money for the best returns, but that advice is only helpful if you have extra money to save or invest. Money-saving tips can help free up some cash to save or invest, and they can also help you avoid having to put borrow money or use credit for things you can't immediately afford.

While some people understandably scoff at frugal tips like "eat less avocado toast"—as if saving a few bucks here and there will solve the housing crisis or make college affordable—there is something to be said for small amounts adding up. For instance, not buying a soda when you're eating out to save $4 may not seem like much, but if you did that once a week, you'd save over $200 in a year. Not a fortune, but nothing to sneeze at either.

And if you start combining lots of small money-saving habits like that, you may be surprised at what a difference it makes. Here are nine super simple ways people can save money—but often don't—from users on Reddit:

Take good care of your teeth

"An ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure," as the saying goes. Toothbrushes and dental floss are cheap. Cavities, root canals and gum disease are wicked expensive. Good oral hygiene may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to saving money, but ask anyone who has neglected their teeth how much it has cost them in the long run.

"Take care of your teeth: brush and floss everyday - preventative care now will save you THOUSANDS later if you need major dental work!

"Yup. This is often overlooked advice. My mom had lost most of her teeth by the time she was my age (40). She always said that this was her biggest regret in life. Because of this, my siblings and I have always been pretty good about taking care of our teeth. Right now my mom has dentures that don't fit well because she lost another of her remaining teeth but can't afford new dentures."

"As someone who has paid a thousand and will pay many thousands more in the near future…yes. Take care of your teeth."

"Can confirm! Just spent 20,000 on my teeth. Talk about eye opening!!!"

Only drink water

Drinks are expensive, and not just fancy ones. A basic soda will set you back $3 or $4 minimum at most restaurants, and everything else goes up from there. Water is free. Even at home, you can save a lot by simply drinking water. It's a simple rule that helps improve the health of your body as well as your bank account.

"Drink water at restaurants and not soda."

"Only drink water. Not only will you save money, but your body will love you for this as well. Win\win."

"Water is my biggy. Don't drink soda period. Filtered at home. Doing this for 5 years and seriously tastes so good."

"Yep. Just take a look at what restaurants charge for a soda. It's usually around $3 now. Then, look at how many empty calories are in a 20 oz soda. It's basically 10% of your daily value on just one drink. Not worth it."

"If I learned anything in the military... drinking more water solves 99% of all problems."

Use the library (not just for books)

Free reading material? No brainer. But libraries have so many more free services that people often don't know about. From movies to language learning apps to artwork and tools you can check out, the range of things you can get from the library is wild. Definitely worth checking out your local public library's offerings if you haven't lately.

"Make use of free services. Mostly, the local library. Sometimes there's a feeling that just because it's free it's trashy or peasant-like. I don't need to pay to see something in order to feel good about it. And libraries are amazing! Free books! Audio books! So many things."

"My library has tools and equipment available to borrow. Before going to big orange to rent a pressure washer, floor sander, paint sprayer, or post auger, I always check the library first lol"

"Public libraries are a gold mine for (almost) free. Ask them about their other options (than books, movies, music, etc.). Many libraries offer museum passes. I’ve heard of fishing poles. My library has a seed library."

"Ours you can check out a sewing machine. Plus attend a free workshop to learn how to sew!"

Ditch DoorDash

I know. All of those food delivery services are so convenient. But they're also soooo expensive. If you're in money-saving mode, definitely avoid these services like the plague. Just pretend they don't exist (because they literally didn't until very recently).

"This. Your meal is easily 50% more expensive when you factor in delivery fees and a tip. and some restaurants charge more on door dash than they do in-person."

"Delivery fee? That's just the tip of it! Ever notice how there still is a bunch of extra fees on top even when they offer you the delivery fee for free?"

"And to make it worse, I tell myself that I have to order more food to justify the delivery fee! So now just paying more and overeating."

"It really is an addictive habit. We started using it during the pandemic and it really just was a bit of convenience that we found hard to give up because it was so easy... Pick up your phone, order, get delivery, eat, done... Every time we saw the card, we knew that the delivery fees were what was pushing our eating out budget way over but after a hard day of work and school, it was easy to convince ourselves that delivery is a worthwhile indulgence and the expenses add up real quick. It took us a lot of introspection and telling ourselves that we were 'sacrificing' for the future, and all that to stop ordering via delivery apps and within a couple of months, we saw us being closer to managing our budget."

Drop addictive substances

Addiction is a huge and tricky challenge, for sure, and I don't want to minimize how difficult this tip might be for some. But drinking, drugs, smoking, vaping, gambling—they all cost a lot of money. And the addictive nature of them means that you'll just keep spending more and more.

"Quit addictive habits: Smoking, drinking, coffee, weed, etc. They're all expensive and you'd save a bundle quitting. But people don't because they think those things make life better. Some do and some don't, but the monetary savings can't be discounted. If you're broke, don't smoke or drink. Some people truly need weed for health problems. But nobody needs the others."

"Stop drinking and smoking, the government punishes you with a sin tax and makes big time bank of your vices."

"Seems obvious but quitting smoking. I see so many people complain about being broke but spend hundreds a month on ciggs."

"Stop drinking, smoking and going out so often. You'd be surprised how good sobriety feels! Even if you continue, just slow down!"

Say no to storage

Most of us have too much stuff. There is an entire industry around trying to help people pare down and "declutter," and there's an entire industry dedicated to renting people space to store their excess stuff. Making a rule to only hold onto the belongings that actually fit in your home will save you a lot of money in storage.

"More prevalent in the US, but get rid of your storage unit and most of the stuff in it. More often than not, you're paying more to store things that it would cost to buy it all again. If you can't fit it in your home, re-evaluate if you really need it."

"There are so many huge storage unit buildings in my area and it makes no sense to me. How important can this stuff be if you can't fit it in your home? I understand there are certain situations that require for a short term solution."

"That was my goal for 2022, Took me a few Saturdays to go through everything but it was worth it. I'm having over $200 a month now."

Cook at home a lot more

Even when inflation makes grocery prices uncomfortably high, it's still almost always cheaper—often significantly so—to cook food at home compared to eating out. Yes, that even goes for fast food. There are a million videos and social media channels dedicated to cooking and recipes can be found for free all over the internet.

"Cook at home 98% of the month."

"Cooking/meal prepping VS Eating out every night."

"Batch cooking saves both time and money. Like you can spend 2 hours making meals for the rest of the week. Paying 8-15 dollars to eat out adds up very, very fast, if you do it regularly, to keep up with work or personal schedules."

"Learn to cook what you like to eat."

Drive the speed limit

This isn't one people usually think about, but driving the speed limit saves you money in several ways. For one, it's gas-efficient, and with the cost of gas in some places, it's worth easing up on the gas pedal. Second, speeding tickets are expensive, plus they lead to higher insurance premiums.

"For those that don't get this: driving the speed limit avoids citations but also saves you gas, extends oil life and tires some, extends brakes quite a bit, and just generally lowers the wear and tear on your vehicle."

"This is so underrated, I don’t think enough people realize the extra cost of driving fast."

"It also only gets you there maybe 1-2 min faster, at best. Hitting Traffic lights at the wrong time will ruin any gains made by speeding. And only if you don’t get caught. Get caught and get points on your license, a fee, and it delays you 20-30 minutes."

"Your car insurance rates go up when you get tickets also. Get too many, and they may drop you."

"My step-sister was saying she pays the city about $500 a month in speeding tickets and parking tickets. The real wild thing is she said it like its a normal thing everyone has to deal with, like she was shocked when we didn't say 'Well that's <CITY> for you. What can ya do?'"

Fix things yourself

Many people never consider trying to fix something themselves, assuming that sort of thing is best left to the experts. But there are so many resources now with YouTube videos and such that can help walk you through a lot of fix-it projects that can save you boatloads. Not everything can be a DIY, of course, but probably more than you might think.

"I've saved thousands of dollars by repairing things myself following YouTube videos. Washer, dryer, automotive stuff, cell phone screen replacements, etc."

"There is a website, repairclinic.com. They not only have tons of videos on how to fix stuff, but they also sell parts. I have a dryer that’s over 40 years old. I can’t get parts for it in regular stores. That website has been a lifesaver! I’ve been able to keep the thing going for the last decade and it works great! I’ve spent maybe $75 over the years to keep it running. Definitely cheaper than a new one."

"If you tackle things within reason it saves a butt load of money. $350 mechanic bill turns into $16 part and 1hr of your time."

Men try a period simulator.

Imagine how different the world would be if cis-gendered men had the ability to give birth? Would the state of Texas attempt to ban abortions after six weeks or would they be available on-demand?

Would we live in a country without mandatory paid maternity leave? How much more affordable would childcare be? Would there be a tax on period products? How would we treat people experiencing period pain?

A few brave men decided to see what life was like for people who have periods in a funny but enlightening video that's gone viral on TikTok. In a video posted by Benz Trap House that has over 1.4 million views, a group of guys tried a period simulator to experience what menstrual cramps really feel like.

Period simulators are essentially the same as labor simulators. They're called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machines that are designed to relieve pain. But when turned up a notch can create intense, debilitating discomfort.

The group took a semi-scientific approach to the experiment with a woman acting as a control subject. At the beginning of the video, she attaches the simulator to an area near her ovaries and turns it up to ten, the highest setting. In the clip, the group looks impressed as she endures the extreme setting without showing any discomfort.

The men would not do as well.


The boys tried a period simulator #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #funny #periodcramps #periodsimulator #viral

When the first guy attempted to wear the period simulator he was shocked by the discomfort. "Is it supposed to hurt like that?" the second guy says before erupting in nervous laughter.

The third guy said that he felt the pain all the way down to his knee caps.

At one point in the video, the period simulator is attached to a woman and a man at the same time. When the device is turned on, the guy is in extreme pain while the woman stands still, claiming the feelings created by the machine are "not even as bad as a cramp."

"Yeah, my cramps hurt worse than this," she added.

A lot of people who menstruate felt validated after seeing the guys experience their first period.

"'You feel that in your back, boi?' every month, friend," a commenter named Crystal said.

One of the most popular comments was from Candyce, who said: "I'm convinced if men could get pregnant they'd have abortion clinics on every corner and paid maternity leave the whole pregnancy."

Another commenter, S DeMarco, pointed out that women have to go through an entire day in pain without a break.

"When he said 'it's stabbing me what do I do?' You go to work, clean the house and continue on bb," she wrote.

Shellz took reality up a notch. "Let's add headaches. And period poops. And bloating. And the feeling of blood leaving you. And the nausea," she wrote.

It's cool that the lighthearted video has gone viral because it'll give some people newfound respect for the pain that people who have periods go through. Some who watched the video thought that period simulators should be mandatory in sex ed classes.

Imagine how different the world would be if everyone experienced menstrual pain just once in their life?

This article originally appeared on 11.10.21

Photo by Daniel Tadevosyan|Canva

Nonprofit exposes reason behind sharp rent increases

It's no secret that there's a housing crisis in America. That's not to say that there aren't enough houses for people to live in, there are plenty of houses and apartments available, they're simply unaffordable. Over the past several years the cost of housing has increased to an amount that is so out of reach for the average person, that homelessness is on the rise as people unable to pay their rent are evicted.

While the housing prices continue to climb, wages have essentially stayed the same. This has led to people across the country making difficult decisions in an attempt to keep a roof over their heads. But most people have no idea why rental rates have skyrocketed in less than a decade. One nonprofit is exposing where this unexplained increase is stemming from with the help of the attorney generals' of Arizona and Washington D.C..

More Perfect Union is a nonprofit media organization aimed at empowering working people. Recently, the organization tackled the American housing crisis with a pretty shocking discovery.

There's a singular company behind the exorbitant housing prices in Arizona and D.C. though the states are thousands of miles away from each other. The attorney general of the District of Columbia calls the company an illegal housing cartel due to the tactics used and the money made. The company is called RealPage, which uses an algorithm that pulls from renters confidential information to skew the housing prices.

Landlords sign a contract to work with RealPage, but according to documents uncovered by the investigators, if a landlord pushes back against the rates, the company can expel them from the program. But what about all the empty units? There doesn't seem to be a concern because the rates are so high that the landlords still increase their revenue even when some apartments are empty for long periods of time.

This may feel a bit like a movie plot, but it's not science fiction. RealPage may be operating in multiple states across the country contributing to the unaffordable price of housing for American citizens.

a view of a city with tall buildingsPhoto by Gabriel Valdez on Unsplash

"We're talking about an algorithm that aggregates otherwise confidential information that the landlords have that ordinarily they would not share with their competitors," Washington D.C. Attorney General, Brian Schwalb says. "That allows then the algorithm to spit out a pricing recommendation. All designed to keep the overall market at its highest peak."

Arizona Attorney General, Kris Mayes explains, "they're not charging what the market can bear they're controlling the market. It's leading to the exacerbation of our affordability crisis, our housing crisis here in Arizona."

RealPage's practices are so concerning that the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice stepped in to remind landlords and companies of antitrust laws. "Your algorithm can't do anything that would be illegal if done by a real person," the text reads on the screen, in part.

Landlords who sign up are bound by the rules set by RealPage, which state RealPage sets the rental rates, leaving landlords little option to opt out. They company even sends out "policing agents" to enforce these prices by physically checking on the landlord and leasing agents. Landlords are lured in with the promise of increased profits, some may not realize at the outset that the prices their renters would be expected to pay would be unaffordable causing some to become homeless.

But with RealPage working with landlords across the entire state, every rental property would increase nearly simultaneously, leaving renters no choice but to pay more than they can afford. In reality this may mean getting second and third jobs, foregoing important medications, pulling children out of afterschool care to allow them to care for themselves and more just to afford housing.

The problem with algorithms setting rental prices and anything else that has to do with human needs is that computer codes are not human. They don't know that Alice living in 3B is a single mom out of work because she just had a mastectomy. An algorithm doesn't factor in that Marc in the split level is having to drive an hour every day to help care for his elderly mother or that Carol on the first floor left an abusive relationship and this was the only place she could afford.

Leaving the lives of people up to an algorithm can have disastrous affects, and the lawsuit the attorney generals are bringing will highlight that concern using RealPage as the example.

This article originally appeared on 4.24.24

Education & Information

An Irish school ditched homework for a month, assigning 'acts of kindness' instead

"Our message to the children is very simple: they can be the reason somebody smiles today and they can definitely help make this world a better place for others and for themselves."

Despite controversial-but-compelling evidence that homework takes time away from families with little to no appreciable benefit for students, kids continue to slog through hours of school work outside the time they spend in the classroom. And despite evidence that small acts of kindness can infect a community like a positive virus, far too many kids are on either the giving or receiving end of unkind bullying on a regular basis.

Perhaps that's why an elementary school in Ireland has decided to do something radical—ditch all homework for the month of December and assign kids "acts of kindness" instead.

In the weeks leading up to the holidays, kids at Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Uí Choileáin, Clonakilty have been given a kindness task for each weekday. Mondays they are asked to reach out to and communicate with an elderly person. Tuesdays they make a family member's life easier by taking over a chore or helping out without being asked. Wednesdays are for random acts of kindness of any kind, and Thursdays are for doing something kind for themselves to take care of their own mental and emotional well-being.

Students are asked to keep track of their kind deeds in a Kindness Diary. The school has also created a Kindness Bucket, where students can write down and deposit positive observations and affirmations to boost the self-esteem of their schoolmates. On Friday mornings, a random selection of the notes are read aloud for everyone to hear.

In addition, each class will cooperate in a collective act of kindness for the community based on the students' own brainstorming as a team. How lovely.

According to a Facebook post from the school, the students have been doing similar programs in December for three years running. Last year, the focus was on Gratitude, which resulted in "overwhelming success and positivity."

Vice Principal Íde Ní Mhuirí was quotes in the post:

"We are encouraging our pupils to think of the real spirit of Christmas, the spirit of kindness and giving.
With such an emphasis on the materialistic and commercial aspect of Christmas, we often tend to overlook what it's really all about…. Good will!

Unfortunately not everyone is in a position to be able to enjoy Christmas, some are lonely, some are sad, some might yearn for what they do not have and some might simply not enjoy the festivities. But there is nobody in this world who wouldn't benefit from an act of kindness, and the joy of kindness is that it costs nothing.

What if schools everywhere did something like this, and not just during the holidays? What if we focused just as much on good character and citizenship as we do on test prep? What if each school took it upon themselves to say, "Being kind is more important than being smart," not just for a month, but always?

The most pressing issues our world faces are not so much due to a lack of intelligence or knowledge, but rather a lack of shared values that compel us to care about one another. Without a foundation of basic human decency and kindness, knowledge and skill-building will only lead to more problems, while focusing more energy on kindness can only help build a better world for all of us.

As the school noted on Facebook:

In this world, consumed by social media, where our young people are constantly experiencing pressure, there is no better way to show them the way forward in the world than by practicing kindness. We all know that helping others makes us feel good about ourselves…. What's not to love about that?!? That feel good factor we experience form helping others cannot be quantified. Our message to the children is very simple: they can be the reason somebody smiles today and they can definitely help make this world a better place for others and for themselves.

How wonderful. Less homework and more kindness all around, please and thank you.

This article originally appeared on 12.9.19