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Public Health

An area of the face known as the "triangle of death."

Parents always warn teenagers not to pop their acne because it will leave a scar, but that doesn’t always stop them from trying to eliminate painful blemishes that make them feel like the entire world is staring at them. However, recently, doctors have been warning people that popping zits in a specific area of the face can, in rare cases, lead to death.

Doctors say people should avoid popping pimples in an area of the face known as the “triangle of death.” The triangle covers the center of the face and extends from the bridge of your nose down to your upper lip.

The dangers of popping zits in the triangle became a big news item after many TikTok doctors shared a popular rumor that a Brazillian teen died from popping a pimple on her face.


RIP @realstories be careful in the triangle of death… this is possible but incredibly rare #dermatologist

Is it dangerous to pop pimples on my face?

Regardless if the story of the Brazilian teen is true, the takeaway from the story is important. One can get a serious infection and even die from popping a pimple inside the triangle of death. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this part of the face is a direct line to your brain.

“This area is unique because there are a lot of blood vessels there that are connected to the brain,” Dr. Kiyanna Williams tells Self. “If you were to get an infection [in the triangle of death] and it happened to spread, it could go down those blood vessels [in the cavernous sinus] connected to the brain and cause larger problems.”

These problems include a stroke, vision loss, or even death.

Infections that start with a popped pimple can lead to septic cavernous sinus thrombosis, a blood clot in the cavernous sinus that can create a brain abscess, damage to facial nerves, meningitis, pneumonia and septic emboli.

The Cleveland Clinic shared a TikTok video warning people about popping zits in the dreaded triangle of death.


When it comes to your health, there’s one triangle you shouldn’t be obtuse about. The danger of popping a pimple on your nose or near your mouth. 👆👃🏼👄 #fyp #dangertriangle #pimplepop #skincare101 #health #skincare #themoreyouknow #healthtips

A big reason why people get infections after popping zits is because they don’t wash their hands. “If you pick your face with dirty fingers, dirty nails, or have dirty skin, you run the risk of causing a skin infection,” Dr. Joshua Zeichner, the director of cosmetic and clinical research at the Department of Dermatology at Mount Sinai in New York, told Huffington Post.

We must stress that although popping pimples in the triangle of death can lead to serious health problems, the chances are very slim. “Thankfully, it’s relatively unlikely,” Alok Vij, MD told Cleveland Clinic, “but whenever there’s a violation of the skin and interaction with bacteria, there’s always a possibility for infection, which can lead to greater health concerns.”

But if the fear of death doesn’t deter you from popping pimples on your face, you should stop to avoid creating a permanent scar. “Honestly, you should always avoid popping pimples,” Dr. Vij continued. “Doing so can lead to inflammation, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scarring — and, of course, infection.”

What to do if I get a pimple?

Suppose you find yourself with a painful pimple and you don’t want a scar or to risk an agonizing death from a brain infection. In that case, the American Academy of Dermatology Association advises applying a warm, damp washcloth to the pimple for 10 to 15 minutes, 3 times daily. This will help it come to a head so it will eventually heal.

You can also treat the pimple with a topical medication containing the active ingredients adapalene, azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid. A hydrocolloid acne patch can also protect your skin and support healing.

When using acne-fighting topical creams, it’s also important to stay out of the sunlight and to apply sunscreen because the medications can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.


Artists got fed up with these 'anti-homeless spikes.' So they made them a bit more ... comfy.

"Our moral compass is skewed if we think things like this are acceptable."

Photo courtesy of CC BY-ND, Immo Klink and Marco Godoy

Spikes line the concrete to prevent sleeping.

These are called "anti-homeless spikes." They're about as friendly as they sound.

As you may have guessed, they're intended to deter people who are homeless from sitting or sleeping on that concrete step. And yeah, they're pretty awful.

The spikes are a prime example of how cities design spaces to keep homeless people away.

Not all concrete steps have spikes on them, but outdoor seating in cities like Montreal and Tokyo have been sneakily designed to prevent people from resting too comfortably for too long.

This guy sawing through a bench was part of a 2006 protest in Toulouse, France, where public seating intentionally included armrests to prevent people from lying down.

Of course, these designs do nothing to fight the cause or problem of homelessness. They're just a way of saying to homeless people, "Go somewhere else. We don't want to look at you,"basically.

One particular set of spikes was outside a former night club in London. And a local group got sick of staring at them.

Leah Borromeo is part of the art collective "Space, Not Spikes" — a group that's fed up with what she describes as "hostile architecture."

"Spikes do nothing more than shoo the realities of poverty and inequality away from your backyard — so you don't have to see it or confront what you can do to make things more equal," Borromeo told Upworthy. "And that is really selfish."

"Our moral compass is skewed if we think things like this are acceptable."

charity, social consciousness, artist

A bed covers up spikes on the concrete.


The move by Space, Not Spikes has caused quite a stir in London and around the world. The simple but impactful idea even garnered support from music artist Ellie Goulding.

"That was amazing, wasn't it?" Borromeo said of Goulding's shout-out on Instagram.

books, philanthropy, capitalism

Artist's puppy books and home comforts.


"[The project has] definitely touched a nerve and I think it is because, as a whole, humans will still look out for each other," Borromeo told Upworthy. "Capitalism and greed conditions us to look out for ourselves and negate the welfare of others, but ultimately, I think we're actually really kind."

"We need to call out injustice and hypocrisy when we see it."
anti-homeless laws, legislation, panhandling

A message to offer support in contrast with current anti-homeless laws.


These spikes may be in London, but the U.S. definitely has its fair share of anti-homeless sentiment, too.

Spikes are pretty obvious — they're a visual reminder of a problem many cities are trying to ignore. But what we can't see on the street is the rise of anti-homeless laws that have cropped up from sea to shining sea.

Legislation that targets homeless people — like bans on panhandling and prohibiting people from sleeping in cars — has increased significantly in recent years.

For instance, a report by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty that analyzed 187 American cities found that there's been a 43% hike in citywide bans on sitting or lying down in certain spaces since 2011.

Thankfully, groups like "Space, Not Spikes" are out there changing hearts and minds. But they need our help.

The group created a video to complement its work and Borromeo's hoping its positive underlying message will motivate people to do better.

"[The world] won't always be happy-clappy because positive social change needs constructive conflict and debate," she explained. "But we need to call out injustice and hypocrisy when we see it."

Check out their video below:

This article originally appeared on 07.24.15

Lunch looks a lot different outside of the U.S.

For those of us who grew up in the United States eating lunch in a cafeteria, the idea of looking at a bunch of trays of school food may be less than compelling. But what's surprisingly interesting, however, is what children from the rest of the world are eating instead. Check out these common lunch dishes from around the globe and let us know they seem accurate.

The photos were part of a project entitled "School Lunches Around the World" by Sweetgreen In Schools, a program "that educates kids about healthy eating, fitness, and sustainability through fun, hands-on activities."

This article originally appeared on 10.30.17

A woman looking at her phone while sitting on the toilet.

One of the most popular health trends over the last few years has been staying as hydrated as possible, evidenced by the massive popularity of 40-oz Stanely Quencher cups. The theory among those who obsess over hydration is that, when you pee clear, you’ve removed all the waste in your body and are enjoying the incredible benefits of being 100% hydrated. Congratulations.

However, according to Dr. Sermed Mezher, an NHS doctor in the UK, peeing clear isn’t always a sign of being healthy.

“If you’re peeing clear, that means you’re having more than 2.5 liters (85 ounces) of fluid per day, which means your kidneys are working overdrive to keep that water off your brain,” Dr. Mezher said. He goes on to add that when kidneys can't keep up with their water intake, it can cause water intoxication, which can lead to dangerous, even lethal, brain swelling.

Stop Trying to Get Your Pee Completely Clear #hydration. 


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According to Dr. Mezher, it's all about finding balance when it comes to hydration and the goal shouldn't be to pee clear all the time. "Of course, like most things in life, too much is not great, and too little isn't either," he continued. Two liters (68 ounces) [of water] is good for a healthy adult, and babies under six months shouldn't be given any water at all."

The news came as a bit of a shock to some folks in the comments. "One minute it's not enough water, the next it's too much... I'm tired," Tiyana wrote. "I always thought the goal was clear," Mountain Witch added.

If you have concerns about the color of your urine, please consult a doctor.

This article originally appeared on 3.26.24