


Musician son adds real trombone sound effects to his mom's daily life and it's hilarious

Pete Montzingo has gained a huge following joyfully advocating for his unique family.

Peet Montzingo following his mom around with a trombone is delightful family entertainment.

Peet Montzingo and his mom have the most delightful relationship, as evidenced by their joint videos on Montzingo's social media platforms. And one viral video sums up the sort of fun Montzingo and his unique family engage in.

The video is a compilation of clips of Montzingo following his mom around with a trombone, making silly sound effects as she goes about doing chores and normal daily life things. It's simple and silly, which is what makes it so wholesome. People can't get enough of their gentle bantering.


The impromptu Star Wars duel is the best, isn't it?

Montzingo has millions of followers on YouTube and TikTok, where he regularly shares videos about life in his family. At 6 foot 1 inch tall, Montzingo stands out—literally—from his parents and siblings.

As his mini bio from IMDB reads:

"Peet is from Seattle, Washington. He is the only average height member of his family (his mom, dad, brother and sister are little people), which immediately put him in the media spotlight growing up. In February of 2019, he scored a spot as a touring/recording artist in the band 5WEST, touring South Africa, Spain, and Europe. They did their first arena tour as the supporting act for Boyzone autumn of 2019. During the pandemic in 2020, Peet cultivated a massive presence on TikTok and continues to post his wholesome videos alongside his singing career."

Montzingo advocates for little people in a way that is humorous and light-hearted in addition to being educational. For instance, watch him and his mom illustrate how to (and how not to) talk with short people:


i actually get this question all the time so hope this helps!!! @queenmamadrama #little

"I actually get this question all the time so hope this helps!!!" he wrote in the caption of the video demonstrating various cringey ways to talk to a little person before ultimately showing that you should just stand normally.

Montzingo addresses lots of questions people have in his videos, including whether or not he's actually adopted. This makeover video with his mom is surefire proof that he's got her genes, as the resemblance at the end is uncanny.


low key this process was traumatizing😭 @queenmamadrama

What makes Montzingo's videos so popular is the way he and his family use humor to destigmatize dwarfism and normalize the lives of little people. His mom's house is designed for little people living, with short counters, sinks and furniture, and Montizingo laughs at his challenges as a tall person when he visits her. It's what he grew up with, however, and he shows how much he loves his family and the physical differences between them.

Montzingo's unique role in his family means he can help bridge gaps as an advocate for little people, and it's great to see him doing so in such a wholesome and entertaining way.

This article originally appeared four years ago.

This story first appeared on the author's Medium and is reprinted here with permission.

Because you're a girl.

I was promoted a few weeks ago, which was great. I got a lot of nice notes from friends, family, customers, partners, and random strangers, which was exciting.

But it wasn't long until a note came in saying, “Everyone knows you got the position because you're a girl." In spite of having a great week at a great company with great people whom I love, that still stung, because it's not the first time I've heard it.

Every woman who works in tech—heck, likely every woman on Earth—hears “because you're a girl" dozens, if not thousands, of times in her life.

It starts young, of course:

Why can't I join that team? Because you're a girl.

Why can't I study physics? Because you're a girl.

Then, the comments age with you.

Why can't I manage that project? Because you're a girl.

Why can't I join that group? Because you're a girl.

And after you've reached any level of attainment in a profession you love, the comments are used to minimize your success.

Why did you get that award? Because you're a girl.

Why were you chosen to participate in that class? Because you're a girl.

Like so many women before me, I have shaken off the comment.

I've gotten angry. I've gotten sad. I've doubted myself and my abilities. I've ignored it entirely. I've challenged it. I've recruited support from men and women I respect. Yet every time it stays there in the back of my mind, screaming for attention after every failure or setback.

But today is the day I've decided to change that.

I did, in fact, get the job because I'm a girl.

A girl who was called "bossy" growing up.

A girl who wasn't afraid to play with the boys.

A girl who didn't hesitate to raise her hand if she knew the answer.

A girl who stood up for other kids.

A girl who was always the first one to volleyball practice and the last to leave.

A girl who was told she was too assertive and aggressive to advance in her career.

A girl who went to MIT anyway.

A girl who asked her company to do more on diversity and inclusion and won't stop pushing until it's truly remarkable.

A girl who has made big mistakes, both personal and professional.

A girl who swings for the fences even when no one is watching.

A girl who puts in hours when other people are asleep

A girl who tells young girls how smart and strong they are.

A girl who hates to lose.

And a girl who won't stand silently while people still use “because you're a girl" as any limitation for girls who want to grow, challenge the status quo, and be something, anything, greater than society tells them they could or should.

So yeah. I guess you could say I got my job because I'm a girl, but not for any of the reasons you might think.

This story first appeared on the author's Medium and is reprinted here with permission.

This article originally appeared seven years ago.

Julian Worsham gets a new cart.

Six-year-old Julian Worsham of Beaverton, Oregon is like a lot of other first-graders: he loves Super Mario and Taekwondo. But he has achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism, and goes to a school that wasn't built for kids his height.

"He's born into a world that just, in some ways, is not built for him," Julian's father, Brett, told WHAS11.

His mother did a walk-through before his first day at school to make sure he wouldn't run into any problems because of his height but forgot to check the cafeteria. [We] "noticed that where the food was, was right at his head," Heather told the Beaverton School District. Then, to make things more of a struggle, he had to carry his tray outside to the lunch benches.

The school made him a makeshift cart out of an upside-down milk crate on wheels to help him transport his lunch from the cafeteria to the benches.

"When I saw it I thought, 'Wow,'" said Enedelia Mottram, who's served lunch for the school district for 18 years. "I just wanted to help Julian, because I mean his head barely reaches the lunch line. He can't see anything."

Julian's first cart wasn't cutting the mustard.

via Beaverton School District

That night, she talked to her husband, James, a metalworker, to see if he could come up with something better. He got his team together at Wright Manufacturing in Portland to create a new cart that allowed Julian to transport his lunch tray and see over the counter.

James told the Beaverton School District that he wanted to make something that Julian would be "proud to push around."

James and his team put together a badass cart with adjustable, handlebar grips just like a motorcycle that has a stool inside so he can reach the countertop. It is adorned with flames and a personalized license plate that says, "JULIAN."

Julian's parents were blown away by the care and creativity that was put into creating his cart.

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"They took the time to get those license plates with his name, which is just like, they just really put a lot of heart into it. So when I saw it, the first thing I saw was actually a picture of James and his team who made the cart and I cried. It's just such a sweet thing," Heather said.

Julian loves the license plate and the flames and is now able to grab his lunch and get out to the benches in style.

"He's independent now," said Mottram. "Before, a staff member [would] have to be there to help him," she said.

Heather hopes that the story will inspire others to reach out and help other people in need.

"There's just wonderful people in this world that, you know, they have their eyes open. They're seeing needs that need to be met and they're meeting them. So I hope that other kids can get their needs met through this," she said.

This article originally appeared three years ago.


Why women envy men's "carefree lives" and men envy women's "emotional freedom"

A new study shows that envy between genders reflects deeper societal pressures—but also how we can rise above them.

Photo by Tan Danh

We have different gifts and burdens but we can rise above them.

What do men and women envy about each other? It’s a deceptively simple question, but the answers, as explored in a recent study from the University of Ostrava, dive deep into societal expectations, biological realities, and cultural stereotypes. Researchers surveyed 1,769 people, asking what they envied about the opposite gender. Their findings? A mixture of relatable, surprising, and thought-provoking insights that reveal how society shapes our perceptions of freedom and privilege. The study also uncovered a new type of envy, aptly named "ablative envy," in which we envy the absence of challenges we face.

Women envy freedom from physical and emotional burdens

When asked what they envied about men, women overwhelmingly pointed to what can be summed up as a less complicated, lower-stress existence. Respondents cited freedom from societal double standards, the ability to age without judgment, and even men’s tendency to "just fall asleep without overthinking."

“I think that kind of freedom, to do whatever you want, men are just bohemians.”

— Survey respondent

Many women envied men's perceived ability to "take everything lightly" and "not make a big deal out of anything." This sense of ease extended into professional realms. Women expressed frustration over pay gaps and career obstacles linked to motherhood, noting that men often enjoy "higher salaries" and "more favorable financial rewards at work."

The envy also touched on societal expectations around appearance. Women appreciated that men don't face the same scrutiny over aging and physical appearance. As the study notes, women envied "the ability to age into beauty" and not having to "spend an hour in front of a mirror before leaving the house." The freedom from stringent beauty standards was a recurring theme.

Physical strength and practical advantages were also points of envy. Women highlighted men's greater ability to perform physically demanding tasks, like "opening a jar without difficulty." Additionally, they envied men's convenience in everyday situations, such as urinating standing up.

Men envy women's emotional expressiveness and multifaceted abilities

Conversely, men’s envy centered on aspects of emotional life, relational depth, and domestic skills often associated with femininity. Many men admired women's ability to openly express emotions, form deep connections, and embrace nurturing roles without societal judgment.

The study found that men "envy women’s emotionality," noting that women are "permitted to express emotions at any time." In contrast, men often feel constrained by societal expectations to "earn and provide for their families." This emotional freedom allows women to build strong interpersonal relationships and support networks.

Men employed endearing terms such as "bringing new life into the world" and "a woman as a giver of life."

— Study findings

This envy extended to women's roles in nurturing and caregiving. Several men expressed admiration—and even envy—for women's capacity for motherhood.

Men's envy also encompassed women's multitasking abilities. They noted that women can "do multiple things at once" and "keep up with multiple tasks," managing both professional responsibilities and family life with apparent ease. One respondent admired that his wife is "adept at cooking, cleaning, washing, and handling various tasks in a playful manner."

Men also recognized women's "physical attractiveness" and the social advantages it can confer, thought perhaps not in the way you might expect. Researchers found that these replies were less about superficial qualities and more about the ease that women can "utilize charm to one's advantage" and the "capacity to influence and control others" through social interactions.

The emergence of "ablative envy"

One of the study’s most groundbreaking insights was the identification of "ablative envy." This form of envy is about wanting the absence of a burden, rather than a possession or trait. Women envied men for their lack of menstruation, childbirth, and menopause—biological processes that can be physically and emotionally taxing.

Men, on the other hand, envied women for being less pressured by societal expectations to suppress emotions or constantly "prove" their worth through stoicism and achievement. This concept of ablative envy highlights the deep emotional weight of societal expectations and biological realities, opening new avenues for understanding envy as more than just desire—it’s a longing for relief.

Bridging envy into empathy

Despite these differences, the study also showed that over 40% of women and more than half of men reported not envying the opposite gender at all. This suggests that while envy exists, it doesn’t define how people see each other—it’s just one layer of a complex relationship between genders.

Understanding these dynamics isn’t about fostering division but rather empathy. By recognizing the pressures each gender faces—whether it’s societal expectations, emotional labor, or physical challenges—we can work toward dismantling stereotypes and building a more equitable society.

The study points to actionable steps, like addressing pay inequality, supporting men’s mental health initiatives, and normalizing shared responsibility in caregiving roles. For individuals, it’s about stepping back from assumptions and celebrating the unique contributions of each person, regardless of gender.

What this study says about society

Ultimately, the study highlights how envy reflects societal imbalances. As long as one gender carries heavier burdens in certain domains, envy will persist. But it also shows a path forward—one where we move beyond envy to understanding and collaboration.

By tackling these underlying inequalities, we don’t just start to resolve envy. We create a society where everyone feels valued and supported—and that’s something worth striving for.