

A parent disciplines his child.

Parenting can seem a lot like parroting. You repeat the same demands over and over again. “Get in the car,” “Put on your shoes,” “Stop putting your finger in the light socket “ …the list goes on and on. As parents, we don’t want to sound like a nag; we’d like them to listen the first time, but sometimes it seems impossible. No parent is perfect and nor is any child, so the struggle continues.

Just imagine a blissful morning where you only have to say the following phrases just once:

“Wake up.”

“Put on your clothes.”

“Finish your breakfast.”

"Brush your teeth.”

“Grab your backpack.”

“Get in the car."

Or, even better, what if we never had to say those phrases in the first place? Sadly, this will never happen for 99% of all parents, but the good news is that you’re not alone.

Adam Rittenberg, senior writer for college football at ESPN, asked his followers on X what they have to tell their kids incessantly and he got back a list that every parent will understand.

So, how do we get our children to listen the first time? Is it even possible? Erica Reischer Ph.D. has some tips in Psychology Today that can help parents get on the right track. One of the most important is to make sure to cultivate the habit of paying attention.

“Because if you tend to ask again and again (and again), and then either give up and do it yourself—or resort to yelling—you may be unintentionally teaching your kids that you can be ignored until you either give up (you didn’t really mean it) or you yell (now you mean it),” Reischer writes.

She also said to be sure to let them know the consequences of not listening.

“Fair warning is critical because if children know in advance what the consequences will be for breaking a rule or ignoring a request, then they are making a choice about their behavior: whether they are going to follow the rule, or break the rule and bear the consequences. There are no surprises,” Reischer says.

It’s also important that parents follow through with any threats or else they will have no teeth. If you count to three to get the child to listen and after finishing the count there aren’t any consequences, they’ll eventually stop listening. But if you follow through every time, they will start paying attention very quickly.

There’s another great piece of parenting advice that seems to apply to just about every situation: “What you permit, you teach.” Whatever behaviors we allow our children to do, whether we like them or not, we reinforce.

Parenting is tough, but as the tweet thread above shows, we’re not in it alone. Parents from all walks of life have the same struggles because every kid seems to be blessed with the miracle of selective hearing. Unless, of course, you ask if they want ice cream, then they’re all ears.

This article originally appeared three years ago.


Expert explains why turning your phone off every day could protect you from getting hacked

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Ronan Farrow shares how this simple tip can offer protection in a time of less-than-stellar privacy regulations.

He also explains why tin foil might not be the best strategy for privacy.

There are just so many ways for important information held on your phone to be swiped—from subscription based apps that secretly send private customer data to Facebook to fake accounts that get your friends to invest in some kind of fake crypto.

And of course—this is more than a modern day inconvenience. It poses real threats to democracy and global human rights, which is why so many are calling for more regulations and safeguards. Of course, as with most regulations, change isn’t coming fast. Which isn’t good news, considering how rapidly technology evolves.

However, Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Ronan Farrow has an incredibly simple tip for preventing our phones from being hacked: Turn them off more often.

While appearing on the Daily Show to promote his new documentary, Surveilled, Farrow told correspondent Desi Lydic that we as a society should be "freaking out" more about the lack of government restraints about spyware technology, saying that it could turn the country “into an Orwellian surveillance state,” affecting anyone who uses a device, essentially—not just political dissidents.

But, as Farrow noted, turning your phone off and on every day is an easy way to protect yourself, since most current forms of spyware “will be foiled by a reboot.” And even if you aren’t, say, a journalist of political activity (i.e. common targets for malware), you’re thwarting apps from monitoring your activity or collecting your data. And better still, you’re making it more difficult for hackers to steal information from your phone. Privacy protection aside, it’s a great way of just keeping your device healthy. Basically, it seems like the age-old solution for virtually all tech issues still holds up.

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There are a few other things worth turning off now and then, such as bluetooth and location devices when you’re not using them, according to the NSA. In addition, Farrow also suggested keeping devices updated, and perhaps most important of all, actually writing to your representative about the issue.

However, when it comes to wrapping devices in tinfoil as a makeshift Faraday cage…that might not be the best use of one’s aluminum.

“Experts vary on exactly how effective that approach is,” Farrow told Lydic, just before quipping, “we need better policies. Not just better tinfoil.”

Expanding on Farrow’s 2022 New Yorker investigative exposé on the notorious spyware Pegasus, Surveilled delves into the multibillion-dollar industry of commercial spyware and its potential threats, making it evidently clear that this is not an issue for the elite few, or one to ignore until the future.

Surveilled is available on Max now.

Waterproof mascara is causing eye damage according to optometrists

Eyes are a very sensitive part of the body, they quickly remind people of that when a spec of dust dares to sneak beneath the eyelid. The near microscopic dust particle suddenly feels like a large piece of spiked gravel refusing to dislodge itself no matter how much our eye waters trying to release it. The same goes for pretty much anything that makes its way into your eye.

Your own eyelashes that are supposed to serve as sentries standing guard to keep things out of your eyes sometimes betray you by falling directly into them. Just about anything can cause eye irritation and makeup is no different, especially if you rub your eyes while wearing it. But optometrists are warning against one particular type of eye makeup–waterproof mascara.

Yes, one of the greatest makeup inventions to come out of the twentieth century. Though the first version of waterproof mascara made in 1938 contained turpentine which of course resulted in unpleasant reactions, it was perfected in the 60s. No more worries about looking like a raccoon if you're caught in the rain or worse, have your feelings hurt and begin to cry. The popularity of the cosmetic exploded once the toxic ingredient was removed, yet eye doctors are saying to stay away. Why?

person with lighted cigarette in mouth Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash

Several optometrists have taken to social media and YouTube over the years to discuss the risk of wearing waterproof mascara and eyeliner.

Dr. Gurleen Dhanoa explains, "it's right there in the name, waterproof mascara. Waterproof meaning it will not breakdown when in contact with water and our tear film is mostly comprised of water," she says before continuing to answer a commenter's question. "So when waterproof makeup enters the eye and tear film, which is inevitable, makeup is going to get into the eye, it doesn't breakdown and then it has nowhere to go but into the structures."

Once the waterproof makeup enters the structures of the eye it can cause a lot of damage, inflammation and irritation. This can cause people a lot of frustration because they may constantly feel like something is in their eyes which means more rubbing of the eyes leading to more irritation.

Ophthalmologist, Dr. Rupa Wong says, "if you do use waterproof makeup just remember to remove it thoroughly, it does take a little bit more work than regular eye makeup but you want to remove your eye makeup every single night. Don't be lazy, this is important because otherwise you can be prone to infections, inflammation, lash mites, none of the stuff that you want."

Several eye doctors have cited studies and their own experience seeing patients experiencing eye irritation as the result of waterproof mascara getting into the tear film of the eye. One doctor shares that his patient hadn't worn mascara in over ten years yet when he looked under her eyelid, the small black specs from that previously worn mascara were speckled throughout her eye's tear film. But how on earth do you get the mascara out of the tear film once its embedded?

Monica M. Dweck, MD, an ophthalmologist at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai tells Ophthalmology Advisor, that improper removal of eye makeup and sleeping in eye makeup can clog the meibomian glands which can lead to meibomian gland dysfunction to which there is no cure. “It can be managed, and it can be controlled, but there’s no cure.”

@doctoreyehealth Did you know!? —> Mascara and other eye makeup products can sometimes get trapped under the eyelid and be absorbed into the eyelid tissue. It’s essential to be cautious when applying eye makeup and to remove it thoroughly using gentle makeup removers specifically designed for the eyes. Additionally, practicing good eye hygiene and avoiding excessive rubbing or touching of the eyes can help reduce the risk of makeup particles getting trapped under the eyelid and absorbed into the eyelid tissue. If you ever experience discomfort or notice makeup residue accumulating under your eyelid, it’s a good idea to consult with an eye care professional for guidance and proper care. DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the site. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health. All non-licensed clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes.
♬ original sound - Doctor Eye Health

The meibomian glands help produce the oil needed to make tears which are constantly produced by your eyes to keep them from drying out. But when speaking to the Ophthalmology Advisor, Dr. Di Meglio reports that they can die out when makeup is consistently applied to the waterline. "If those glands die out, they can be gone forever… If you’re putting eyeliner along there, you’re giving yourself a little bit more of a chance of having gland dysfunction. If the oil stays stagnant…the glands themselves can atrophy.”

Waterproof mascaras and other eye makeup may be fantastic inventions to help keep things from running down your cheeks on humid or rainy days but the risk of wearing it daily may be too much for some people. Whether you should wear it or not is split amongst the different eye doctors with some saying don't wear it at all and others saying occasional use is fine as long as you remove it properly and avoid ever sleeping in it. It's up to each individual person to decide if they're willing to take the risk.

ArcticDry/Flickr & Unsplash

It's safe to say that cold plunges, or several-minute-long ice baths, are having a moment. Athletes have been using them forever to recover from workouts and rigorous games (the ancient Greeks even liked it!), but at some point in recent years, cold plunging entered the zeitgeist as an everyday therapy for normal people.

Celebrities like Drake and Justin Bieber can be seen submerging themselves in frigid water on social media. Joe Rogan relentlessly evangelizes the benefits of cold plunging to his listeners. Fitness influencers all over the globe are pushing cold plunging as the key to unlocking better results.

What are the benefits of cold plunging? For starters, it reduces inflammation in muscles, which reduces soreness. It also makes you feel absolutely amazing, as the shock of the cold water causes an intense rush of adrenaline and dopamine in the body, creating a sort of natural high that can last for hours. Some experts claim that cold plunges can reduce anxiety and stress, boost metabolism, and even keep you from getting sick!

All that with very little drawbacks, the main one being that hopping neck-deep into 50 degree water is intensely uncomfortable.


New research out of Ritsumeikan University in Japan is throwing some cold water on the trend. According to the study, a good old fashioned hot bath is a better choice for more people. And more fun, too.

Researchers took a group of 10 men and had them perform high-intensity exercise. Afterwards, one group soaked in a cold tub, one in a hot tub, and one just sat in a normal room as a control.

Not long after their 20-minute soak, the men performed high jumps, and the researchers measured how high they were able to jump.

The three-part study put the men through the rotation several times, so each man had eventually tried the cold tub, hot tub, and control room.

The findings showed that the men who soaked in the hot tub performed the best in the athletic testing afterwards.

Turns out, there's a downside to constricting the blood flow to your muscles and reducing inflammation and soreness. You also block the delivery of key nutrients and rich, oxygenated blood that promotes recovery.

Mamoru Tsuyuki, a master’s student in sports and health science and author of the study, reasoned that cold plunges still have their place when someone's injured or dealing with tremendous soreness. You can see why a Major League pitcher might dunk his arm in ice immediately after a game.

But most normal people don't need to hop into an ice bath after a workout. A hot soak is a lot more comfortable and will probably do a better job of helping those muscles recover quickly. Warmth and better bloodflow will also prioritize building new muscles rather than minimizing soreness.

Peter Thomas/Unsplash

(It's also worth mentioning that, unlike a hot bath, cold plunging can be pretty dangerous. If the water is too cold, you risk going into shock or hypothermia.)

Overall, the scientific community is skeptical at best of the supposed amazing benefits to cold plunging. So why did it get so popular?

The fitness community has a new cold plunge every few years.

For a while, we were sure that High-Intensity Interval Training was THE answer to all your exercise woes. Then it was foam rollers that were going to unlock all of your flexibility and mobility and send your soreness packing. Same with cupping. Then it was the massage gun, the ultimate workout recovery tool. And on and on with Peloton and Bowflex and those vibrating As Seen on TV ab belts.

The truth we don't want to admit is that everybody's body is different, and what works well for one person may not work for us. That's because it's not an easy idea to sell, it's not profitable. No one wants to buy a $5,000 cold plunge set up unless they're convinced it's going to change their life.

So influencers play up the benefits. It's what they do.

Some people love cold plunging, and they have every right to enjoy it! Others find it miserable, and that's OK, too. Cold plunging has legitimate scientific benefits, but it also has drawbacks, dangers, and a whole lot of pseudo-science behind it. It's absolutely OK if you'd rather take a warm bath or soak in the hot tub after a workout.

Now you have scientific evidence in your corner next time someone tries to pressure you into an ice bath. Just say, "Nah, I'm prioritizing bloodflow and muscle recovery today. But you have fun."