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Greetings in Japanese sound quite odd when literally translated to English.

Studying a language other than your own native tongue is always a trip. Wrapping your head around completely different grammar and syntax rules, trying to create sounds your mouth isn't used to, sometimes learning entirely new alphabets (or characters when there is no alphabet)—all just to be able to communicate with more of your fellow human beings. (Seriously, when are we going to decide on an actual universal language?)

Linguistics is wild, as evidenced by Japanese teacher Hikari's video demonstrating what Japanese introductions would sound like if they were translated literally into English.

One of the first greetings you learn in Japanese is "hajimemashite," which is generally interpreted as "Nice to meet you," or "How do you do"—something you say when you meet someone. But the literal meaning of the phrase is "at the beginning" or "first time," which of course sounds odd in English. (Similarly to if you were to literally translate "How's it going?" from English to another language, the understood meaning of "How are you feeling right now?" wouldn't come through, since the words "it' and "going" have nothing to do with how you're feeling.)

Then there are name introductions, which seem like they should just be straight up names, but aren't because of what they mean. "I'm Under the Forest." "I'm Inside the Field." Huh? And wait til you see how they share their ages. Watch:

If Americans spoke like Japanese #japanese #japanesebelike #japaneselanguage #japaneseculturewww.youtube.com

To make things a little clearer, the name "Under the Forest" is almost certainly Morishita, a common last name in Japan. (Japanese people generally introduce themselves by last name.) The translation "under the forest" comes from Chinese characters used in Japanese, Kanji, that most Japanese last names are written in. Morishita is 森下 in Kanji, with 森 (mori) meaning "forest" and 下 (shita) meaning "below" or "under." "Inside the Field" would be the name Tanaka, with a similar explanation, but with different characters.

As far as ages go, that's a whole other cultural quirk. In Japan, time is separated into imperial eras based on whoever the emperor is, and each era has a name. "Shining harmony 63" means she was born in 1998, or the 63rd year of the Shōwa ("shining harmony") era. Moons are months, and days are, well, days.

Japan is the only country where Japanese is an official language, but thanks to the tech boom there in the 80s and 90s and the rise of the popularity of anime worldwide, the Japanese language has seen continually growing interest outside the archipelago nation. According to University of Pittsburgh, there are around 125 million Japanese speakers worldwide, with some concentrated pockets outside of Japan in Hawaii and Brazil.

(Side note: Having studied Japanese myself, I can attest that it's a very fun language to learn. The alphabets and Kanji are the hardest parts—the phonetics are consistent and the grammar is quite logical, with far fewer exceptions to the rules than English.)

In addition to videos like this one, Hikari offers Japanese lessons on her YouTube channel. You can follow her here.

Teona Sima seemlessly switches between accents.

Some people have an innate ability to pick up languages. One of the indicators that someone can quickly learn multiple languages is their musical ear. Those who can distinguish tones can also detect minor pronunciation differences between different languages, such as how a “D” is pronounced differently in English versus Spanish.

Studies also show that people who are great at picking up multiple languages have good memories, and they can encode things in long-term memory and retrieve them quickly.

An excellent example of someone who has the innate ability to pick up multiple languages and knows how to have fun with them is Teona Sima, who goes by The Language Blondie on special media. She is fluent in English, French, Spanish, Macedonian and Turkish. She also has the incredible ability to speak languages in the accents of people from other countries.

Here’s a video that went viral on TikTok with over 40 million views where she speaks English in 12 different accents: American English, Greek, Australian, French, Russian, Spanish, Macedonian, British English, Serbian, Indian, Turkish and Italian.

Can you figure out where she’s from, originally, just by hearing her do multiple accents?


#accentchallenge #accent #accents #languages #language #languagelearning #accentqueen #imitation #american #british #english #australian #spanish #french #italian #turkish #greek #serbian #macedonian #russian #fyp #tiktok #viral #fypシ #indian #acting #challenge #polyglot

Sima has an incredible ability to interpret the English language with multiple accents, so she must be from an English-speaking country, right? Nope, she is actually from Macedonia, a country in southeastern Europe, where the native tongue is Macedonian. Over 1.3 million people speak Macedonian as a first language.

Currently, Sima is a student at the American University in Bulgaria and is a marketing intern.

Sima told Unilad that her ability to mimic other accents has allowed her to convince others that she is from Ireland, Los Angeles, and Australia. She says that she started to pick up her knack for accents at the age of 11 or 12.

"I grew up watching Superwoman, Miranda Sings, and Liza Koshy, and I imitated them a lot at home, which I think was crucial for my language learning skills as they involve a lot of careful listening and imitation," Sima explained.

She believes anyone can learn her language skills, but it takes time. "You will absolutely sound terrible in the beginning, but don’t get discouraged, practice, practice, practice, then practice some more, and you will inevitably master it!," she continued. "The important thing is to have fun with it and do your best to imitate exactly what you hear.”

Sima’s advice mirrors that of Emily Sabo, a linguistics researcher who says motivation is one of the most critical factors in language acquisition. People who find themselves in a new country where they don’t speak the language learn a lot faster than those who are studying it for fun.

Another one of Sima’s most impressive videos is where she pretends to be a newscaster speaking multiple languages: Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Greek, French, Spanish, Turkish and English (UK and US).

What’s great is not only does she appear to be a native speaker when doing the accents, but she has that proper serious newscaster delivery.

Here’s a video that went viral on TikTok with over 40 million views where she speaks English in 12 different accents: American English, Greek, Australian, French, Russian, Spanish, Macedonian, British English, Serbian, Indian, Turkish and Italian.

Can you figure out where she’s from, originally, just by hearing her do multiple accents?


Sima has an incredible ability to interpret the English language with multiple accents, so she must be from an English-speaking country, right? Nope, she is actually from Macedonia, a country in southeastern Europe, where the native tongue is Macedonian. Over 1.3 million people speak Macedonian as a first language.

Currently, Sima is a student at the American University in Bulgaria and is a marketing intern.

Sima told Unilad that her ability to mimic other accents has allowed her to convince others that she is from Ireland, Los Angeles, and Australia. She says that she started to pick up her knack for accents at the age of 11 or 12.

"I grew up watching Superwoman, Miranda Sings, and Liza Koshy, and I imitated them a lot at home, which I think was crucial for my language learning skills as they involve a lot of careful listening and imitation," Sima explained.

She believes anyone can learn her language skills, but it takes time. "You will absolutely sound terrible in the beginning, but don’t get discouraged, practice, practice, practice, then practice some more, and you will inevitably master it!," she continued. "The important thing is to have fun with it and do your best to imitate exactly what you hear.”

Sima’s advice mirrors that of Emily Sabo, a linguistics researcher who says motivation is one of the most critical factors in language acquisition. People who find themselves in a new country where they don’t speak the language learn a lot faster than those who are studying it for fun.

Another one of Sima’s most impressive videos is where she pretends to be a newscaster speaking multiple languages: Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Greek, French, Spanish, Turkish and English (UK and US).

What’s great is not only does she appear to be a native speaker when doing the accents, but she has that proper serious newscaster delivery.


Philip Crowther reports from Kyiv in six different languages.

In many places around the world, being able to speak more than one language isn't uncommon. But being able to speak six? That's unusual just about everywhere.

Philip Crowther is an International Affiliate Correspondent for the Associated Press. He hails from Luxembourg, a tiny country nestled between Belgium, France and Germany, so perhaps it's not surprising—though still impressive—that he speaks at least Luxembourgish, French and German fluently.

But he also speaks Spanish, Portuguese and English—and can report the news in all six of those languages. (And according to fluent speakers in the comments, he does it beautifully, with just a slight bit of an accent.)

Check out Crowther in a compilation of news reports on the Russia-Ukraine situation from Kyiv:

Isn't it amazing that these are just six of the thousands of languages humans use to communicate with one another? Linguistics is endlessly fascinating.

People were rightly impressed with Crowther's polyglot abilities. With the European Union having 24 official languages in a land area only a little bit bigger than the United States, it's much more common for people from Europe to be multilingual. People from small, landlocked countries like Luxembourg and Switzerland are especially likely to speak several languages, but even for them, to be fluent enough in six of them to report in them in a live news broadcast is impressive.

Even the language learning app Duolingo weighed in on Crowther's news reports, followed by a hilarious dig from a user. (Duolingo likes to send reminders and prompts to practice or to learn another language, which may or may not be super annoying.)

While it is impressive that Crowther can speak six languages, it also highlights a big hole that humanity has yet to fill: a universal language. We live in a time when, thanks to advances in technology and transportation, our global community is growing smaller and smaller. But while we are able to connect with people almost anywhere in the world, we are still limited in our ability to communicate due to language barriers.

Imagine if everyone in the world learned their native language and a universal auxiliary language at the same time growing up. We would be able to retain the unique cultural richness of our native languages while at the same time being able to communicate no matter where we go. Our universal language could be one chosen from the existing languages, or it could be a language invented for such a purpose, like Esperanto. It would solve so many problems and make life on Earth so much easier—it's just a matter of getting all countries on the same page with the need for it (which is pretty inarguable) and with which language to use (which is definitely arguable).

In the meantime, we can simply marvel at the humans who are able to keep multiple languages straight in their minds. Well done, Mr. Crowther.

Of the various ways to speak the English language, the Scottish dialects are some of the most fascinating to listen to. I'm apparently not alone in this thinking, as TikTok has exploded with Scottish people simply sharing Scottish things with their Scottish brogue and collecting fans hand over fist.

As an American, I don't always understand what these TikTokers are saying, which is probably why some of them specialize in translating Scottish slang terms into non-Scottish English. But even when there's no issue understanding, there's something part-funny, part-sexy about the Scottish accent that gets me every time. If I could pay James McAvoy to read me a bedtime story every night, I would.

In fact, McAvoy shared a bit about his accent in this clip with Stephen Colbert, which was the first time I'd seen a Scot explain that the word "burglary" trips them up.

James McAvoy Plays Stephen Colbert's Lightning Roundyoutu.be

Apparently, it's not just him. There's a well-known phrase, "purple burglar alarm," that is notoriously difficult for some Scots to say without tripping over their tongue. And watching some of them try is delightfully entertaining.

Some Scots can't say "purple burglar alarm"www.youtube.com

It's literally a tongue twister.

Funny Scotsman Trying To Say " Purple Burglar Alarm "www.youtube.com

It's even funny without the "purple."

Burgalar Alarmwww.youtube.com

"Aw, bullocks."

Purple burglar alarmwww.youtube.com

Purple burglar alarm !www.youtube.com

This poor guy can't even get past "purple." (Language warning, if you've got the wee ones around.)

Funny Scottish man can't say purple burglar alarmwww.youtube.com

The only thing better than a Scot being unable to say "purple burglar alarm" is a Scot who is able to say it because somehow it still sounds like they're drowning.


#stereotype #scotland #fyp

Nothing but love for you, Scots! Thanks for the giggles, and please don't ever stop talking.