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A mystery teacher has become an internet scholar after imgur user SharkyTheSharkDog shared photos of the extra credit questions on their exams.

While the first six are really fun—you should see if you can get them all correct—the last one is pure torture in the form of public humiliation.

Don't read too quickly, students.

1. How many seasons was "Full House" on the air?

2. Complete the verse... "I been in the game for ten years makin' rap tunes..."

3. What color pants does Jake from State Farm wear?

4. Okay, this one's going to be tough for you."Yesterday, during my lecture, I quickly mentioned that only a pink pen will save you tomorrow. Draw a stick figure below in that pink pen."

5. Describe the dumbest conversation you overheard recently.Guy: Do you like Bon Jovi?Girl: No thanks, I don't eat Italian Food.

6. Including "The Revenant," how many times has Leo DiCaprio been nominated for an Academy Award?

7. And this one's a true test of your reading strategy.

First person to read this, stand up proudly on your chair, and yell at the top of your lungs, "Oh Captain, My Captain!" will receive a 95% on this exam.

*Just kidding. Name the drummer for The Beatles.

This article originally appeared on 05.01.19

via Reddit

Who deserves the seat?

A thought-provoking meme is going viral on Reddit that has people debating over who to give your seat to on a train: a mother holding a baby, an elderly woman with a cane, or a man on crutches. The poor guy dealing with the dilemma appears to be traveling to or from work with a briefcase in his hand.

As everyone knows, it’s a common courtesy on a packed train or bus to give up your seat to people with babies, the elderly and those who are disabled or injured. So, in this scenario, everyone has a right to the seat; who is the most deserving?

The woman with the baby has her hands full and her little one is sleeping. It’d be nice for the man to give her a stable seat to take a load off and help the baby sleep throughout the ride. Plus, nobody wants to ride the train next to a cranky baby.

The elderly woman also deserves the seat because she is probably tired and needs to take a load off. She gets extra points because, as a society, we tend to go out of our way to help seniors. What would happen if she fell while standing on the moving train?

Finally, the guy with the crutches also deserves the seat because he has to expend a lot of effort just to stand up and his arms have to be tired from helping him get around with the bum foot.

funny memes, reddit, moral dilemma

Who deserves the seat?

via Reddit

One guy thought the man should let the 3 people looking to take his seat decide. "It's better to just get up and let them fight amongst themselves,” Kron123456789 wrote. "Leave the seat and leave the decision to the three,” Aggravating-Pound598 added.

Others thought that the 3 people staring at the seat appear angry and don’t deserve the seat. "If they're looking at me like this, they better keep standing 'cause I ain't going anywhere,” falsebaby8268 wrote. "They don't have any right to the seat, it's only out of generosity that someone can offer the seat. You are not obligated to generosity in general and towards hostile people in special,” gerMean added.

Some thought that all things being equal, the person with the best attitude should get the seat.

"The politest person gets the seat,” Logical_Dragonfly_92 wrote. "If they all look at me with such arrogant expressions of entitlement, I'd keep my seat for myself. Otherwise, I give it to the person that seems most in danger or in pain of them,” AhmedAbuGhadeer added.

There were more than a few people who thought the man on crutches was most deserving of the seat but were weirded out by his uncanny resemblance to Adolph Hitler. "Honestly, crutches Hitler probably needs it most, from a medical POV. Falling on a broken leg is no bueno. Mamma and grandma got 2 feet,” BadluckBrians wrote. "If you don’t want to fall on a broken leg, you probably shouldn’t have attacked Poland in 1939," Understepped added.

This person may have the best response.

"I'd offer to a lady with an infant as this will help two people," Barneyishere1 suggested.

The man's dilemma in the meme seems like the Kobayashi Maru on “Star Trek,” a test that Starfleet Academy cadets take to determine how they would behave in a situation without a solution or a “no-win” scenario. "The purpose [of the test] is to experience fear, fear in the face of certain death, to accept that fear and maintain control of one's self and one's crew. This is a quality expected in every Starfleet captain,” Mr. Spock once said.

According to Spock, behaving correctly and maintaining control is the key to coming out ahead in a situation where you can’t win. If we extend that logic to the problem our friend on the train faces, being that there is no right or wrong answer, the key is to handle it with as much poise as possible. And then hop off the train at the next exit.

via Raddad / Instagram

Rad Dad is a hilarious meme page on Instagram that focuses on jokes about fathers everywhere. As the stereotype goes, the typical American dad loves to grill, wear comfy New Balance sneakers, drink beer, and marvel at how wonderful his lawn looks.

Dad's love for beer is so intense that sometimes it gets in the way of handling the housework that he was supposed to tackle on Saturday. Oh well, there's always Sunday.

Here are 18 of the funniest dad memes from Rad Dad's Instagram page.

1. Dad's a little rusty.

2. This dad clearly has his priorities in order.

3. Dads can wear white after Labor Day, but they wouldn't be caught dead going out without getting their zip-up pants in fall form.

4. No lies here.

5. It's 10 am somewhere.

6. If you stand, you can hear it better.

7. One less thing to think about.

8. The ultimate in dad comfort and support.

9. It's time to go to work.

10. They're still in better shape than most pro bowlers.

11. Love and marriage was all you needed back then.

12. Quickest way to lose a fingernail.

13. I'll get up early tomorrow and get things done.

14. The older I get, the more they stay the same.

15. What's he listening to?

16. We're simple creatures.

17. Fact: More dads die of colds than heart attacks.

18. Every dad's perfect Twilight schedule.

The U.S. Surgeon General credits the new surge in COVID cases to "pandemic fatigue," but it's nothing compared to what healthcare workers on the frontlines are going through. TIME recently reported that nurses are experiencing burnout, but it often goes unseen. A nurse recently employed a social media trend to draw attention to the behind the scenes fatigue.

An ICU nurse posted her own "how it started/how it's going" photo on Twitter, and long story short, it's not going that great. The before photo of Kathryn, an ICU nurse in Nashville, was taken in the middle of April right after she completed nursing school. The after photo revealed just how much literal sweat and tears healthcare workers put in while treating people during the pandemic.

Some people refuse to wear masks for even 10 minutes in the grocery store because it's "not comfortable," but it's nothing compared to the safety measures Kathryn and other nurses have take on a daily basis. Kathryn's photo displayed a sweaty face and facial marks from her PPE. "I mean just the physical effects of wearing all that PPE (personal protective equipment) for so long," she told CTVNews. "We're dehydrated all the time because we're sweating so much and because with the masks on, you can't drink until you leave the floor or go into the break room to take your mask off and drink."

Kathryn posted the photo because she wanted to draw attention to what nurses deal with on a daily basis. "It's exhausting," Kathryn told CTVNews. "People don't see it. They don't. They don't see what we see. They don't see the reality of this every day."

Ultimately, Katherine wants people to take the pandemic seriously. "There's still no definitive treatment for this disease and so to see my patients, these people that I provide care for, suffer so intensely and then see other people acting like that's not happening, or like they couldn't cause that to happen to someone else, is infuriating," she told CTVNews.

Katherine stressed that the best way to ease the burden on tired nurses is to take care of yourself. "There isn't any cavalry coming to relieve us or take our place if we fall, and things are only going to get worse," she told Scary Mommy. "We will do everything we can for as long as we can to help as many as we can, but the public has to do their part to limit the spread of covid or the healthcare system and the people who work in healthcare will collapse under the weight of it."

The nurse received a lot of positive support on Twitter.

Katherine also encouraged other nurses to share photos of their haggard looks and mask marks. "Healthcare workers, drop your covid unit pictures and stories in this thread. People need to see the reality of what this disease does and we may not be able to film inside the hospitals, but we can show people what it's done to us. They have to see," she Tweeted.

Staying at home, wearing a mask out in public, and washing your hands frequently is a walk in the park compared to what nurses are going through. And honestly, it's the least you could do support healthcare workers.