Woman creates 'Why I'm Single' brochure to hand out at cousin's wedding and becomes an instant viral sensation.

Explaining your life to extended family can be a huge chore, particularly when you're a single adult woman navigating the traditional pressure of being asked if you'll have children or when you'll "settle down."
Even if you figure out a pithy way to describe your life and answer all of the predictable yet exhausting questions, when you're at a large family function it's likely you'll have to repeat the refrain a dozen times for different relatives. In these times, it would truly be ideal to just have an informational pamphlet handy that lays it all out for everyone.
To this very end, the Twitter user Melissa Croce decided to reclaim her time and make catching up with relatives as easy as possible.
After joking with her coworkers about making a personal brochure to hand out at her cousin's wedding, Croce committed to the bit and created a hilarious pamphlet explaining what her job does, why she's single, and all the FAQ about living in NYC.
The brochure cover shows her face alongside the words: "Who's that girl. So you haven't seen Melissa Croce in a few years here's a primer. She's beauty and she's grace, she'll say it to your face."
She then dives into the nitty gritty of what her job involves, where she lives in NYC, and what it all means to her.
Without a doubt, though, the best part of the brochure is the Choose Your Own Adventure laying out the reasons she's single, and shutting down all the predictable concern trolling.
People on Twitter immediately fell in love with the concept of a Choose Your Own Adventure about single life, and a personal brochure in general.
In fact, Croce received several commission requests from people desperately wanting brochures for their upcoming trips home.
Truly, Croce has given both joy and inspiration to countless people online with this viral joke.
This article originally appeared on SomeeCards. You can read it here.
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