Dad's attempt to make a 'helicopter pancake' has become the internet's most wholesome roast
“Stick to Mickey Mouse, bud.”

What do you think this helicopter pancake ACTUALLY looks like?
The things we do for our children. A dad on Reddit was asked by his child to make a helicopter pancake for breakfast and he took a picture of the result. His culinary art piece was… well, it was something. It was so bad that he asked fellow dads to roast his work to get a good laugh. The comments were hilariously brutal:
“How can we roast your helicopter pancake when there isn’t anything helicopter shaped in the photo?”
“Interesting choice to make a helicopter after it's already crashed.”
“Dad, that’s a NSFW pancake you’re serving.”
“Looked like a rabbit breakdancing to me.”
“I see Papa Smurf, but yeah, I could also understand bunny.”
“I mean, I see a bunny with a schlong but yeah, helicopter. 😂”
“I thought it was a guy in a sombrero.”
“Klingon bird of prey.”
“Stick to Mickey Mouse, bud.”
"Why couldn't they have asked for a circle, planet, or wheels?"Photo credit: Canva
While it was a bunch of playful ribbing and the poster knew his attempt at a helicopter pancake was subpar at best, another dad started a different thread praising him and his work.
Pictured: Dads supporting dadsPhoto credit: Reddit
While putting a comparison photo of a cartoon helicopter next the picture of the wonky pancake, the supportive dad tacked on to the post “Arnold would be proud,” referencing the often imitated and quoted line “GET TO THE CHOPPAH!” from the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, Predator.
Other dads added to the support:
“Nailed it.”
“Kids care that you try, and that you pay attention to them.”
“That’s what matters most. :)”
According to a 2024 study at Penn State University, parents that are able to laugh at themselves and have a good sense of humor alongside their kids tend to have better relationships with them and better bonds. This is because younger kids see that mom and dad make mistakes and can laugh at them, not making it a big deal. This allows kids to cut themselves a little bit of slack when they misfire during an honest attempt at a task. Being of good humor also lets kids feel able to approach their parents when they make a mistake, trusting that their confession won’t be met with outright anger.
It's actually good to look silly and laugh at yourself in front of your kids.Photo credit: Canva
“Parents need to be able to laugh at themselves to let go and not take life too seriously,” said family therapist Katie Ziskind to ParentMap. “If a parent gets overwhelmed and anxious, their child will also take on this anxiety and [become] overwhelmed. If you can laugh at yourself as a parent, you and your child will be much better off!”
Ziskind went on to say that laughing at your shortcomings, like making a helicopter pancake that actually looks like a melted dough claw hammer, can teach good behavior along with bringing light and laughter to breakfast time.
“Laughter can be a tool to get through tension and stress, so by modeling this behavior, you’re doing your child a world of good. By laughing, you’re teaching your child to stay positive.”
As both sets of dads have shown, it’s good to be able to laugh at your foibles but also just do your best for your kids. It sets a good example for them while also providing a bit of extra fun into day-to-day life. And on the internet, for that matter.