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via Rob Dance (used with permission).

CEO Rob Dance holds a list of things he's "sick" of hearing from his employees.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted workplaces worldwide, there has been a greater push for improved work-life balance and many companies are taking notice. The exciting thing is that when companies become more flexible, their employees become happier and more productive.

It’s a win-win for all involved.

Rob Dance, the CEO of ROCK, a technology consulting company in the UK, recently went viral for posting about his approach to work-life balance on Instagram. What, at first, appeared to be a CEO reprimanding his employees revealed a boss who knows how to get the best out of is team by treating them like adults.

The post was of Dance holding a whiteboard that reads:

Things I’m sick of hearing from my employees:

- Can I leave early today

- I’ll be late in the morning

- My child is sick, can I rush off

- I’ve got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, is that okay

- I’m going to be late back from lunch, I’ve got some things to sort.

I don’t care.

I hired you for a job and I fully TRUST you to get it done.

I don’t need you to account for every single hour.

Times have changed, and the workplace is different these days.

People are sick of being treated like children.

All that should matter is that everyone is happy, and that the work gets done.

He also shared his advice for companies on how to treat their employees. “Treat your staff like adults. That’s it, that’s the big secret,” he wrote. “Give them autonomy. Respect that they have lives outside of work. Don’t gaslight them into being grateful for not being fired every day.” Because in the end, the only thing that matters is if they get the job done. “Output should always trump hours,” he concluded.

Upworthy contacted Dance, who explained why managers still hesitate to treat their employees like adults.

“Many bosses don't trust their employees and keep extremely close tabs on them because of past experiences and a desire for control. They might believe that micromanaging ensures productivity and prevents issues,” he told Upworthy. “Additionally, the pressure to meet business targets can drive bosses to monitor employees obsessively, thinking it will lead to better outcomes. This approach, however, only undermines trust and destroys morale in the workplace. It creates a toxic environment where employees feel undervalued and stressed, leading to higher turnover rates and decreased overall performance. Instead of fostering a culture of accountability and growth, this behavior only promotes fear and resentment.”

Dance says that technology has helped drive demand for improved work-life balance.

“Mobile technology definitely started to blur the lines between one’s professional and personal life, making it tough to switch off from work,” he told Upworthy. “As a millennial leader, I've always valued work-life harmony for my staff, helping them to achieve both flexibility and finding purpose in their work.”

The ROCK CEO also has advice for employees who’d like to gain their employer’s trust.

“Always deliver quality work and aim to meet or exceed expectations. Keep communication lines open by regularly updating your manager on your progress, challenges, and successes,” he told Upworthy. “Take the initiative to go beyond basic requirements, showing your willingness to contribute more. Act with integrity by always being honest and ethical. Seek honest feedback and make tangible improvements based on it, demonstrating your commitment to growth. Finally, a big one is building positive relationships with everyone you work with, as strong connections are what help to build real trust.”

Photos by Photo by Gavin on Unsplash and William Adams on Pexels

Being a UPS driver comes with excellent pay and benefits and a whole lot of hard work.

For the past few generations, the standard wisdom was that if you wanted a career that paid well you should to go to college and get a degree. However, there are and have always been well-paying careers in non-academic fields, from the trades to starting a business to driving a delivery truck for UPS.

When a UPS driver shared his weekly paycheck on social media in 2023, people were surprised to learn how lucrative a gig it can be—$44/hour kind of lucrative, in his case. Drivers were already known for being paid well, but a union win in the summer of 2023 bumped up pay even more. Working 40 hours a week at $44/hr would earn you over $90K a year, and according to folks who work for the company, it's not unusual for UPS drivers to top out in comfortable, six-figure salaries.

But even with that pay, is being a UPS driver worth it? Here's what experienced drivers have to say.

A UPS employee who'd been working as a package handler for a couple of years was considering applying for a driver position and posted a list of questions for UPS drivers on Reddit. The following answers are pulled from that Reddit post and others:

How much can a UPS driver expect to make?

"Depends on where you are but generally $40 [per hour] after 4 years." – Shasfowd

"We have a guy that never graduated high school. He made $120k last year." – MrOddYazz

"Believe it, I took over thirty unpaid days off last year and still breezed past a 100." – _aIIan_

"127k last year. On track for 130k this year. 👀" – chavo2021

What are UPS driver hours like?

"You’ll make a good amount of money, but you won’t have a ton of time to yourself and with your family." – WassabiReindeer

"About 50-60 hours a week." – Shasfowd

"This job has one of the worst work/life balances and I worked In a hospital before this and have had many jobs. This one will have you making stacks of money with great benefits but who knows how far that goes. If I didn't have a huge medical problem I would've left years ago but like many others I am trapped. If this was a regular 40 hr a week job I'd tell everyone I have one of the best jobs In the world. However, that is not the case." – AnimatedAnixa

"Expect to work a butt load of overtime." – Joe12van

"Between 50-60 hours a week. Basically for the first couple years, don't make plans in the evening time." – KCD_OG-78

How difficult is it to become a UPS driver?

"Pretty difficult. Classes will be around 10-20 drivers, and by the time training is finished there will be about 5 of you. By the time you're done with probation there will be 3 of you and within a few years at most you'll be the only person from your training." – Shasfowd

"The first two years will be the toughest. I'd say if you can make it through that, it gets easier.....well mentally, not necessarily physically." – KCD_OG-78

"Qualifying to be a driver is one of the most stressful things I have ever done based on my life at the time I went to qualify." – Financial_Skirt4251

"It’s all by seniority, so you have to do your time loading trucks and wait. Loading isn’t easy and is only a part time job. Usually loading 3-4 trucks yourself on a morning shift or loading a whole tractor trailer front to back floor to ceiling by yourself at night. There are other part time shifts. You can wait years to get enough seniority to bid a chance at driving, but it depends on the location you work.

If you made it this far, you’ll get taken out on a road test by a supervisor. If you can drive ok, they’ll send you to get a D.O.T. health physical by one of their approved doctors.

After that, you get sent to ups boot camp and have to pass tests on all the basics and knowledge to drive. Don’t be late, have your uniform ironed and clean, and memorize the 5’s and 10’s.

Then the hard part begins. It’s a 30 working day torture test to see if you can hit the company’s extremely unreasonable production numbers while driving, learning a route, working safely, figuring out how to manage customer relations in a way where you can keep moving, all while under extreme time management.

If you make it, you’ll then be bounced around on dozens of routes covering them and learning all of these things over on each one until you have been a driver long enough to bid a permanent route assignment.

You better believe every driver you see out there has earned their place as a driver." – Hitsthebrakesnows_

What else should people know about being a UPS driver?

"I worked as a computer programmer freelance 2 years before UPS. And I would pick UPS again and again. Even though we get treated like sh*t and most days are a nightmare. Trust me. Without the $100k+, and benefits. I would not be here." – AdProfessional9809

"I like it, but it's not for everyone. I know a lot of preloaders that have given it a shot only to decide they don't like it." – Shasfowd

"If you top out and kill the over time you can probably make 80-120k a year. But this is a hourly position and you work for your money. Whenever a driver brags to me how much they made last year. I cringe and sauté because I know how many hard hours they work. Not a easy job not a easy start. But once you get seniority and master the craft. Seems to be rewarding." – sprucetre3

"Have an exit plan if you decide to become a driver. Being good at manual labor and driving a truck can only carry you so far. Especially because the company will demand most of your time.. your life around work can easily deteriorate. Be prepared to be tired a lot…if my son were 19 and he wanted to be a UPS driver..knowing what I know and having dealt with what I’ve dealt with I would try and steer him into a different career BUT to each their own." – BEAR_STORM

" I wouldn't recommend this as the first career choice for my child. I always said it's a horrible plan A but great plan B." – gunstarheroesblue

"Been driving for a year and a half now. Benefits are phenomenal. I've always done labor, decided it won't be for me. I start college in January. Thinking of going part timer here and UPS helps to pay for college." – DCostalot

The general consensus seems to be that the early years are tough but it gets better if you stick it out, the job is demanding with long hours and you will work long hours at Christmastime, but the pay and benefits are phenomenal. Some people love it, some don't. Like all jobs, being a UPS driver has its positives and negatives, and whether it's worth it is an individual judgment call.


Weird jobs most people don't even know exist that can actually make good money

There's a person who's whole job is just to take care of plants on movie and TV sets.

There are people who make a living smelling and tasting things.

When people ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, some common career themes usually emerge—doctor, firefighter, teacher, artist, computer programmer, architect, pilot, journalist and the like. These jobs are familiar to everyone, and even if we don't fully know the ins and out of what each job entails, we have a solid picture of what they do and why their job is important.

There are also less obvious jobs that we might not think of as dream careers but still know exist and are important, like mortician, plumber, garbage collector, truck driver or postal delivery person.

But there's also a whole world of jobs that most people have never heard of or even imagined—and some of them even pay surprisingly well. Here's a handful of weird jobs that people do without most of the world knowing.

Escort (but not that kind of escort)

The movies make much of "escorts" in our nation's capital, but this is a different kind of escort that involves having security clearance and being physically present. That's it.

"When you work as a government employee or contractor with a top secret clearance, after you retire or get laid off, you can work as an escort within classified facilities called SCIFs. Escorts are needed when an uncleared person needs to work in the SCIF. For example, it might be a top secret data center that needs an air conditioner repair. All the escort has to do is watch the repairman and stay with them throughout the visit. They usually just drag a chair over and sit there while getting paid damn good money." – BaconReceptacle

"One of the most quietly-frustrating months of my life was doing hard labor on a government building site as a construction worker, going like ~80 hours a week, and realizing the annoying escort I had who was sitting around all day watching us was making a significant amount more than me." – Few-Metal8010

Tasters and smellers

Some people get paid just to taste or smell things. Even pet food. (How does one get this job? Genuinely curious.)

"I used to be friends with one of Heineken's official tasters. She literally drank every day for work. Don't know how the pay was but she didn't seem broke." – curiousvegetables

"My sister in law is 'the nose' for yankee candle. When a vat of scented wax is ready, she sniffs it." – Loreo1964

"My mom used to work for a sensory company that was outsourced by huge brands to do taste, smell, texture testing. Once many years ago I got in on a hot pocket panel because their target market was teens. I made $20 and got a free hot pocket. She made good money though!" – brownbostonterrier

woman hanging a piece of art

Hanging art is an art in itself.

Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

Professional picture hanger

Yep, the thing all of us do in our own homes for free (with varying levels of success) is an actual paid job for people in the art world. And some of them can make a pretty decent living at it.

"An old neighbor of mine was a picture hanging specialist contracted by many museums. He made 75K a year at the time (about 150K adjusted for inflation)." – Schwarzes__Loch

"A buddy of mine does this and makes great money. Most of the clients are rich people with private collections. They also pack and transport the artwork." – frankyseven


On the other end of the food business are the magical chemists who create the yummy flavors we enjoy in candies and other treats.

"My dad was a master flavorist. He made artificial flavors for candy, beverages and lots of other things. He made a LOT of money during his career." – Whoru87

"I'm an analytical chemist for a flavor company who (among other things) reverse engineers competitive flavors to give the flavor chemists insight lol.

Indeed they make bank.

Finding out how you can make a naturally derived ie citrus flavor taste the same every time when you have to source your extracts and oils from different places in the world, at different times of the year, while the stock might be a different age due to supply issues can be a lot more complex than one might think." – die_lahn

"It is my absolute dream job to be a certified flavor chemist/flavorist. Used to work under a couple at a very niche company (could only make fruit/menthol flavors), and recently moved into food industry thinking I’d be able to gain more experience in savory applications. Unfortunately that has not been the case for me so far. Wish they had more flavor houses hiring in Norcal! Learning directly under an expert is the only way to do it." – Successful-Ad5488

set of hobbiton from lord of the rings

Someone has to keep the plants on set thriving.

Photo by Neha Godbole on Unsplash

Greensperson on film sets

There are actually a lot of jobs on film sets that people aren't aware of, but taking care of plants on sets full time is certainly not on most people's radar.

"I’m a greensperson in the film industry. I’m responsible for building and maintaining the plants and trees on a set." – Prospector_Steve

"In general many people sleep on behind the scenes jobs in Hollywood. It’s a good way to make money and you get to meet celebrities." – Immediate_Revenue_90

"A lot of filming locations are chosen based on the tax breaks the studio can get for filming there, and not on the 'correct' climate or biome. And sometimes, an outdoor scene will be shot on an indoor stage if an appropriate location can't be found which is safe, accessible, meets the needs of the camera positioning, etc.

A film/TV production is a massive, expensive machine, and often small details have to be sacrificed in order to keep it oiled and running smoothly. This isn't just true of the greens department, but all of them, really (costumes, props, etc.)" – ethacct

Organ runner

More commonly known as a "medical courier," this job entails transporting human organs (or tissue or blood) from place to place. Time is of the essence with an organ being transplanted, so this job requires being on call and knowing how to safely transport the goods. But according to at least one person on Reddit, it's a pretty sweet gig:

"I worked as an 'Organ deliverer.' Forgot the official title for around a year.

Job was simple I was stationed in the biggest hospital in my state. If an organ donation was received that needed to go to another hospital for a transplant it was my job to move it.

I was paid $40 an hour to most nights sit on my ass in the break room and watch TV or play on my phone. I'd probably only have to deliver something once a week at most. It was an okay job except that it was boring as shit, since the hospital I was 'Stationed' at did 95% of all the organ transplants in my state. And the other major hospital that did them was around 3 hours away and you wouldn't ever have to go up to north to it.

Lots of pay to sit around but well I wasn't exactly feeling fulfilled career wise." – Larcya

bats flying

Bat tracking (and other urban wildlife tracking) is an important ecological job.

Photo by Clément Falize on Unsplash

Batman (or urban bat tracker, to be precise)

This might be the most poetic job description ever written:

"You ever heard of an urban bat tracker? That's me. I'm the guy who steps into the night when the city sleeps, tracking the unseen ballet of bats against the backdrop of empty offices and starlit skies. My job is a blend of science and solitude. Armed with detectors that translate bat echolocation into something audible, I map their flight, study their behavior, and contribute to research that's vital for urban ecosystem conservation. It's not just a job it's a commitment to understanding these misunderstood creatures of the night. The experience is surreal. As the world winds down, my work begins. I walk through parks and alleyways, under bridges and alongside rivers. The citys nocturnal pulse becomes my soundtrack - a car horn here, a distant laughter there, all underlined by the constant, rhythmic clicking of my bat detector. Each night is a lesson in patience and awe. Bats, these tiny, agile creatures, dart and dive in the darkness, almost like shadows flitting at the edge of my vision. There's a poetry in their flight, a kind of silent music that fills the night air. The pay is decetn, surprisingly. It's a niche field, and expertise in urban wildlife ecology can be hard to come by. But it's not the money that keeps me here. It's the moments of connection, the feeling of being a part of something bigger and wilder, right in the heart of the city. Sometimes the most extraordinary things are hidden in plain sight, waiting to be discovered in the quiet symphony of the night." – Local_dog91

There are so many more interesting jobs, from testing medical equipment to felting mini-golf courses to taking care of rich people's cars, homes and horses. If you're looking for work, keep your eyes and ears out for unusual opportunities. You just never know what kinds of careers you might stumble into.

Pop Culture

12 professionals share misconceptions about their job they wish people would stop believing

“I run an animal rescue and I get a lot of people who think they're just gonna cuddle animals. A shocking number of people are very upset there's poop and manual labor involved.”

People share misconceptions about their job that they're tired of hearing.

Remember when we were kids and we’d get asked the question: What do you want to be when you grow up?

So often the responses would be fairly glamorous jobsdoctors, marine biologists, firefighters, performers, etc.—all based on simplistic ideas of what the job might be like versus what the job actually entails.

Recently, user stiengineer asked the Reddit community, “What's a misconception about your profession that you're tired of hearing?” And the responses—from graphic designers to vegetable farmers and everywhere in between—just go to show that unless you’ve actually worked in an occupation, you’re probably making a few assumptions about it. (Spoiler: no job is without its fair amount of work.)

Check out what some professionals wrote about their often misunderstood jobs that prove the grass isn’t always greener in the workplace.

1. “I’m a librarian, and people think we just read books all day. In reality, we manage databases, assist with research, and conduct community programs.”

librarian job requirements

Librarians would also like to get paid to sit and read all day.

Photo credit: Canva

Another librarian added:

“The cardigans are 100% fact, though. The back room and the stacks are two wildly different temperatures all the time.”

2. “I drove a taxi. We don’t meet a lot of famous people. Not all passengers are unhinged lunatics.”

3. "As an electrician, the misconception that it’s not a skilled profession is frustrating. It requires rigorous training and adherence to safety standards.”

4. "Vegetable farmer. We get so many applicants wanting to ‘connect to the soil,’ yet have never touched a shovel before. So many people don't seem to understand that farming is manual labor with long hours and hardship every day. And It's all just to limp by. We aren't making much money.”

vegetable farm near me

"People don't seem to understand that farming is manual labor."

Photo credit: Canva

5. “I run an animal rescue and I get a lot of people who think they're just gonna cuddle animals. A shocking number of people are very upset there's poop and manual labor involved.”

6. “Fire Sprinkler Designer here: Fire Sprinkler water IS NOT clean and clear like the movies depict...That water more than likely has been in those pipes for decades and is filled with corrosion and cutting oil. As soon as a sprinkler goes off, you are getting doused with black tar water…”


One person commented:

“Oh so that's why I've seen so many people complain that their furniture got ruined by fire sprinklers going off! It's quite obvious now that you pointed it out, but I always thought it was weird so many things could get so badly damaged ‘just by getting wet.’”

Yep, we all learned something today.

7. "As a software developer, I'm tired of hearing that we're all just nerdy guys who code in dark rooms all day. It's actually highly collaborative.”

software developer jobs

But you can hack into anything, right?

Photo credit: Canva

8. "I’m a graphic designer, and no, I can’t just whip up a complex project in an hour. Good design takes time and thought.”

graphic design jobs

“Most of the time I'm trying to protect the client from making really bad decisions."

Photo credit: Canva

This prompted a few graphic designers to chime in.

One wrote:

“Most of the time I'm trying to protect the client from making really bad decisions because they feel they could ‘do it themselves if they could just draw a little better.’”

While another added:

"I had a client one time who didn’t like a color we chose. I asked her what color she would prefer and her answer was ‘I saw this real pretty purple one time. I want something like that.’ When asked what shade of purple it was or what the item was so we could get an idea, she scoffed and said ‘you’re the artist, you should know.’”

9. “Lawyer here. Just because you fail to understand a nuance doesn’t mean it’s a 'loophole.’"


Another lawyer shared:

“The one that gets me is the idea that we're unethical tricksters just trying to run up our fees. First, there are some slimy lawyers out there, but I think as a whole we're probably more ethical than the general population. Our entire career depends on having a license that can be taken away for minor ethical lapses.”

10. “I'm a long time caregiver to mother who lives with dementia. For some reason, people don't consider it ‘work.’ That includes doctors. I'm on call 24/7. I can't leave for long periods of time. My own health went to shit. Geriatric care costs are astronomical. Yet, all people hear is ‘you're not working.’"

11. “People think being a chef is glamorous thanks to cooking shows, but the reality is long hours in a high-stress environment.”


One chef lamented:

'”'You must eat so well!' I eat cold pizza while crying, actually.”

And last but not least…

12.I’m a locksmith, and people often think it’s just about cutting keys. It involves complex problem solving and security expertise.”