Someone kept a log of the weird, hilarious stuff their husband has said while sleep-talking
"Orange soggy tentacles"

Someone shared the weird, hilarious things her husband has said in his sleep.
My wife occasionally talks in her sleep, but it’s mostly unintelligible grunts. If she actually spoke in coherent sentences of absurd one-liners, I probably wouldn’t get much rest. In a recent viral post, someone documented the weirdness their husband has said mid-snooze. Are these profound dream images, just waiting to be decoded? Are they merely nonsense? You be the judge.
The quotes, shared on Reddit, are presented in a screenshot from the notes app on the user’s phone. We’ll refrain from sharing some of the more explicit responses, but here are a few of our SFW favorites:
Trying To Sleep Season 13 GIF by The SimpsonsGiphy
- "Nugly ass face show on the road"
Not sure what to make of this, but it sounds angry.
- "Everyone gets a pirate eye"
This makes me laugh because "pirate eye" seems like it could be a reference to a pirate’s eye patch or a slurred version of "private eye"
- "I need a tunk tunk"
- "Go to the hen room, go to the hen room!!!!"
The sense of urgency is critical here.
- "Orange soggy tentacles"
Now I finally have a name for my awful psychedelic rock band.
- "Your home nightlight"
- "Weird al yancovichts [sic] I want him in my talent show I want him to eat all my food"
So much to unpack. Who’s hosting the talent show? Does this have something to do with "Eat It," Weird Al’s parody of the Michael Jackson hit "Beat It"?
happy wake up GIF by SkyGiphy
- "Cardi b I told you to be careful and make me coffee"
After someone asked for more info about this one, the OP clarified in the comments, "The best part is I’ve never even heard him speak the name 'Cardi B' awake, and she’s definitely not in our music rotation hahaha."
- "Oh wow wow wow"
- "I wanna have some rice"
- "Lock jaw 3"
This sounds like the sequel to a bad horror movie.
As you might imagine, the comments on this thread were pretty entertaining, and a few other people shared their own mid-sleep mutterings. One person shared that they sometimes record their sleep-talking, and some of their favorites include "I am a Scientologist... the finest" and “Give them back before I punch you in the back of the head.”
Someone else said they’ve been documenting their husband’s sleep-talk oddities, which include, "Thanks, no, uhhhh lifting weight. Competitive lifting weight," "You got bare feet," "Whoa, are you food aggressive?" and the highly unsettling "Sorry, babe, time’s up."
hey arnold sleep GIFGiphy
If you hear your partner rambling at night, it could be alarming at first. But according to WebMD, sleep talking (or somniloquy) is a "very common occurrence" and not usually considered a medical issue. The speaking typically lasts for no longer than 30 seconds, though some people will have many episodes per night.
"The late-night diatribes may be exceptionally eloquent, or the words may be mumbled and hard to decipher," the article notes. "Sleep talking may involve simple sounds or long, involved speeches. Sleep talkers usually seem to be talking to themselves. But sometimes, they appear to carry on conversations with others." Half of all children between ages 3 and 10 talk in their sleep, but that number shrinks to around 5 percent for adults.