

Mom's reaction to toddler's self haircut

An unsupervised toddler with a pair of scissors is nightmare fuel for parents. Will you find shredded books, a hole in your new couch, or a pile of lopped off hair when you emerge from your quick trip to the potty?

Toddlers may still be very young, but they are fast and have a knack for getting ahold of unapproved things quickly, usually to innocently inflict maximum destruction. TikTok user, @designerluxury4you, experienced just that in a shared video of their toddler proudly showing off the haircut she had given herself.

Experiencing your child giving themselves or their siblings a haircut seems to be a rite of passage for parents. But the way this mom handled the discovery is showing how gentle parenting is changing the game. It's pretty safe to say that most parents would react in a more expressive way and immediately remove the scissors from the child's hands. This mom responded in the kindest and most respectful way you can imagine and maybe the Internet is a little better for having seen it.

When the mom walks in to see her daughter holding a pair of child's scissors, she calmly asks, "What'd you do?" to which the now mullet-sporting toddler explains her actions. The little girl, Max, says, "I cutted all of it off and I put it on here." While the toddler is finishing her story we get a quick glimpse of the pile of blonde hair sitting on the nightstand. This is the point that seems to divide the commenters because the reaction isn't anger or even a stern tone. Instead, this shocked mom says, "Oh, wow. You did a really good job, Max."

The mom asked if her daughter felt better since her hair was no longer in her face, to which Max answered, "Yep." Max was given several options, including going to the hairdresser to fix it. The video cuts off before we find out the toddler's choice, but the mom's reaction was the topic of discussion in the comments.

One person wrote, "Seriously, this is impressive parenting. What a gift you are to her."

Another said, "Wow, you handled that so well lol she's so adorable."

Others were confused and more critical of the mom's calm reaction and lack of consequences. Someone wrote, "I just can't with gentle parenting. She lost me when she said no but allowed it anyway."

A different user expressed confusion, writing, "Not knocking gentle parenting but at the end of the day how does she learn this was wrong and not to do it again?"

There were multiple comments reminding people that even though the girl is a toddler, it's still her hair and she should get to decide what to do with it.

Watch the video below. Do you think this mom handled this situation well?


Talent #gamimy #kidsoftiktok #girlpower #beautician ##parentsoftiktok

This story originally appeared two years ago.

Toddler's bedtime prayer includes adorable demands for pizza

Toddlers can be hilarious. They're learning the world around them while simultaneously acting as if they've got it all figured out. There's nothing like arguing with a tiny version of yourself whose pants are on backwards and inside out. But even with all their sass, they're mostly filled with adorable moments.

Caroline Victoria uploaded a video to her social media page of her toddler daughter saying her bedtime prayers. The little girl is wearing a pink satin bonnet laying on the bed with a sweet grin on her face as her mom starts prayer. Since the girl is just a toddler she is only contributing one word responses for the things she's thankful for.

That tiny toddler voice only makes the answers even cuter. Caroline starts off by saying, "dear Lord, thank you for," then she pauses waiting for the little girl's response. She's off to a pretty solid start by being thankful for her brother, Brandon and her mommy but things quickly take an interesting turn.

Caroline starts her off again, "thank you for?" The response was no longer a person in the house. This baby was thankful for pizza and she didn't think her mom was taking her gratitude for the cheesy delicious meal seriously. You hear her mom laughing behind the camera before asking her again what she was thankful for.

If you thought the answer was going to change, you don't know how much she appreciates pizza. The little girl rattled off pizza at least five more times in a row to make sure her point was taken proving to be a bit too much for Caroline who can be heard squeaking with laugher in the background.

Watch her request below:

Commenters can't seem to get over how adorably hilarious the little girl is.

"She is a little comedian and a beauty," one person writes.

"Too precious!! She grateful for her Pizza.. Amen," another says.

"She didn't add you in the prayer ma'am.She said her brother, me , and pizza.She didn't say "mummy." Go get your prayers somewhere else," someone jokes.

"I'm with her Pizza is definitely something to be thankful for all the time," another person declares.

Let's all hope mom answers this little girl's prayers and order some pizza. It's clear that pizza is a top priority for her and until she has it her little brain will not be able to move on to pray for other things.

Kampus Production|Canva

Mom creates 'Montessori-inspired' home to increase toddler independence

Having children can present challenges that you may not always think about until it presents itself. Parents spend time preparing for a baby by baby proofing the house to make sure there's nothing dangerous that a newly exploring baby could get into. But when they become toddlers the focus shifts slightly to making the home more accessible to their little curious minds.

One mom decided that she would create a "Montessori-inspired" living space for her home to cater to her daughter's development. Roxan posted a video on social media showing how her home is set up with smaller versions of things in order to make sure her toddler can reach them. Cereal dispensers are on a small shelf that comes to the toddler's hip. There's tiny sink and soap dispenser so she can wash her hands and brush her teeth. Even the coat rack is down on the little girl's level.

The caption on the video reads in part, "Setting up a Montessori-inspired spaces at home helps your child learn and do things independently. Creating a special spot in a closet or drawer with reachable items allows them to practice everyday tasks by themselves. These prepared spaces not only promote independence but also boost confidence, making your child feel valued and included. Everything at Kalia’s height and everything in its own place ensures easy access to all her needs.Encouraging age-appropriate tasks fosters important life skills. Children thrive when they can do things on their own."

Parents in the comments were impressed with Roxan's system but expressed how expensive it looks to be. The mom pointed out that these are things you can do without going out and buying expensive play kitchens to convert.

"No need for extra furniture. Get creative with what you have, like using stools to reach the bathroom sink or placing utensils and snacks in lower cabinets. Simple adjustments can go a long way in making your home more accessible for your child," Roxan explains to another mom.

But for those who think this is extremely expensive to do, while the mom doesn't point it out, she has most of the items linked in her bio and people may be surprised at how affordable most of the things are. If you're curious at how a Montessori-inspired house could work, check out the video below.

Toddler's sweet reaction to finding out her mom was adopted.

Adoption can be a tricky topic, especially if you're the one having to break the news to someone else. It's a process that can bring families together but sometimes there's not a sweet story to tell about the adoptee's birth parents. The most people can do is work with the situation they were given and strive to make the best out of it. When one mom, Emily on TikTok, explained to her daughter that "Mimi" was her adoptive mom, the toddler's reaction was so pure it will melt your heart.

In the short video you can see the mom pause when her daughter inquires, "Why is Mimi your mom?" It was as if Emily was quickly deciding if she would give a generic answer or tell her daughter the truth. She landed on telling the truth. She looks down at her daughter and says, "I was adopted actually." You can hear the girl process what her mother was saying and with a tiny voice she asks why, before Emily tells her, matter of factly, "Because my mom didn't want me." The response from her daughter is so sweet that Emily captioned the video with "My heart will never be the same. She's healed so much of my inner child for me🥹"

In 2019, more than 64,000 children were adopted in America. Emily sharing that she was adopted with her daughter and then with millions of TikTok users is a way to start a conversation about what adoption means and how different it can look for different people. The interaction is so sweet, it's unclear how anyone would be able to keep a dry eye. Watch it below.


My heart will never be the same. She’s healed so much of my inner child for me🥹