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History is full of great stories about bitter battles between loyal opposition. In basketball, there was Magic Johnson and Larry Bird. In the '80s, harsh political battles were fought between Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill. But all of these rivals respected their opposition as competitors in their respective fields. Now, a year-long battle between a cleaning crew and a street artist can be added to history's legendary battles between loyal opposition.

Mobstr is a London-based street artist famous for the sarcastic typographic-based graffiti he's written across London's walls and billboards. His cat-and-mouse relationship with an unidentified city worker began on July 17, 2014, and would continue for an entire year.

"I cycled past this wall on the way to work for years," Mobstr wrote on his website. " I noticed that graffiti painted within the red area was 'buffed' with red paint. However, graffiti outside of the red area would be removed via pressure washing. This prompted the start of an experiment. Unlike other works, I was very uncertain as to what results it would yield.”

Watch the video below and see what happens:

This article originally appeared on 09.23.17.


New poll reveals the top 20 things 'that make us feel good' in 2023

A welcome reminder of the good things in life.

A woman jumping for joy

Living in an era with a 24-hour news cycle and endless updates on social media gives many the perception that the world is becoming more chaotic by the day. But when you talk to people as individuals, they think their lives are pretty darn okay. A recent poll by Gallup found that 85% of Americans are “satisfied” with their personal lives, and 14% are dissatisfied. When taken in context, that’s 8% higher satisfaction than when the poll started in 1979.

One of the keys to living a satisfied life is knowing what makes you happy.

A new poll of 2,000 Londoners released by Babybel Cheese has found the top 20 things that make them happy and that might just work for you, too. The list is refreshing because it’s about enjoying the simple things in life instead of chasing status or Instagram followers.

According to the poll, here are the top 20 things that bring people happiness.

1. A good night’s sleep

2. A sunny blue sky

3. Summer

4. Receiving a compliment or praise

5. Booking a holiday

6. Crying with laughter

7. Getting a quiet moment to yourself

8. Eating your favorite snack

9. Pets being happy to see you

10. Looking back at old photographs

11. Finishing a great book

12. Helping an elderly person with something

13. Finishing a workout

14. Hearing children really belly-laughing

15. Finding a parking space when it’s busy

16. A newly-cleaned car

17. When your football or other sports team wins

18. A heart-to-heart with a loved one

19. Volunteering or helping others

20. Finding out your children have done well at school

The No. 1 thing that makes people happy is a good night’s sleep. It makes a lot of sense because when we sleep, our bodies and minds do many essential things that can make the next day so much better.

However, when we don't get enough sleep, our brain's ability to adapt to new experiences, known as brain plasticity, diminishes. So, we have more difficulty processing memories and learning new things. Sleep deprivation can significantly affect our mood, making us more susceptible to feelings of anger and heightened emotional responses. In fact, Cedars Sinai says that a lack of sleep can lead to a host of mental problems, including higher levels of stress, frustration, depression and anxiety.

A good night's sleep isn't just about feeling alert—it's about maintaining our mental well-being, too.

The poll also shows that basic human social actions can provide a lot of happiness, whether that’s sharing a joke with a friend, working on a creative project or spending time with our children. It also shows the importance that giving back can have on our mental well-being.

The good news is that when we’re feeling down, so many simple things can easily make us happy, most of which can be found in our own backyards. The real lesson from the poll shows that we could all be a lot happier if we adopted an attitude of gratitude and stopped making things so complicated.

Photo by Joseph Balzano on Unsplash

Just because people aren't talking about a problem doesn't mean it's not there. Nor does it mean a problem is new when it suddenly becomes part of a national conversation. Sexual assaults on the London Underground have increased by 42% since 2015. In 2015/2016, 844 sexual assaults were reported, and that number leapt to 1,206 in 2018/19. Assaults were more likely to occur during rush hour, and on the night tube. At first glance, it sounds like London has a horrible epidemic on its hands, but the huge increase might be due to the fact that more people are reporting sexual assault.

Local police and Transport for London (TfL) — the government body responsible for the transport system in the city — launched a campaign called "Report It To Stop It," encouraging victims to report sexual assault. "With the campaign in place since April 2015, we fully expected to record a rise in sexual offences and, though it is clearly a concern that so many people are affected by this type of crime, it is pleasing that previously reluctant victims of sexual offences now have the confidence to report this to us," Detective Inspector David Udomhiaye told The Telegraph.

RELATED: 'I felt ill': Brendan Fraser describes sexual assault that nearly made him quit acting

TfL is also making more of an attempt to stop assault. According to Siwan Hayward, TfL director of policing, there are 3,000 police and police community support officers in place to halt sexual assault. "This activity includes running regular covert patrols on the tube network with plain-clothed officers, which have been successful in catching offenders and encouraging more people to report offences," Hayward told The Guardian.

CCTV cameras have not only caught criminals, they've also helped to deter sexual assault. The Central line, which doesn't currently have CCTV, saw the most reports of sexual assault, with 1,054 known incidents since 2015.TfL has plans to put CCTV cameras in the Central line by 2023, which will hopefully bring that number down.

Even though more people are coming forward, sexual assault on the London Underground is still under-reported, as is sexual assault in general.It is estimated that 83% of sexual assaults in England and Wales go unreported. America doesn't have a much better track record. The Department of Justice says that 80% of sexual assaults and rapes go unreported in the States. Sexual assault in the U.K. is on the rise, not just in the subways, but again, it is believed that the increase is because more victims are willing to come forward and report what happened to them.

RELATED: Emma Watson launches hotline that provides women legal advice on workplace sexual harassment

It's great that transit officials are acknowledging the problem and working to make sure commutes are less dangerous. And hopefully one day, we'll be able to confidently ride the subways without fear. But in the meantime, they need to do more. Andrea Simon, the End Violence Against Women Coalition's head of public affairs told The Guardian: "It's not enough to just encourage the reporting of sexual harassment and assaults. Alongside this we need to be proactively identifying offenders and stopping them."

London has a lot of great sight-seeing sites: Big Ben, the River Thames, Buckingham Palace, and ... Jeff Goldblum?

Yep, that's right. On Wednesday, July 18, Twitter users reported seeing a 25-foot statue of Jeff Goldblum in front of Tower Bridge in London. The effigy features the "Jurassic Park" actor half-naked and lying down. It's also quite detailed.

The Goldblum statue has already attracted the attention of a lot of locals and visitors.

While most are taking selfies, some are bringing their lawn chairs over and are taking a longer look at the masterpiece.

Photo by John Phillips/Getty Images.

If it isn't clear already, the huge statue is a publicity stunt done by a United Kingdom based television company.

NowTV erected the statue to celebrate the 25th anniversary of "Jurassic Park." The company confirmed it on Twitter.

According to NowTV, the statue weighs about 330 pounds — or the alternative measurement of 48,000 tea bags.

The statue replicates a scene in the first "Jurassic Park" movie where a sweaty Ian Malcom (Goldblum's character) leans on his side with a broken leg after having run away from a dinosaur.

Goldblum has certainly become a cult favorite over the years.

He has been the subject of numerous memes and a two-month film festival, and people are even having his face tattooed on themselves. The actor is considered to be "effortlessly stylish, totally eccentric, and disarmingly charming." And it's no secret that quite a lot of fans find Goldblum rather sexy.

While a giant Goldblum statue is a bit absurd, there are a few good reasons to justify its presence.

Goldblum isn't afraid to get political. In November 2015, in true Goldblum fashion, he participated in a Funny or Die video mocking corporate opposition to then-President Barack Obama's climate change policies. In the video, Goldblum calls the corporate executive characters "selfish reptilians" while defending the Environmental Protection Agency's new carbon limits for power plants.

"The fact that you’re objecting to these very simple and reasonable asks feels to me like you might be some of the worst, most execrable, selfish, reptilian nincompoops with whom I’ve ever had the distinct displeasure of working," the actor said.

One thing that makes Goldblum is so special is that he's able to find positivity in a world that sometimes feels downright chaotic.

In an interview with "The Late Show's" Stephen Colbert, Goldblum offered some advice on how to stay optimistic the night after Donald Trump's presidential win.

"Being inspired, encouraged, brave, bold, and active into the progress of your own future — and everyone’s future — depends on you," Goldblum said. "That’s in your circle of influence and I won’t be uninspired by this. I’m not going to say ‘If I lose, the whole thing has been a waste of time.’ That’s stupid, in my opinion."

Now that Goldblum statue seems to make a bit more sense.