Leslie Jones is here to stop your annoying relatives from discussing politics on Thanksgiving
She keeps the peace by shouting them down.

Leslie Jones taking the politics out of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all of our blessings in life, and it’s also the holiday where people are most likely to argue about politics with their families at the dinner table.
Even though a recent poll found that 77% of Americans find it inappropriate to have such conversations on Thanksgiving, they’re bound to happen. The same poll found that 41% of Democrats and 29% of Republicans say they’re likely to talk about politics during dinner even though they know they shouldn’t.
For those who don’t want the holiday ruined by an argument between a Sean Hannity-loving uncle and his niece who prefers to listen to NPR, comedian Leslie Jones is willing to lend her services. Jones is currently the guest host of “The Daily Show” until producers find a permanent replacement for Trevor Noah, who left the show late last year.
In a recent sketch on “The Daily Show,” Jones says she will come to your Thanksgiving dinner to quell any political conversations that crop up.
Warning: Video contains adult humor.
In the sketch, Jones pledges to stop your dad from discussing Roe v. Wade, shut down your uncle from calling his niece a “lazy socialist” and even stop "annoying conversations before they begin," like when a young man is preparing to try some "MAGA sh*t" during the holiday.
Jones won't even allow your progressive brother-in-law to get away with making a land acknowledgment during grace.
The sketch is funny, but it’s also a great reminder to all of us this holiday. When things get heated over dessert on Thanksgiving, we can all tap into our inner Leslie Jones and stop the conversations before things get ugly.
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