Woman is on a mission to find the girl who sent her a Sadie Hawkins invitation by mistake
“To not get an answer back and not know it was because it went to the wrong house would be so sad."

Everybody is rooting for Katie in this situation.
It was a leisure-filled Sunday morning when Laurice Marier heard her doorbell ring and went to go answer it. But by the time she arrived at her front porch, all that was waiting for her was a Sadie Hawkins dance proposal.
The mystery sender named Katie clearly had a love for puns, writing, “I’ve BEAN meaning to ask you, wanna go to Sadies?” on a poster accompanied by four cans of beans and a bag of jellybeans. (How cute is that?)Though the invite was clearly given to her by mistake, Marier told her local news outlet Fox KSTU that she had to try to reach the original sender.
"When I had crushes, or just people I was interested in, I often just took that very nervous step in trying to just reach out," she told KSTU. "I just remember when it wasn't successful how my heart just dropped, and I do not want that for Katie."
In addition to calling nearby high schools, Marier also posted to her community Facebook Page in an attempt to find more information.
“This was left on my doorstep in the Traverse Mountain area yesterday but there is no one at my household who is Jr. High or High School age," her post read. “I feel bad for Katie… does anyone know her?”
Katie's adorable invite shouldn't go unnoticed.
Though no one could provide Katie’s whereabouts, hundreds shared Marier’s concern.
“Asking someone to a dance is scary enough, but to not get an answer back and not know it was because it went to the wrong house would be so sad.Thank you for being a caring person!” one person wrote.
As of Oct 9, no one knows if Katie is aware that her sweet invite landed at the wrong address. But, as Marier wrote in an update, “it wasn’t because of the incredible effort of this community.”
She remains hopeful that because of the amount of widespread coverage the story has gotten, perhaps Katie is just “nervous of coming forward.” So the new plan is to wait a week, and if there is no response, Marier will “make a little chili and eat some jellybeans in her honor. 😊"