A woman's 7-year-old is labeled a 'flight risk' at school and the reason is a wild ride
At least she knows her daughter isn't a "snitch."

Woman finds out daughter is labeled a flight risk at school.
In every family, there's always that one kid. You know, the one that has you questioning from an early age if they're going to grow up to be a lawyer or a convict. It seems that a mom named Kristina, who runs the account @lifewithlocklyn, is asking herself this very question. Kristina uploaded a now-viral video to social media after finding out her 7-year-old daughter, Locklyn, has been labeled as a "flight risk" at school.
Apparently, Locklyn is not only giving her mom a run for her money, but the principal and teachers, too. Listening to the exasperated mom tell the story of how her daughter ended up on the list to watch at school is a roller coaster of laughter and admiration. This little girl is not only smart; she's also honest and doesn't believe in tattling to get her accomplices in any trouble. She's ready to take the heat for all involved if anyone's parent has to be called.
The whole thing started when Locklyn, who is likely in second grade given her age, decided that recess was way too short. Instead of pleading her case to the powers that be, this go-getter decided to collude with other kids she rallied to get extra recess time.
You may be wondering how exactly a 7-year-old little girl pulled off something so coordinated without the help of someone older. But the girl is smart and clearly capable of staging a full-blown coup over the playground if given the opportunity. Locklyn convinced her friends to hide around the perimeter of the building when everyone was called to line up to go inside. On her command, the few friends she gathered hid and sat quietly, awaiting a signal from the ringleader to know the coast was clear.
Alas, her plan was foiled when a sixth-grader spotted Locklyn's head when she peeked out to see if the coast was clear. Instead of adhering to the "snitches get stitches" code that clearly Locklyn honored, the older kid told the teacher and their clandestine plan was thwarted.
"Upon arrival to the principal's office, Locklyn looked at her friends and was like, 'I've got this one,'" the mom says before she continues on to retell her child's explanation to the principal. "They had a supply teacher who didn't know their names and probably wouldn't notice they were missing. She also said that they weren't planning on getting caught."
And in the words of every criminal on "Scooby Doo," they probably would've gotten away with it, too if it weren't for that meddling kid. Oh, Locklyn, we love your moxie.
Listen to how the story unfolds below: