Lord Cold-emort? Clearopathra? Wichita takes punny snowplow naming to the next level
The city has 79 snow plows, each with its own name—and you can watch them move around the city on a real-time map.

Wichita's snow plow map shows which plows are out and where they are in the city.
If you live somewhere that doesn't get snow, you may lament it or you may thank your lucky stars. The fluffy white stuff isn't everyone's cup of tea, for sure, and even those of us who like snowy winters can get tired of it once we've revelled in the peaceful beauty of the first few fresh snowfalls.
Having a sense of humor about the weather is one way people handle the winter without devolving into a miserable mess, and nowhere is this coping mechanism clearer than in the naming of snow plows. Over the past several years, more and more jurisdictions have made a game out of naming their street-clearing fleets. But Wichita, Kansas, and its 79 uniquely named plows are making extra waves through the dad-joke-lover crowd.
The snow plow names draw from movies, music, literature, historical and pop culture figures and more. A few of the best? Lord Cold-emort. Darth Blader. Snowba Fett. Peppy La Plow. Blizzard of Oz. Betty Whiteout. The Big LePlowski. William Scrape-speare. The Fast and the Flurriest.
And that's only a handful of them.
Wichita is one of many cities to name plows, but there's an additional element to its snow plow practices that has people roped in. Not only did Wichita name every one of its plows, but you can track them live on the city's Public Works website.
For some reason, that ability is delighting people everywhere. As someone who has never been to Wichita, do I care what streets are being plowed there at any given moment? Not even a little bit. But do I care to see where Plowy McPlowface, F. Salt Fitzgerald and Lil Snow Peep are plugging along, doing their important work for the people who live there? Apparently and inexplicably, yes I do.
Anthropomorphizing snow plows by naming them may be an objectively silly thing to do, but bringing joy to people's dreary winter days is a valuable service. Judging by people's reactions, that's exactly what Wichita is doing:
"Love this! This would make a great 1000 piece puzzle!"
"Plowabunga for the win!! That's awesome!"
"Whoever their PR person is deserves a raise or two."
"This is great way to make a sometimes thankless job more fun. Be careful out there Snow Funnies."
"Awe, almost makes me want to move to a snowy region of the country! ....ALMOST!"
"I live in Wichita so this obviously popped up… we all absolutely love the plows!!!! The names make us all smile and laugh."
Many cities have begun holding snow plow naming contests each year, and the names often come from school children—a great way to get kids creatively engaged with the civil servants of their community and to appreciate the workers who keep things running smoothly.
Want to know what all 79 names are? Here's the list of snow plows from the Wichita Public Works & Utilities page (where you can also check out the real-time map to see who's out and about):
Aaron Brrrr
Auntie Arctica
Baby Snowda
Betty WhiteOut
Blizzard of Oz
Blizzard Wizard
Bohemian Rhapsnowd
Brine and Dandy
Catch My Drift
Chill Bill
Chilly Dog
Clearing Present Danger
Ctrl Salt Delete
Darth Blader
Don't Flurry Be Happy
Edgar Allen Snow
Edward Blizzardhands
Every day I'm Shovelin
F. Salt Fitzgerald
Frost Responder
Great and Plowerful Oz
Henry David Thor-Snow
Ice Breaker
I Came, I Thaw, I Conquered
I Can Street Clearly Now
I Snow You Can do It
Ice Force One
Ice fought the Thaw and the Thaw Won
Ice of Life
Ice to See You
Ice-Stein Theory of Relativity
It's Snow Problem
License to Chill
Lil Snow Peep
Lord Cold-emort
Mission Implowsible
Mr. Plow
Mr. Sandman
No Business Like Snow Business
No More Mr. Ice Guy
Not Snow Fast
Only Have Ice for You
Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya
Peppy La Plow
Plow Bunyan
Plowasaurus Rex
Plower Ranger
Plowthagorean Theorem
Plowy McPlowface
Point of Snow Return
Sand and Deliver
Saltimus Brine
Shock and Thaw
Slush Puppy
Snow and Tell
Snow Diggity
Snow Force 1
Snow More Mr. Ice Guy
Snow Place Like Home
Snowba Fett
Snowbi One Kenobi
Snowbody Like You
Snow Worries
Sweet Caro-brine
Squall Bunyan
Thaw Enforcement
The Big LePlowski
The Fast and the Flurriest
The Scrape Gatsby
To Brine Ownself Be True
William Scrape-speare
Wolfgang Amadeus Snowzart
You're Killin Me Squalls
Which are your faves?