Her long-distance relationship ended, but she didn't want to forget it. So she drew it.
Sometimes, nothing is more terrifying than seeing a "hey" followed by a period.
Call me paranoid, but it tends to be one of the first things someone says to you when you're about to receive some unpleasant news. For someone in a long distance relationship, getting a text like that could be the beginning of the end.
When comic artist SisiwAko and her boyfriend broke up, she wanted to deal with the heartache in the only way she knew.
"I was happy the whole time I was with that person, so I wanted to draw them so I wouldn't forget."
In the words of Carrie Fisher, shared recently by Meryl Streep: "Take your broken heart, make it into art." That's exactly what SisiwAko is doing in this powerful comic.
Comic by SisiwAko, where it originally appeared. Used here with permission.
Sharing our experiences is a valuable way to encourage empathy, even across the longest of distances.
Art has always been a conduit for expression and therapy. From the masters of painting, to kids with their journals, to professional art therapy, web comics, and even socially conscious media companies. We should all have a medium to express our feelings and to accept the experiences of those around us.
The reaction to the piece has been overwhelmingly positive, "People who have had similar experiences have messaged me ... from around the globe and it's been wonderful to hear the words of support and encouragement," she says.
Because of the demand, SisiwAko has started creating a follow-up comic while continuing her studies in game art. Her global fanbase is excited for the next chapter and we're all rooting for her — no matter how far away we may be from her.
SisiwAko is a comic artist living in the Philippines. You can find her stories and illustrations here.