Dad's motivational speech for his newborn daughter in the NICU has everyone gushing
"It's going to be like this for the rest of my life. Will always be one of her top cheerleaders."

NICU dad's motivational speech for newborn is beautiful
Having a baby is an adjustment for any new parent but not all new parents get to walk out of the hospital with their newborns a couple of days after birth. For a number of reasons, oftentimes due to prematurity or birth complications, some babies have to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) anywhere from days to months. During their stay they're closely monitored for signs they can start spending more time outside of the incubator.
Incubators regulate temperature, humidity, optimize oxygen levels and monitors a baby's vital signs. New dad, Ed Andretti, recently welcomed a baby girl, Cathara, who is having to spend some time in the NICU after being born three months early. But it was his sweet motivational speech he gave to his daughter through the plastic of the incubator that has everyone's heart melting.
Andretti can be seen looking into Cathara's incubator saying, "you hear that beeping? That's you. You're breathing so good the machine is like 'yo, take this baby down on oxygen.' That's you, you're doing great."
"You're amazing. You're wonderful. Your lungs are expanding," Andretti continues.
This is Andretti's first child and he's proving to be his daughter's biggest cheerleader. The new dad explains in the caption that Cathara is gaining weight, her lungs are getting stronger and she's beginning to become more vocal. He even has some encouraging words for fellow NICU parents experiencing something similar.
"NICU life is a lifestyle you can’t really prepare for, just have to be continue to be present. Sending my love to all the NICU parents who are currently going through anything similar. Be strong and have faith," Andretti writes in the caption.
NICU parents, doctors and nurses chimed in on a repost of the video on The NICU Doc's page.
"As a father of a NICU baby this is the right attitude. Almost every doctor and nurse told us that the more involved, positive and encouraging they can feel it and hear it even without touch. Babies do better with love like this," one person writes.
"Yes yes!! Micro preemie NICU survivor mommy here I always tell parents in that position now "SPEAK LIFE! No matter what you see!" My daughter is 15 now," another NICU parent says.
"As a former NICU nurse…I LOVE THIS!!!!," someone exclaims.
"I'm a pediatrician and I wanna hire this guy to hang out on our nursery," another commenter writes.
It looks like since Andretti posted this video, Cathara has been moved from the incubator to a crib, and is nearly 4lbs now. Here's hoping that all of dad's pep talks gets baby from the NICU to her own crib soon. Watch the inspiring video below:
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