31 Days of Happiness Countdown: Disney's new fireworks are for everyone. (Day 6)
Welcome to Day 6 of Upworthy's 31 Days of Happiness Countdown! If this is your first visit, here's the gist: Each day between Dec. 1 and Dec. 31, we're sharing stories specifically designed to bring joy, smiles, and laughter into our lives and yours. It's been a challenging year, so why not end it on a high note with a bit of laughter? Check back tomorrow (or click the links at the bottom) for another installment!
Almost everyone loves fireworks — except pets, who generally aren't fans. But, assuming you're not a dog on the internet, I'm willing to bet you're probably in the "YES! FIREWORKS ARE AWESOME!" camp. What if I told you there was a way to love them even more?
That's exactly what Disney is up to with its new inclusive project: "Fireworks you can feel." It takes the multisensory awesomeness of this:
All GIFs from Disney/YouTube.
And turns it into a totally unique experience that uses sight, hearing, and touch to create a bit of magic beyond the bright colors and thundering booms of your average fireworks display.
Traditional fireworks are great, but some people — like those with hearing or visual impairments — can't fully enjoy them. Fireworks are cool and should be able to be enjoyed by all, and that's Disney's goal.
To simulate the touch effect of an explosion, water jets are shot onto the back of a screen. The person watching the fireworks then puts their hand on the screen as they take in the show, feeling the explosions against their hands in real time with the rest of the audience.
BAM! It's a whole new fireworks experience, more accessible than ever and sure to bring smiles to people around the world. So take a break from whatever's getting you down today, and watch this cool demonstration of the new fireworks, complete with laughter, smiles, and lots of joy!