31 Days of Happiness Countdown: looking back at YouTube's best. (Day 31)
Congratulations, everyone. You made it!
Thanks for stopping by for Day 31 of Upworthy's 31 Days of Happiness Countdown! If this is your first visit, here's the gist: Each day between Dec. 1 and Dec. 31, we shared stories we hoped would bring joy, smiles, and laughter into your life. Today's the last day but you can check out the previous 30 installments of this series by clicking the links at the bottom of this article. That's it for us for 2017. Let's all do our best in the new year!
I've got some really great news for you (yes, you, person reading this article): you made it to the end of 2017! Seriously, give yourself a pat on the back. As a reward, let's take a moment to enjoy a year-end palate cleanser packed with all the good and happy things that happened this year. For that, we turn to YouTube and its annual #YouTubeRewind highlight video. Is any of it especially meaningful? No, but it's a whole lot of fun, jampacked with joyful little things from the year you might have forgotten about, such as...
Fidget spinners...
GIFs from YouTube.
And that backpack kid...
And even a brief tribute to "salt bae."
Can you believe this is from 2017? Yep, Salt Bae went viral in January.
Littered with pop culture milestones, big name YouTubers, and a fun soundtrack, the video is a pretty great reminder that for all that is happening in the world, it's important to unwind and appreciate some of life's more lighthearted moments.
Joy is real, and it's not going anywhere.
Let's all take a moment, one last time in 2017, and enjoy the lighter side of things.
Happy new year, everybody! For a look back on the rest of the 31 Days of Happiness Countdown, check out the links below.
More days of happiness here: DAY 1 / DAY 2 / DAY 3 / DAY 4 / DAY 5/ DAY 6 / DAY 7 / DAY 8 / DAY 9 / DAY 10 / DAY 11 / DAY 12 / DAY 13 / DAY 14 / DAY 15 / DAY 16 / DAY 17/ DAY 18 / DAY 19 / DAY 20 / DAY 21 / DAY 22 / DAY 23 / DAY 24 / DAY 25 / DAY 26 / DAY 27 / DAY 28 / DAY 29 / DAY 30 / [DAY 31]