Trump claims army 'took over the airports' in the 1770s during Fourth of July speech. He's about 150 years early.

Today in "this cannot possibly be happening": Donald Trump said in a speech that the U.S. Army won the Revolutionary War by "taking over the airports." Airports, obviously, did not exist back then.
I know what you're thinking: there's no way he could make such an egregious error, especially not during his costly Fourth of July Bugs Bunny dictator parade. The quote has to be taken out of context. Nope! Here it is:
As you might remember from your fourth grade history class, air travel was not invented until the early 1900s.
And air fields didn't start popping up in the US until the very early 1900s, with the first actual airport being invented in 1928, according to Centennial of Flight and several other sources. Incredibly, Trump actually mentioned the American inventors of the airplane, the Wright Brothers, earlier in his speech, the Guardian points out.
There's also some squabbling over whether Trump meant the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812 here, because he scrambled a few different events. But the fact remains that airports did not exist yet during either of these wars.
He also made a slew of other errors.
Former teachers were bemused by the news.
Some used the gaffe as an opportunity to roast LaGuardia, the Port Authority of air transit hubs.
Trump also promised we will soon land on Mars, or at the very least shoot an American flag at it with a giant outer-space T-shirt gun.
At least the journalists tasked with fact-checking Trump had an easy day.
Happy July Fourth weekend, y'all.
This article originally appeared on SomeeCards. You can read it here.
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