Jinx the cat got to spend a day as the mayor of Hell, Michigan.
Every cat believes they are the ruler of all they survey, but only one special cat can genuinely brag about being the mayor of Hell.
That's not a joke. A quirky black cat named Jinx was sworn in as mayor of Hell, Michigan on April 24, and she held the title until she was impeached that evening.
Hell, Michigan, is an unincorporated community approximately 60 miles from Detroit, and the 72 (ish) citizens of the town have a sense of humor to match the name. The town's official website—gotohellmi.com—has a form where anyone can sign up to rule Hell by becoming the town's temporary mayor. Literally anyone—even a cat.
Jinx is a black cat with unusually large eyes, funky feet and a huge following on TikTok and Instagram. She doesn't live anywhere near Hell (unless you consider California to be hell) but her owner Mia decided to make her mayor of Hell for a day anyway.
I mean, how could you not make this cat mayor of something?
@bigfootjinx no thoughts, just violence and vibes. #bigfootjinx #cats #catsoftiktok #meme
Jinx is the first animal to be named mayor of Hell, much to the delight of the town's minister, Reverend Vonn, who was slated to swear the feline in over the phone.
“We love our in-person and distant mayors,” Reverend Vonn of Hell told MLive. “Our Mayor of the Day package is the perfect gift for those who are hard to buy for and/or have everything. They get to have one Helluva fun day and at the end of it, will receive the dreaded phone call to be impeached.”
Mia found Jinx in her backyard when she was just about three weeks old.
“She had big eyes and as she grew bigger, her eyes didn’t get smaller and I also noticed she had big feet," Mia told MLive. "She doesn’t have a condition and the vet says she’s healthy. She just has these birth defects. She’s also not as agile as most cats and is a little clumsy. She only learned how to land on her feet a year ago.”
Mia also explained how Jinx got to be mayor of Hell:
“I made a joke on Twitter saying, imagine Jinx will run for President. I had also seen animal mayors before and I sent a Tweet out asking how to make Jinx mayor and someone mentioned Michigan and that you could pay to be mayor of Hell for a day.”
It costs $100 to become mayor. Check out the Instagram announcement of Jinx's day-long mayorship.
Not only do Hell mayors get to say they ruled over Hell for a day, they also get to own 1 square inch of the town.
Hell is an interesting place that embraces its quirkiness and kitschiness. It has a mayor already, sort of. Since it's an unincorporated community it doesn't have an official mayoral title, but long-time resident John Colone is the self-proclaimed mayor of Hell, because why not?
He explained to "60 Second Docs" what makes Hell a special place.
Congratulations, Jinx, on the swearing-in—and sorry about the impeachment. Politics moves fast these days, especially in Hell.
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