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mental health awareness


Werner Herzog motivational posters are the best thing on the internet

The director with a cult following gets a tribute fit for guidance counselor office walls.

Werner Herzog inspirational art, FRIENDSHIP.

Looking for a little inspiration this afternoon, but don't actually want to be uplifted?

Well, then get a boost from the solemn Teutonic prose of legendary filmmaker Werner Herzog via the genius Tumblr project Herzog Inspirationals.

Take comfort and advice from the man for whom getting shot in the gut was NBD as you learn about the humble simplicity of the chicken or the inner life of birds.

harmony, common denominator, theory, tenet, logic

Universe is not harmony.

via Werner Herzog Inspirationals/Tumblr

thinking, truth, point of view

Eyes of a chicken.

via Werner Herzog Inspirationals/Tumblr

This article originally appeared on 09.18.17

Video gives tips on dating someone with bipolar disorder

Loving someone with a mental illness can be a difficult journey, especially if you're not sure what's helpful and what's not.

Not only can mental illnesses be overwhelming for the person diagnosed but it can also be overwhelming for their partner. Every mental health diagnosis comes with its own set of challenges that require a unique approach but there are some basics that can be helpful to know.

One TikTok creator that goes by Milly Stone TV uploaded a video explaining how to be in a relationship with someone with a mental illness. Milly clarifies in the video that they have bipolar depression and is speaking from that perspective but what's being said can apply to other mental illnesses.

Though the video was made for Mental Health Awareness Day, it's useful information to have year round. In the caption, Milly explained what motivated them to share these tips.

"I saw someone said, 'we don't talk about being with someone with a mental disorder enough,' so let me just give some input," the caption reads.

Milly sits in the car with their laptop as they go into the relationship dos and don'ts, likely answering a lot of unspoken questions loved ones have.

"First and foremost understand, it's not a personal attack on you. Communication is vital and empathy is important. Understand that they are not your responsibility," they say bluntly. "A lot of people look at us and see us as liabilities that they gotta take on because they love us. No, I'm not your responsibility, I'm your partner, ok?"

If you love someone with a mental illness, Milly goes on to list even more tips in the video below.


I saw someone said “we dont talk about being with someone with a mental disorder enough” so lemme just give some input #millystonetv #mentalhealthawareness #bipolardisorder #relationships #studsoftiktok #fyp #lgbt🌈 #love

Woman's video before her suicide attempt is a reminder to everyone.

Editor's Note: This story discusses suicide. If you are having thoughts about taking your own life or know of anyone who is in need of help, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a United States-based suicide prevention network of over 200+ crisis centers that provides 24/7 service via a toll-free hotline with the number 9-8-8. It is available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

Not all depression looks the same. Sometimes people don't even realize they're depressed for a long time while others go to great lengths to appear okay to the outside world. People who have functional depression—who still go to work, spend time with friends and look to be enjoying life—may not seem depressed to those closest to them.

This kind of masking can be done for many reasons, but a lot of times, it's because they don't want other people to worry about them. But this could mean suicidal thoughts go unnoticed by loved ones. When people appear happy or as if they're handling everything well, others are much less likely to check in on them.

When Brie Johnson uploaded a video with a quote that reads, "You can always tell when someone is going to attempt," the happy videos and pictures that followed contrasted the reality of her attempting suicide.

Johnson, who's a staff sergeant in the Air Force and mother of one, posted the short video in March with the caption, "Check up on your loved ones. It's not always obvious." This is a sentiment that has been expressed by people repeatedly with a widely shared graphic that reminds people to check on their strong friends—the sentiment being that when people appear to be handling things well, no one checks in to make sure they're actually doing okay.

Johnson's video is a harsh reminder that not every smiling face is conveying joy. Sometimes smiles and laughter are just a mask. So how are people supposed to know when someone is truly struggling when their outward behaviors seem to show everything is fine?


Check up on your loved ones. It’s not always obvious #fyp #SeeHerGreatness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #recovery #survivor #awareness #love #miltok #foryou

Knowing when to reach out can be tricky, but there can be subtle signs that may easily be missed. Social media posts may change subtly, like broadly asking for prayers frequently when they haven't been in the habit of doing that. Some people may post memes that are either sad or borderline dark humor when those may be out of the ordinary. There could be a lack of care around how much alcohol or drugs they're taking.

Someone who's normally outgoing canceling plans more frequently than usual. Making jokes about death or suicide when it's not a normal conversation for them. A friend who's struggling may ask you about your final plans so they can bring up theirs without raising alarms.

These are all things that can be easily overlooked if you don't know what to look for. But one of the best indicators that you need to reach out is any change, no matter how subtle, that makes you ask the question, "I wonder what's going on with them?" So many times we ignore the tiny alarm bells that go off in our bellies because we're on the lookout for the bigger, louder alarm bells. The tiny alarms are just as important. Now how do you reach out?

Several years ago, I noticed a subtle change in a friend's social media statuses that activated my tiny alarm bells. After waiting about a week or so to see if things went back to normal, I reached out. Never having spoken to this person outside of the comments section in our online running community, I wasn't sure how she would respond. But I sent a message that said something along the lines of, "I just wanted to do a check in with you. I noticed a change in your posts and I wanted you to know that I'm here if you need to talk."

They responded that there were struggling with something pretty big that no one knew about. We spoke on the phone for a couple of hours with me mostly listening. They thanked me about a year later for seeing them when they felt no one else did.

Reaching out doesn't have to be complicated, so try not to overthink it. A lot of times all it takes is genuinely asking how someone is doing and informing them that you want the real answer, not something surface. Then, just listen without judgment and without unsolicited advice or commentary. Ask them what they need and follow through. Human connection, along with the reminder that you matter, can go a long way.

This article was written by Jacalyn Wetzel, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and practicing therapist.


Clinical psychologist lists signs that mean it’s time to seek mental health help

In the end, wanting or needing someone to talk to is just as good as any other reason.

Psychologist lists signs it's time to seek mental health care.

Knowing when to seek mental health care is not always as cut and dry as people may believe. Many people wrestle with whether or not they should speak to a therapist, psychiatrist or even their primary care physician about their struggles. Working in mental health, it often comes up that people minimize their own struggles with the thought that someone else has it worse so they shouldn't be struggling.

This may cause people to second guess when exactly they need to seek help. Dr. Julie, a clinical psychologist, posted a video on her TikTok page in order to help people figure out when they should seriously consider going to see a therapist. Some people may be surprised by the signals that indicate a need for therapy.

In the video, which has over 33k likes, Dr. Julie acts out different scenarios without speaking as what she's experiencing in those moments floats above her head in text overlay.

One of the very first signs that someone should consider therapy is, "Nothing seems to help and you're starting to feel hopeless." Hopelessness can be an indicator of depression, especially if it's paired with other things like not finding joy in things that used to make you happy or sleeping more often.

Another sign that Dr. Julie displayed on the screen was, "Your mood changes have persisted for several weeks or more." Again, barring a major life event like the loss of a loved one where feeling down is expected, this can signal depression. But what's most important to know is that any time you feel concerned about your mental health, you can seek therapy.

Therapy isn't something to be ashamed of or reserved for people who live with severe mental illnesses. In fact, you could simply need an unbiased perspective, want to gain tools for moments of stress or be experiencing a life change like a breakup. As a therapist myself, I want people to know that you don't have to be in distress to seek out therapy. Going for mental health maintenance is a perfectly acceptable reason.

Check out Dr. Julie's video below:


Seek help any time you are concerned about your #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthsupport #psychologist