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funny videos

via Rachel Lampton/Instagram (used with permission)

Rachel and Spencer Lampton's epic pregnancy announcement.

A new video by Rachel and Spencer Lampton of Minnesota is just a minute long, but it takes the viewer through an intense emotional journey. At first, the couple appears to be headed for divorce because they can’t handle the advantages of living the DINK (double income, no kids) lifestyle.

“Me and Spencer have been married for almost four years now and it’s been so amazing in so many ways,” Rachel says with her tongue firmly planted in cheek. “But recently, it’s gotten pretty difficult.”

The couple admits they just can’t handle having free time for their hobbies, a clean house and excess money in the bank. So they decide they “need a change” that will undermine their happy, stress-free existence. They’re having a kid or, as they call it: “F---ing up our lives in the best way we knew how.”

The funny, well-produced video has won raves with commenters on TikTok and Instagram. “This is an award-winning pregnancy announcement,” one commenter wrote. “This deserves an Oscar,” another added.

“You forgot to mention that you’re tired of getting enough sleep,” a commenter joked.

The couple was inspired to make the announcement video after friends and family members who, instead of encouraging them to have children, warned them about how having one would disrupt their lives. Rachel said their naysayers forced her to “overthink” her plans for the future. But now, they’re ready for a new life with a baby due in December.

The couple hopes that having a child will “Prove the haters wrong. We know we’ll be good parents,” Rachel told Today.com.

Man reads delightfully unhinged Haribo sugar-free gummy bear reviews

People switch to sugar free things for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it's to be more health conscious by reducing their sugar intake and other times it's because they have a form of diabetes that requires very limited sugar. If you're a person that likes sweets who is embarking on cutting back, you might turn to a childhood favorite–gummy bears.

In case you haven't seen the adorable commercial where adults turn into kids after eating the sweet treat, Haribo makes gummy bears. The Haribo company also makes a sugar-free version of the squishy little bears but be warned: do not eat more than a few at a time.

Daniel Ferguson decided to read the "unhinged Amazon reviews" for the sugar-free gummy bears and he did not disappoint. Each review gets more uncomfortably hilarious as he shuffles through his index of character voices to share the details. Apparently there are some disagreements down below that happen should you eat them like a regular pack of gummy bears.

First up is his impression of Iago from "Aladdin" where he reads off a descriptive review about someone feeling like someone was trying to funnel Niagara Falls through a straw. Commenters could not get enough of of his impressions, the reviews or their own horror stories from the sugar-free treat.

"Ate an entire bag of these without knowing the side effects. My sister could hear my stomach churning in another room. After a few hours I just stayed within feet of the bathroom. They are like drano for your own intestines if drano violently unclogged drains," one person writes.

"Kronk always going last is not a coincidence. The rest of the impressions are exceptional, but we're all here for the Kronk," someone says.

"This is so unhinged, but I love every second of it," another laughs.

If you've learned nothing else from his delightfully unhinged reading of reviews, you've learned to never over do it on the sugar-free gummy bears.

Couple hilariously realize they've been snuggling an imposter cat

We'd all like to believe that we know our pets. Every pet has their own distinctive look and even if they look like a sibling, they have different personalities making it much easier to identify your pet. But every once in awhile there's a bit of a mixup where you see a cat outside that looks like yours so you find yourself frantically darting out the door while your cat is asleep under your bed.

One couple's cat mixup went in a different direction. They brought their cat inside and piddled around the house for a few hours before settling in for a snuggle session on the couch. It was then that the cat's mom noticed a cat outside that looked exactly like their cuddly little guy.

Instantly you see the confusion and concern register when they look closely at the imposter enjoying all the extra attention while the other stares from outside. Surely the real cat was offended that his own parents didn't know they were snuggling up to a generic version of him.

"Babe, look at the cat outside. That looks like you Rado, is that your brother," the cat mom asks before appearing unsure if the cat in her husband's arms is actually their cat. Turned out the cat was not theirs and they quickly let the strange cat outside and scooped up their own cat. Commenters found the now viral situation hilarious.

One person writes, "slight error in the cat distribution system."

Another commenter says, "the way its body language is screaming 'kidnapped.'"

Someone laughs, "the fact that the cat was going to play it off and continue his days as Rado."

"Plot twist," a commenter writes. "Cats been switching places for months and they just noticed."

In a follow up video, Brandon Robert, Rado's dad, shows the photo a their actual cat and the imposter. They're strikingly similar so it's easy to see how Robert picked up the wrong cat while not wearing his glasses. Thankfully all is well now and their cat is back inside where he belongs but you can watch the hilarious moment of realization below.


I didnt have my glasses on😭😭 #cat #catsoftiktok

This article originally appeared on 1.16.24

"What Do You Know About The Female Body?" from Jimmy Kimmel

When Jimmy Kimmel takes to the street, you know you’re in for a good laugh at just how little we actually know about, well, seemingly anything. That goes for anatomy too. In this case, female anatomy.

In a segment called “What Do You Know About The Female Body?” men try—and hilariously fail—to answer even the most basic questions, like “does a female have one uterus, or two?” much to the amazement of some of their female partners.

Here are some of the very best bits of nonwisdom:

Woman have LOTS of fallopian tubes and ovaries, apparently.

When asked, “how many fallopian tubes does the average lady have?” one man prefaced with “I know I’m gonna be way off,” before answering “four.”

He was right about being way off, indeed. Women usually have one fallopian tube on either side of the uterus, making that two fallopian tubes.

Another guy guessed that a woman has not one, not two, but six ovaries. Which, in case you didn’t know, is three times more than the correct answer (two ovaries, one on either side of the uterus). Where would a woman keep four extra ovaries? Her purse?

A mammogram examines the stomach.

The interviewer also asked: “What part of the body does the mammogram examine?"

"The lower half…" replied one man. Yikes.

And when asked to demonstrate where exactly the “lower half” is, he gestured toward the uppermost part of his belly, seemingly avoiding the actual area a mammogram covers entirely.

PMS is all in the mind, but only annually.

The next question up was “What does PMS stand for?"

One man shyly answered, “Post…mental…syndrome?”

One outta three ain’t bad. But the correct answer is premenstrual syndrome.

And it definitely happens more than “once a year.”

An IUD is a “mammogram device.”

Oh, and a NuvaRing is a “pap schmear,” and a speculum is the actual “IUD.” Holy moly, if you thought IUDs were uncomfortable before…

Things really took a turn once the graphics came out.

And men were asked to point to where the cervix is. Plenty of things were pointed at—like the uterus. But sadly, no cervix findings.

Changing gears, the interview instructed the men to “point at something you know.”

To which one man replied (inaccurately) “uh…that’s a baby?”

Unless the woman is giving birth to a colon, that was incorrect.

Later in the video, a man is asked “where does the baby go?”

“In there,” the man answers after pointing to the ovaries. (Spoiler alert: It doesn’t go there. A fetus grows in the uterus, which this man thought was the cervix.)

His wife, a gynecologist no less, chuckled “I’m mortified…I’m apparently not a very good educator at home for my husband.”

Though this is just for pure fun, it is food for thought.

A woman’s autonomy over her own body has been the subject of much controversial discussion lately. And I can’t help but wonder how certain politicians/leaders would fare if given the same questions. Perhaps it is unwise to try to govern that which is not fully understood, just saying.

This article originally appeared on 01.14.22