Over 200,000 people have signed up to storm Area 51 and get the truth about aliens.
People have been speculating about Area 51 for seven decades.

In the mid-50s, during the height of the Cold War, the United States government began testing ultra-high altitude U-2 jets in the desert of Southern Nevada at an airbase known as Area 51.
These jets flew in ways that were shocking to most local residents and many began reporting UFO sightings. The U.S. Air Force kept mum about the U-2 and explained the sightings away as "natural phenomena" or "high-altitude weather research."
These events have led to decades of speculation and conspiracies about what actually has been going down at Area 51 and why the government is intensely secret about the base.
The government didn't even publicly acknowledge its existence until a 2005 freedom of information act request was released in 2013.
Some believe that Area 51 is where aliens and their spacecraft were taken after the 1947 Roswell incident.
Others claim that Area 51 is a meeting ground where the government holds secret communications with extraterrestrials.
This speculation was amplified after a man named "Dennis" claimed to have worked at Area 51 helping to reverse-engineer alien spacecraft.
"Dennis" would later be revealed to be Bob Lazar. Lazar is the subject of a recent documentary, "Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers" which focuses on his alleged work with alien craft.
Two Facebook users have decided that the public needs to know what's happening at Roswell and the only way to do it is to get thousands of people together to storm the base.
Users that go by the names of Shitposting cause im in shambles and SmyleeKun have created a Facebook event entitled Storm Area 51, they Can't Stop All of Us, that already has over 190,000 saying they'll attend the Spetember 20th event and 225,000 claiming to be "interested."
"We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry," the event post reads. "If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens."
Naruto Uzumaki is an anime character known for his unique head-down running style.
If 200,000 people descend on a highly-secured U.S. military base they'd most likely be taking their lives in their hands. So, one can assumed by the tongue-and-cheek manner in which people have been posting to the event that most interest is in jest.
However, some have been posting plans for attacking the base.
The event has also inspired some pretty great memes.
While the Area 51 event may not help us get any closer to the truth of what happens at the base or whether we've ever made contact with extraterrestrials, it's not that ridiculous to believe there may be life beyond planet Earth.
According to Forbes, there are eight places within our own solar system that may be teeming with life. Compare that to the fact that there are over 100 billion stars in the observable universe, and the idea of extraterrestrial life seems more likely than not.
But it'd be nice to know if we could visit some in Area 51, right outside of Las Vegas.
So good luck Area 51 stormers, we're counting on you.
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