
Check Out The Twitter Account That President Obama Definitely Won’t Follow

On Dec. 11, 2012, NYU graduate student Josh Begley set out to tweet details of every reported drone strike in the last decade. He thought it would take him 10 minutes. Unfortunately, he’s still tweeting today. 

He started with very high hopes.

He came crashing back to reality. 

About a week later...

Josh is still tweeting. About two weeks into the project, he's only a little more than halfway through.


He wuvs his vet.

Not every dog might jump with joy after seeing their vet out in public. But for Cosmo the Golden Retriever, it was practically Christmas all over again when he spotted his own vet, Dr. Jones, at a brewery.

In an adorable clip posted to TikTok, we see Cosmo in pure, unadulterated bliss as he snuggles with an equally happy Dr. Jones, who, considering he’s still in his scrubs, might have just gotten out of work to grab a quick pint.


Ugh, the cuteness is too much to handle! People in the comments could barely contain their secondhand joy.

“He looked over like, “Mom, do you see who this is?” one person wrote, while another said, “What in the Hallmark movie? Adorable!!”

One person even joked, “Did we all check the vet’s hand for a wedding ring? (Said as a married woman. Looking out for you all, or something.)”

According to Hannah Dweikat, Cosmo’s owner, the two actually share quite a history. She tells Upworthy that when Cosmo was but a wee pup, he “gave a scare” after eating a Sago Palm seed, which are highly toxic to dogs, from a plant in their backyard, which of course resulted in him being rushed to the animal hospital and staying there over the weekend.

While that’s every pet owner’s worst nightmare, and certainly a scary situation for the poor fur baby, Dweikat says that “the calm and patient demeanor” of Dr. Jones and his staff put Cosmo at ease. And because of this, “Cosmo has always loved going to see his friends—especially because they give him lots of treats and snuggles.”

Cosmo and Dr. Jones’ buddyship has also blossomed thanks to proximity, as Dweikat only lives down the street from the clinic. “Which means we get to see Dr. Jones and his staff out in public at times and Cosmo takes every chance he can get to say hi,” she explains. This time, however, she was able to capture it all on video. Yay for us!

What makes a good vet?

While not every vet, however gifted, will be able to elicit this type of reaction from their patients, having a calming presence like Dr. Jones is certainly a good sign for pet owners to be on the lookout for when shopping around for their own vet. But that’s not the only quality a good vet needs. According to Saint Matthews University, a vet also needs to have high stamina (both physically and mentally), as well as an ability to tolerate unpleasant situations (you can’t faint at the sight of blood or vomit), a high level of emotional intelligence (maybe all doctors should possess this skill, but especially those who work with animals), adaptability, a sense of enthusiasm, and finally, excellent communication skills.

Dr. Jones seems to have these attributes in spades, and his patients clearly love him for it. None so much as Cosmo, obviously.

By the way, if you’re in need of even more content featuring this precious pup, you can follow Cosmo on both TikTok and Instagram.

Screenshots via Tribuna Chancay Facebook

Unbelievable video of man swallowed whole by humpback whale

If you've ever seen the movie Pinocchio you likely remember the scene where the wooden boy and his creator Geppetto get swallowed by a whale. Or maybe you've heard the story of Jonah and the whale where the disobedient man is swallowed by a whale after a fisherman threw him overboard. In both stories the people were swallowed whole and eventually escaped the bellies of their fishy captor but the stories seem so far fetched that they're simply unbelievable, until recently.

Adrián Simancas and his father Dell Simancas were kayaking in Bahía El Águila, Chile when Adrián was briefly swallowed by a whale. Yes, these are real people, not cartoon characters. The pair were spending the day together, Dell recording on his phone like any other parent wanting to capture the moment to relive later when he wound up seeing the unbelievable.

Adrián is there one second and the next, a giant whale breaches the surface and just like that the younger Simancas is gone. The terror that likely coursed through Dell's body as he watched his child become a snack for a humpback whale is unimaginable. Thankfully, the terror was brief, within moments of being swallowed, the humpback whale spit the man back out. Maybe life jackets aren't appetizing.

whale tail on blue sea during daytime Photo by Mike Doherty on Unsplash

But obviously, Dell wasn't the only person terrified by the whale's actions. Adrián tells Telefe Noticias, "I felt a blow coming from behind and he lifted me up. I felt a slimy texture on my face and saw dark blue colors with white. I thought I was going to die."

He explains to another news station, Noticias Caracol that even after the whale spit him out he was not sure if he was alive or what happened to his father. It was when he felt the life jacket pulling him to the surface that he realized he had survived the ordeal but still had no idea what happened since the whale came from behind him.

“When I came up and started floating, I was scared that something might happen to my father too, that we wouldn’t reach the shore in time, or that I would get hypothermia,” he tells The Associated Press.

The 24-year-old and his father are from Venezuela and were only visiting the Chilean Patagonia for an expedition with a boating group. It was thanks to his father, who Adrián says has more paddling experience than him, and the boaters that the man was quickly rescued. Adrián escaped the situation completely unharmed, though it's likely a bit traumatizing to be unexpectedly swallowed by a whale while you're minding your business.

Whale GIFGiphy

Humpback whales are large creatures, weighing around 40 tons and reaching up to 60 feet long, which is about 15 feet longer and 30,000 pounds more than a full sized school bus. But generally humpback whales are not inclined to make humans a part of their charcuterie boards so attacks are extremely rare, their preferred food are actually tiny sea creatures. They eat plankton, krill and small fish, humans simply don't fit into their diet.

In Adrián's case, he was likely swallowed by mistake when the whale was breaching the surface with its mouth open, which is why he was promptly spat out. The moment is certainly something Adrián nor his father will ever forget and when someone thinks he's lying about becoming Jonah for a few seconds, he can simply pull out the video. Now that's what you call a whale of a tale.


The longer I'm alive, it seems the more people's names that I have to remember. With two kids in school, sports, and other activities, I find myself trying to keep track of dozens of different friends, teammates, siblings, coaches, teachers, and of course, parents. It makes my brain hurt! Lately I've had half a mind to start a spreadsheet so I can start remembering Who's Who.

In order for that to work, I've got to find a way to stop people's names leaving my head immediately after I'm introduced. I know I'm not the only one who does this. It's like people say their name and it just zips right into one ear and out the other! And for that, I went looking for tips when I stumbled upon a good one from a unique sort of expert.

Derren Brown is one of the most famous mentalists in the world, so he knows a thing or two about people. Mentalists are a special breed of magician that focus on tricks and illusions of the mind.

They do things like hynopsis, mind-reading, and impossible predictions. There's trickery, involved, of course; but mentalists are also masters at reading people and have to employ advanced memory techniques to keep track of information they learn during their shows.

In an interview with Big Think, Brown revealed some of his favorite memory hacks; including his 'party trick' to never forget a person's name.


The secret is to create a link between the part of your brain that stores information like names, and the visual part of your brain that is more easily accessed.

"You find a link between the person's name and something about their appearance, what they're wearing, their face, their hair, something," Brown says. "You find a link with something that they're wearing so if they're called Mike and they've got big black hair you think, 'Oh that's like a microphone' so I can imagine like a big microphone walking around or if they've got a stripy T-shirt on you imagine a microphone with those stripes going around it.

"And it's the same process later on in the evening you see them, you look at the stripes and you go, 'Oh that's Mike. Oh yeah that's Mike. The hair, why am I thinking the hair is like a big microphone? Oh yes, of course, they're called Mike.'"

Microphone Mike! Any sort of alliteration based on a physical characteristic will work. Stripey Steve, Tall Tim, Green Gene. The more interesting and unique, the better you'll remember.

There is one catch with the technique: You have to actually listen and pay attention when someone tells you their name!

"So, you do have to listen that's the first thing when they say the name," Brown says. "Normally the very moment where someone is giving you their name you're just caught up in a whole lot of social anxiety anyways you don't even hear it, so you have to listen."

Using someone's name when you talk to them has tons of benefits. It conveys respect, friendliness, and intimacy. When you're on the receiving end and someone you've just met uses your name, it just feels good! It feels like it matters to them that they met you.

"And then at the end [of the party] you get to go around and say goodbye to everybody by name and everyone thinks you're very charming and clever," Brown quips.

Listen to the entire, fascinating interview here.

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

Brown's name-remembering technique is tangential to an ancient philosophy called the "Method of loci".

The method involves attaching things to be remembered (numbers, tasks, facts) to specific places that are easy to visualize in your head. Imagine taking a brain-walk down the street you live on and all the objects or places you might see there. The mailbox, the gnarled tree, the rusty fire hydrant. This memory method asks you to visually associate one thing you want to remember with each item or location. The more strange and visual the image you can create, the better! Brown uses the example of trying to shove a sparkling-clean shirt into his mailbox, reminding him to do his drycleaning.

When you need to recall the item, you just take a little walk in your head down the street.

(Did you know that there's a World Championship of Memory? Most of the best competitors use a version of this technique.)


The name hack isn't so dissimilar. You're attaching an intangible, abstract thing (a name) to a specific visual image you can see in your head and even in the real world. But that's just one way of getting better at remembering names! There are all kinds of tips, hacks, and methods you can try.

Some people swear by repeating the name immediately after hearing it. "Hi, my name is Jake." "Hi, Jake, nice to meet you!" (Just don't say someone's name too frequently or you risk coming off a bit slimy.)

Others use a technique similar to Brown's loci idea, but instead of a visual, you lean on things that are already deeply engrained in your memory, like rhymes or free-association. or even celebrities. Mary - had a little lamb. Jake - the Snake. Daisy - flowers. Tom - Cruise.

Another trick (that I've definitely used before) if you do forget someone's name? Introduce them to someone you know! "Hey, this is my wife, Sarah." The person was almost always introduce themselves using their own name, and then you get a second chance at remembering it.

A lot of the best advice really comes down to being intentional about remembering when you're introduced to a new person. Whatever mental gymnastics you choose to do with the name, the mere fact that you're thinking about it with such focus immediately after is a big part of why these 'tricks' help names stick.

It feels really good when someone cares enough to remember your name, so it's definitely worth putting in a little effort of trying to instill that feeling in others.

She recently received a lot of mom shaming for bathing with her kids.

On more than one occasion, Chrissy Teigen has been really open about her parenting experiences, which have spurred thoughtful discussions (and yes, debates) on subjects often deemed a little taboo. This is one of those times.

Over the weekend (Feb 9) the model and mom posted a photo of herself in a bathtub with three of her children—Miles, 6, Esti, 2, and Wren, 20 months—on Instagram, along with the cheeky caption, “BAHHHHHHHHHHH.”

Quite a few viewers took umbrage with the post, deeming it “inappropriate” that Teigen was “flaunting” her naked body to her kids, primarily her 6-year-old. This escalated into a bit of an age-old discourse of whether co-bathing with children is okay or not.

Those that defended Teigen argued that “nothing weird was going,” that they themselves have had “family baths” togethers, and that this only seemed so scandalous due to a Western mindset, essentially.

As one person commented, “Love this picture.❤️❤️❤️ Mama looks comfortable. Boys look happy. No morbo, no bad nothing. Live your life people. Cultural shock for many of you here.”

And perhaps there is something to this. It’s not uncommon for families in Asian countries, like Japan and South Korea, to bathe together. While this si largely due to practical reasons, like saving on water resources and water bills, its also seen as a fun family bonding activity.

Both countries have public bathhouses—jjimjilbangs (South Korea) and onsens (Japan)—which provide designated mineral-rich hot tubs, saunas, where parents and their kids can soak together. Going just a little further west, families in Scandinavia also enjoy going to a sauna together.

Put simply, attitudes around this subject vary. That goes even for parents in the U.S. Some might find co-bathing to be a convenient alternative to bathing separately, especially when there are multiple heads to wash, and/or they feel it’s a fun and innocent way to enjoy some time together. Others feel that it should be a private affair past a certain age. And what age that should be really becomes the subject of controversy. According to clinical psychologist John E. Mayer, author ofFamily Fit: Find Your Balance in Life, kids typically stop being comfortable with parental nudity by the time they’re in middle of elementary school, and this is when bathing together “should end.” However, the decision should vary depending on a child’s comfort level, she adds. Therefore, some might bathe together for longer, or cut it short.

It might be worth noting that by and large, what people seemed to take issue with wasn’t so much Teigen bathing with her kids, or even taking a photo of it, but posting it online—only because it does bring up a point about exposing children to the wilderness of the internet. This is in and of itself always risky, but especially so when snapped during a somewhat vulnerable moment. But then again, this is also a clear example of how quickly a well intentioned post can become fodder for serious mom shaming.

Point being: co-bathing, and really any parenting decision for that matter, will look a little different depending on the family. And usually, especially when following guidelines of trusted experts, it isn’t really an issue. It can be easy to judge something we’re not used to seeing as being “wrong,” when really it’s just a different choice. But that is why it’s good to have conversations about it, so that our minds might open up a little.


TikTok loves to celebrate relationships that fit our culturally accepted norms. 'Big manly guy plus dainty girl' equals algorithm gold! Every week there's a new challenge spawning hundreds of videos: Can you lift your girlfriend with one arm? Can you pick her up and sit her on your shoulder? Can you throw her over your shoulder like a military soldier?

Refreshingly, one couple is breaking the mold. Meet Ellie and Lucas. Lucas Byrd is currently the number one ranked collegiate wrestler in his weight class — not too shabby. Ellie Holzman is a former D-1 volleyball and softball player. But they're social media-famous as a couple for reasons that have nothing to do with their athletic accomplishments.

Yes, this TikTok couple is best known for their 6-inch height difference. Lucas stands at a modest 5' 6" (ideal leverage for a wrestler) while Ellie towers over him at 6' 2" (perfect for volleyball spikes).

The two share an account (@ellie_and_lucas) and document their relationship there with the cutest videos you've ever seen.

In one video, he playfully picks her up and promptly topples over in the process — 'lift your girlfriend' challenges be damned. In another, she dons high heels and he has to reach on his very tippy-toes to kiss her. In another clip, they run a photo of themselves through a cartoon filter — which bafflingly switches their heights and makes Lucas taller!

Through it all, one thing is clear: The striking height difference doesn't bother them one bit. In fact, they seem to have a lot of fun poking fun at it and playing with people's expectations in some of their 'skits'. Their non-chalance may not have always been the case, however.


Just a boy (and girl) ✨in love✨

In an interview with Big Ten Network, Holzman said that she and Byrd started off as great friends. He had feelings for her but initially she had trouble seeing past the height difference. And it's true — there is a lot of pressure, judgment, and cultural taboo attached to height in relationships. A large majority of women prefer a male partner to be taller than them — and on the other hand, most men prefer to be the taller one in relationships. So falling into a situation that doesn't fit that mold can be uncomfortable at first, and it can take some mental reprogramming to get used to it.

"But then once I got over it, it flourished into this kind of beautiful thing," Holzman said.

People can't get enough of Lucas and Ellie's viral love story.

Not only are they a charming and fun-loving couple that's easy to root for (hence their top video having over 1.5 million views), Holzman and Byrd are offering amazing representation for the 'short king/tall queen' couples out there who don't have nearly enough visibility.

"I love the height difference representation my husband is 4 inches shorter than me," one commenter wrote under a video.

"the height rep 😭❤️ I’m 5’10 and my bf is 5’5- wishing you two nothing but the best," said another.

The short guys, out there, in particular are loving this story. They've been told their whole lives that dating a taller girl is off limits — quite literally, out of reach! — and are stunned to see that that's simply not true. Comments pour in every day from people saying that Lucas "won life."


Still get giddy for date nights 😊😊

"Short kings, we need to study this man and his confidence. It’s possible," one joked.

"Dude is living the dream," wrote another.

Ellie, too, deserves plenty of props for looking past cultural taboos to find real love. While short guys who 'land' taller girlfriends get applauded for somehow pulling off the impossible, women risk being judged, mocked, and looked down upon if their partner doesn't fit certain gendered norms. It's yet another unfair double-standard standing in the way of couples just looking for a real connection.


Height disparity in relationships is getting more visibility these days, which is slowly helping to normalize it.

The best and brightest example has to be Zendaya, who is about 2-3 inches taller than her fiance, Tom Holland — even taller in heels on the red carpet! There's also Tina Fey and her composer husband Jeff Richmond who have a height difference of about 3 inches. And there's Daniel Radcliffe (5' 5") and his girlfriend Erin Darke (5' 7").

But nobody has Ellie Holzman and Lucas Byrd beat. The confidence and love radiating in their videos — however silly they may be — really is making a difference out there by helping to give other short guys and tall the girls the courage to go for it.