17 'unwritten rules' people live by to make the world a better place
Golden rules of kindness, compassion, and good ol' common sense.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
Kindness is simple. But in our complicated world, it’s easy to forget. That’s why we have catchy little words of wisdom, like “do unto others” or “be the change you’d like to see in the world,” to help us remember the power of connecting to our hearts and each other.
These proverbs might resonate differently, depending on an individual’s values, but ultimately they all say the same thing: choose to be a good person. And honestly, whatever rhyme gets us there is a good one.
Recently, user MeringueOne7397 asked the Reddit community: “What is an unwritten rule that you always follow?” and the responses are a brilliant example of this concept. While some answers are perhaps a bit more poetic, others are completely mundane. But they all point towards a path that includes compassion.
Check out 17 of the best ones, and see if you might want to incorporate a few yourself.
1. “If you make the mess, you clean it up.”
2. “Let people off the train before you get on.”
3. “Be hesitant to take criticism from people you wouldn't go to for advice.”
4. “Never answer a ‘stupid’ question like it's a stupid question. There's a reason the person didn't know, didn't get it or misunderstood. Not knowing information is not stupid.”
5. “When walking down the sidewalk, phone is in my pocket. If I need to look at it -- move aside then take out the phone.”
"When walking down the sidewalk, phone is in my pocket."
6. “Always be polite. I don't care what I'm doing or what kind of a day I've had. I always make sure to say 'hey how are you?' And 'thank you, have a nice day' whenever I talk to people like shop assistants. Politeness is so underrated in general.”
7. “Don't cheat. Let vehicles merge. Be kind.”
8. “Always be nice to everyone you can, you never know when you will need help from someone.”
9. “If someone has headphones in, don't try to talk to them.”
"If someone has headphones on, don't try to talk to them."
10. “Assume someone is just venting, and offer comfort and listening unless they specifically ask for advice. ask if they want advice if you have any to give.unsolicited advice can often come off the wrong way.”
11. “When driving, wave when someone lets you over.”
12. “You don't call people after 9:00 Unless they specifically said that you could or it is an emergency.”
13. “Waving to the person behind who let you into traffic…I will not quit doing it. Basic good manners.”
"Waving to the person behind who let you into traffic…I will not quite doing it."
14. “Never blindly accept statements as true, even if they are from people you trust. Not because they are lying to you, but oftentimes people just make mistakes or are bad communicators.”“
15. Don't make fun of things people can't control i.e. their teeth, their laugh, etc. You could be giving someone a lifelong complex and insecurity that can have untold emotional damage.”
16. “Treat others as I want to be treated. Assume benign intent (until proved otherwise).”
…and last but certainly not least…
17. “Put your damn cart in the collection area after grocery shopping.”
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