Woman and her cat find bullet hole ridden minivan buried in backyard captivating the internet
The distraction that everyone needs.

Woman and her cat find buried car filled with bullet holes
Moving into a new home is almost always an exciting experience. You plan out what colors to paint the walls, how you want to decorate and even if you want to plant a garden or not. Most people purchase new homes that meet their needs for that period in their lives or their long term plans.
That's why when an Ohio woman purchased a new home she needed it to have enough acreage for her to have room for her horses to play and a pasture for them to graze. She thought she found the perfect place but there was a weird hill in her yard where she wanted to create a pasture for her horses. Upon inspecting the hill she noticed there was a tail light and part of a bumper sticking out so she grabbed a shovel. What transpires next has been captivating the internet for days.
The woman uploaded the initial video showing her discovery to social media under the screen name Nemo's Human. People were instantly invested in why a car was buried on the woman's property and why she was digging it up with a shovel without police assistance. Only equipped with her shovel and cat, it took the woman a couple of days to dig out the surface of the vehicle which appears to be covered in bullet holes raising concern among viewers.
@radagast09 I found a car buried on my land so there's that #car #weird #fyp ♬ original sound - Nemo's human
But the homeowner doesn't seem at all upset about the holes in the vehicle, "there's definitely holes in this car, so maybe they used to shoot at the car. Like maybe they used it for target practice or something, but yeah, I'm definitely finding some holes in it."
At this point in the digging process the woman still couldn't identify the make and model of the vehicle which prompted CARFAX to chime in with their best guess. After some back and forth it was determined that the car was a Dodge Caravan, though people were more worried about the bullet holes and what seems to be charred earth around where the woman is digging. It doesn't take a forensic scientist to start to wonder if foul play might have been the reason for the buried car.
@radagast09 Update: Still digging. I thought I figured out what kind of car it is, but I did not. #cartok #rugtok #buriedcar ♬ original sound - Nemo's human
This isn't the first suspicious item that has been unearthed on TikTok holding the attention of millions and several people harkened back to just a few weeks prior as this new mystery was uncovered.
"Rug lady 'the rug is in the ground I can’t dig it up myself' Car lady 'I’m going to dig this whole car up by myself'," someone laughs.
@radagast09 Apparently some people missed Tom, so he's in this one 😻 #buriedcar ♬ original sound - Nemo's human
Another person compares the two women's completely different attitudes towards their discoveries in their backyards, "rug lady: it's a dead body haunting my house.... car lady: oh it's just an old car nothing suspicious here(ignoring gloves, bullet holes, the fact that it's buried...lol)."
Still people were quite worried that the woman was about to dig up more that she is anticipating and try to warn her of just that, saying, "I love the innocence of your theory! But my mind is going in a completely different direction. I feel like it would’ve been easier to haul away. Those are big bullet holes. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are human remains in there. IJS."
@radagast09 The car is no longer buried in my back yard but I do kind of wish I never noticed it in the first place #buriedcar #rugtok #cartok ♬ original sound - Nemo's human
It seems junior internet sleuths are the only people already jumping to that conclusion since the woman called law enforcement who surmised the same scenario she had–target practice. That is a possibility, especially in a rural area. Either way the police have no intention of coming out to excavate the vehicle from it's resting place in order to investigate. Instead the woman is to give the local police a ring when she gets a vin number, until then it's a woman, her cat and a shovel.
After more than a week, heavy machinery rental and keeping social media abuzz, the van is now finally fully unearthed. Much to everyone's relief there was nothing inside that would indicate a crime has occurred outside of the van being full of cinder blocks and the vin nowhere to be found. Turns out the car was essentially covering up a makeshift landfill so the woman's yard is not only filled with pieces from the buried car but trash that the previous owners decided to leave behind. Now that's a buried treasure nobody wants but it sure was a much needed fun distraction.