Snapchat challenged its users to share their best pet tricks and these are the winners
Cats can play fetch?

Snapchat's #PetTrick Challenge winners.
Snapchat launched a #PetTrick Challenge last week where it offered users a chance to win $7,000 by showing off their pet's most clever tricks. The challenge was part of a new campaign through its Spotlight platform where users are given the chance to win cash prizes for creating popular snaps using Lenses, Sounds or #Topics.
“Whether it be your best trick shot or your funniest impression, these challenges champion Snapchatters to create Snaps that highlight their unique voice, perspective, personality and creativity,” Snapchat wrote on its website.
The Top Snap winner @loganbackflip won $3,500 for turning the challenge on its head. Instead of merely showing off his dog Nike’s amazing tricks, he recreated them himself including fetching, hopping backward and grabbing the mail. The video probably reminded a lot of people of David Letterman's “Stupid Human Tricks” bit.
What’s most impressive is how Logan holds his hands up like paws as he hops across his house. "This is my pet friend, his name is Nike," Logan wrote. "Today I will be recreating all of his #PetTricks."
Click on the photos to watch the videos in a new window.
The second-place winner @babyitabbey won $2,500 for her dog Astro’s unique tricks of playing dead, catching a snowball and sharing hugs. Have to admit that if they gave our Academy Awards for dogs, Astro would win one for his compelling playing dead performance. He also does a great job at understanding commands when he finds Abbey a dog toy and gives her a big warm hug.
The third-place winner @joshsadowski won $1,000 for teaching his cat Milo to play fetch, an unusual characteristic for a feline. I wonder if Josh also has dogs that play fetch and if the cat picked it up from them?
If you didn’t think it was possible to train your cat how to play fetch, Chewy has step-by-step instructions that teach you how to do it using a training clicker. Even if your cat doesn’t naturally play fetch, Chewy stresses that it’s still possible.
“If your cat happens to be one who needs greater effort to train, I encourage you to do it,” Chewy writes. “Training your cat to play fetch is worth it. You will also enjoy the process and end result with your cat. So for those of you with cats who don’t just play fetch instinctively, I would like to state: You can train your cat to play fetch."
The American Kennel Club put together a list of the best dog breeds to teach tricks. It says that the best dog for tricks is the border collie because they are “whip-smart workaholics” and are a “highly trainable breed.” The club also recommends poodles for being “keen to work” and “eager to please” as well as German shepherds because they are “tireless workers and want nothing more than to please their handlers.”
In the end, pet training is all about having fun and creating a stronger bond between yourself and your pet. When it comes to learning, pet training is not just a one-way street, it teaches humans a thing or two about themselves as well.