Robin Williams doing his thing in a phone commercial from the 1970s is peak nostalgia
A blast from the past in so many ways.

Williams was great at everything he did.
Sure, we all know and love the late, great Robin Willams for his work in movies, television shows, Saturday Night Live, and standup. But let’s not forget he also has a slew of commercials under his belt as well. Because honestly, what medium wouldn’t benefit without his signature charm and humor?
Even the biggest Robin Williams fans might be surprised to find this recently unearthed commercial he did for the Illinois Bell phone company (later known as AT&T) back in the 1970s.
In the clip, where Williams unsurprisingly plays a mischievous husband making voices while his wife shops around for the perfect landline phone, we see a delightful foreshadowing of his alien character Mork from the sitcom Mork & Mindy—it certainly helps that the woman playing his wife resembles Pam Dawber, who played Mindy in the show. And the fact that he says "people of Earth” with that perfect alien voice.
Of course, it wasn’t just nostalgia for Williams that people felt while watching this video, but also wistfulness for a bygone era…a simpler time when something like a landline was even a thing. Here’s a small smattering of comments from Youtube:
“You bought a phone and it sat on a desk or hung on the wall for decades and did its job, no updates, no 'starting it up', it was always on and always worked.”
“Miss the days when you could slam the phone.”
“The most surprising thing is that they repaired the broken phones rather than simply throwing them out and giving you a new one.”
“Oh, the times when we could make ourselves unavailable.”
“I remember having to go to the phone company. All the different color phones on display.”
“Our yellow kitchen wall phone had a cord like 12 ft long. It got knotted and tangled once and just stayed that way forever.”
“I remember being so excited about the new "pushbuttons" instead of the rotary dial.”
And last but not least, “I want to live in this time period.”
While we have two things to miss because of this video, it also, as one view put it, gave us “something to smile about.” And that’s never a bad thing.
By the way, thanks to the internet we have a few more archived Robin William commercials at our disposal, arguably more chaotic than the one for Illinois Bell.
Especially this rather notorious one, in which Williams drives director Howard Storm insane with his shotgun style improv skills.
Williams’ comedic genius continues to be something we marvel at, and its inexplicable blend of zaniness, tragedy, and existentialism will always be a mystery we can never fully solve. That’s part of what made it so magical, and why we can watch even one of his most seemingly insignificant works, and still be mesmerized. He was one of the greats, no doubt about it.