Linda the pit bull proves that even dogs get spoiled when staying the weekend with grandma
That's Princess Linda from now on.

Pit bull's tantrum proves even dogs get spoiled at grandma's
It's not just kids that go to grandma's house only to come back more spoiled than when they left, it's dogs too. One sassy pit bull named Linda, from the TikTok account Linda & Athena, has is a little salty with her mom because her mom is refusing to treat her like the princess grandma said she is. Linda got to spend the weekend at grandma's house and she came back an absolute diva demanding cookies while lying in bed.
The dog is on her cot wrapped in a cozy red blanket yelling at her mom over the non-existent cookies in her belly. Linda's mom was not up for the sassy behavior but it didn't deter the pooch from voicing her frustration. Treats are life and grandma says she's the goodest girl.
"Why do you act like this when you come home from grandma's house after a weekend? Do we need to stop going to grandma's house," Linda's mom asks.
The threat didn't stop Linda's complaints so her mom switched tactics by trying to get the dog to appreciate what she has at her house. She's got a nice big blankie, food and the sunlight that's almost to the dog's bed. It's simply not enough for Linda, she misses her grandma. After all, she's the only one that truly knows Linda's needs–dog biscuits, even though her mom says she's gained six pounds in two days. Commenters were split on this adorable argument.
One person says "Listen Linda, just go back to grandma's house!"
"Poor Linda. It's like she's living in a prison," another commenter writes.
Someone scolds "How dare you not give Linda a cookie. She's a princess!"
Within the comments Linda's mom revealed that not only did the dog get as many cookies as she could eat, but grandma made grandpa sleep on the couch so Linda would have more room in the bed. For anyone that thinks that's too much, Linda says to mind your business, she deserves luxury treatment every day.
You can see her adorable tantrum below:
@linda_athena Linda was way too spoiled at Grandma's house this weekend... I think we've created a monster 👻 #lindaislife #bossladylinda #talkingdogs #lifewithlindandathena #queenlinda #lindaismyspiritanimal #naptimeforlinda #tuckinlinda2023 #naptimewithlinda #failedtuckin