
Formerly homeless man now decks out his house with 17,500 Christmas lights for charity

christmas lights, christmas decor, christmas stories

Photo from Mark Abbott's Facebook

Looking for an authentic holiday feel-good story?

Mark Abbott has now been dubbed "Mr. Christmas" after transforming his home into an absolutely mesmerizing winter wonderland.

We’re talking illuminated reindeer (all nine of them), a glowing blue tunnel of light leading up to the front door, a candy cane forest, a snow machine, some outdoor music and an eight-foot-long sleigh. If that’s not enough seasonal spectacle, I don’t know what is.

But how and why this dazzlingly decorated Christmas house came to be is the real heartwarming tale.

Fifteen years ago, Abbott was registered as homeless. He shared with The Big Issue that he had been juggling three jobs to make ends meet. Then he lost his home after an expensive bill racked up for work on his car. The one he used to get to all three of his jobs. Needlessly to say, it was a difficult time in his life.

Abbott had been couch surfing and sleeping in his car before getting help at St. Martins in Norwich, in the east of England.

St. Martins describes its mission as “enhancing understanding and compassion towards homeless people in our community through education and advocacy.” It provides residential care for those with mental health and substance abuse related issues, housing care for the elderly and a "direct access hostel," where Abbott stayed at for the next nine months.

While there, he saved up enough money to get on a housing register. And now, according to The Big Issue, Abbott is a proud father of three and has turned his passion into a business running a children’s dance company.

Not to mention, Abbott spares no expense for gorgeous Christmas lights each year.

“I’ve always liked Christmas lights, they’re so pretty. And I’ve always liked the festive thing, even the cold weather,” he told The Big Issue, adding “I do really love it when I see kids’ faces. The biggest thing for me is that it’s bringing people together.”

He certainly succeeds in that department, as families flock from miles away to glance at the breathtaking scene.

This year, two onlookers suggested that Abbott should use his festive display for charity, and having never forgotten the support he received from St. Martins, he knew exactly who to raise money for. He told BBC News “With the pandemic you hear stories of families being made homeless. I've got three kids now and I couldn't imagine being homeless with children.”

With around 17,500 lights and 4,000 feet of wires, Abbott is giving back to the institution that once helped him all those years ago. Which means running more than 50 sockets to power the lights. But that cost is being covered by a friend Abbott made while he was homeless. Gratitude and generosity really are the gifts that keep on giving.

If you’d like to donate to St. Martins, you can do so here.

Alternatively, there are many ways you can help make a difference for those experiencing homelessness this season. The Independent has a short-but-sweet list of ideas that you can find here.

If Abbott’s "Christmas comeback" is any indication, you never know how a little kindness can help turn around someone’s life in a major way.


5 more things that made us smile this week

We love to see single moms succeed, strangers reaching out to help, and parents pushing back against bigotry.


In a time where the world feels more divided than ever, we could all use a pick-me-up. With that in mind, we’ve scoured the internet to bring you five feel-good pieces of news and media that put a smile on our faces (and we bet it’ll put one on yours, too).

This week, we’re loving:

This woman’s life-saving good deed

Hockey fan Nadia Popovici was at a game in 2022 when she noticed something strange: an irregular mole on the back of Brian Hamilton, one of the team’s assistant equipment managers. Popovici had experience looking at cancerous moles during her experience volunteering in oncology wards, so she quickly flagged Hamilton down and warned him through the plexiglass that his mole looked cancerous. Hamilton had the mole biopsied—and found Popovici had been right. “She saved my life,” Hamilton said later in a press conference.

Subaru is sharing the love this holiday season

Who knew that buying a car could be an act of love? During the annual Subaru Share the Love® Event, getting a car means supporting the charities you love the most. With every new Subaru purchased or leased, Subaru and its retailers will donate at least $300 to local and national charities, including the ASPCA®, Make-A-Wish®, Meals on Wheels, and the National Park Foundation, among others. And here's another thing to celebrate: After 17 years of the Subaru Share the Love Event nearly $320 million has been donated to charity!

This dad's perfect response to anti-gay bigotry

@fitxander Some AWESOME shade from my dad 😂🌈 #gay #dad @claire_training ♬ Kings & Queens - Ava Max

Sometimes, when a person throws shade, you have to throw it right back. That’s what Xander’s dad did, when a neighbor told him that having two gay kids (Xander and his sister, Claire) meant that he “failed as a parent.” His response? To cover his entire house and yard with pride flags. Go, dad!

This perfect example of brotherly love

You’ve never seen something more heartwarming than this boy helping his little brother before school. According to a TikTok video uploaded by his mom, this amazing kid “always reassures his little brother he’s going to have a great day at school,” giving him a hug, a kiss, and some reassuring words. No, you’re crying.

This single mom who passed her bar exam on the very first try

Taking the bar exam to become a lawyer is tough—so tough that most people can’t do it on their first try, even after months of studying. Which is why this video is downright joyous to watch. In the video, single mom and TikTok user @yougonloverhi records her and her son’s reactions as they find out that she passed the California Bar Exam on the first try. Supermom!

For more reasons to smile, check out all the ways Subaru is sharing the love this holiday season, here.


MIT’s trillion-frames-per-second camera can capture light as it travels

"There's nothing in the universe that looks fast to this camera."

Photographing the path of light.

A new camera developed at MIT can photograph a trillion frames per second (fps).

Compare that with a traditional movie camera which takes a mere 24fps. This new advancement in photographic technology has given scientists the ability to photograph the movement of the fastest thing in the Universe: light.

The actual event occurred in a nano second—that is one billionth of a second—but the camera has the ability to slow it down to twenty seconds.

time, science, frames per second, bounced light

The amazing camera.

Photo from YouTube|Nova50

For some perspective, according to New York Times writer John Markoff, "If a bullet were tracked in the same fashion moving through the same fluid, the resulting movie would last three years."

In the video below, you'll see experimental footage of light photons traveling 600-million-miles-per-hour through water.

It's impossible to directly record light, so the camera takes millions of scans to recreate each image. The process has been called "femto-photography" and according to Andreas Velten, a researcher involved with the project, "There's nothing in the universe that looks fast to this camera."

This article originally appeared seven years ago.


People are supporting a dad whose wife named their newborn while he went out for coffee

He didn't like the name, either. Shouldn’t it be a 50/50 decision?

via Canva

A mother smiles proudly after naming her baby.

Most people believe that both parents have an equal right to choose their baby’s name and that it should result from an agreement between both parties. That doesn't mean it’s always easy for both people to agree on the same name, but look, if you’re going to be a successful parent, you must know how to make compromises occasionally. Starting the job with your heels dug in does not bode well for anyone.

That’s why the following story is interesting. It shows what happens when a mother decides she can make the decision all by herself and what the fallout is like when her husband and his family find out. The story was recently shared on social media, and the commenters were shocked that she wasn’t sure if she was in the wrong.

"So, my (32F) husband (33M) and I just had our first baby girl a couple of weeks ago,” she begins the story. “We’d been going back and forth on names during my entire pregnancy. I really wanted to name her Eleanor after my late grandmother, who basically raised me when my parents weren’t around. She was my hero, and losing her last year was devastating. Honoring her felt deeply important.”

The woman’s husband preferred modern names such as Nova or Ember, which the mother just “couldn’t connect with,” so they never compromised.

baby names, parents of newborns, momsCaouple can't agree on baby names.via Canva

“On the day our daughter was born, while my husband stepped out to grab coffee, a nurse asked if we had a name for the birth certificate. I know I should have waited, but I was emotional and felt this rush of conviction. I just blurted out, ‘Eleanor.’”

When the husband returned with the coffee, he was “furious.”

“He said I’d blindsided him, robbed him of having a say, and that our daughter would hate her 'old lady' name. His family is also calling me manipulative. I feel terrible about the timing and how it all went down, but it’s not like we hadn’t discussed Eleanor before. I just feel like I honored a name that truly mattered to me when he wouldn’t budge.”

The mother asked the commenters if the father was overreacting because “we couldn’t find common ground.”

The commenters overwhelmingly supported the father in the situation. “You made a unilateral decision about your shared child,” the top commenter wrote. “You literally started her life by using her as a centerpiece for conflict with your husband. You also isolated her from your husband during the first major decision regarding her. What a terrible way to start her life.”

“‘…it’s not like we hadn’t discussed Eleanor before.’ You discussed it and he said no. Personally, I think the name Eleanor is lovely, but that’s not the issue,” another commenter noted. “You unilaterally made a decision —a decision a you knew your husband disagreed with—about your—both of your—child. Your giving birth doesn’t make this child any less his. Your husband and his family are absolutely right. You blindsided him."

baby names, parents of newborns, momsA newborn baby. via Canva

However, a few commenters believed whoever birthed the child had the right to pick the name, even if the father disagreed. “This might be the only daughter you have and if he can’t make it meaningful for you when you just risked your life for this baby and let you have the win then idk,” one of the few supporters of the mother wrote. ”I would let him pick the middle name. Trendy names are overrated.”

The woman who posted her story has yet to follow up and share what happened next, but let’s hope she took the commenters’ advice and apologized to her husband and changed the baby's name. Most agree that it's not fair for him to call his daughter a name he doesn’t like for the rest of their lives and it will always be a sore spot in their relationship. It’s best to bring a child into a family where everyone is on the same page and agrees on the things that matter most.

Pop Culture

The Monkees' acapella Christmas song shows they weren't just funny, they could sing, too

They performed "Riu Chiu," a Spanish carol, on their 1967 Christmas special.

The Monkees singing "Riu Chiu."

The Monkees have a complicated place in the history of rock music. On the one hand, they scored some of the biggest hits of the ‘60s with “I’m a Believer,” “Last Train to Clarksville,” and “Daydream Believer.” On the other, they were a band manufactured in 1967 for a TV show that did little more than sing on their earlier records.

All that changed in 1967 when they wrestled control over their musical careers from the executives who kept them out of the studio and began recording their music with the “Headquarters” album. But even though they proved to be talented musicians, The Monkees were still branded as a prefabricated band whose success was owed more to session musicians and top-tier songwriters.

Anyone who doubts the talent of Mickey Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, Davy Jones and Peter Tork, look no further than a performance on The Monkees’ 1967 “Christmas Show” episode. Like every episode of The Monkees' TV show, this one featured a musical number. But this time, instead of a rock tune with a pre-MTV video of the band monkeying around, this featured the band singing an acapella version of “Riu Chiu,” a Spanish villancico that has attained some contemporary fame as a Christmas carol. The song is attributed to Mateo Flecha the Elder, who died in 1553.

The performance highlights the band’s unique vocal abilities that stem from different musical traditions. Before The Monkees, Dolenz was a rock singer, Nesmith was a country singer-songwriter from Texas, Tork was a folk musician and Jones was an English theatrical performer best known for his performance as the Artful Dodger in “Oliver!” But in this performance, their vocals blend perfectly.

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

The “Christmas Show” episode was memorable for the band’s outstanding vocal performance but also stands as one of the more memorable Christmas specials in TV history. Coming on the heels of the “Summer of Love,” the story is about The Monkees babysitting Melvin Vandersnoot, the hard-hearted child of an affluent family. After numerous attempts to get him into the Christmas spirit, the Monkees warm up his icy heart after showing him love, something all the money in the world can’t buy.

Vandersnoot, was played with incredible maturity by Butch Patrick, best known as Eddie on “The Munsters.”

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

The Monkees' television show would be canceled in 1968 and the band’s original run wouldn’t last much longer. But all four band members would remain in the music business. The Monkees would reunite in the late ‘80s after the show became popular in reruns and would continue to tour over the next four decades, although most of the time, it was without Nesmith. Nesmith would pursue a country career in the ‘70s, and even though his work received a lukewarm reception at the time, his innovative mixture of country music, humor and psychedelia has made him a pioneer in the alt-country genre. Nesmith died in 2021, shortly after touring with Dolenz.

Outside his work as the mainstay in Monkee reunions, Dolenz has starred in numerous theatrical productions and recently released an EP of R.E.M covers. He still tours as a solo act.

Davy Jones went on to perform in Monkee reunions and guest star on several TV shows, most notably on an episode of “The Brady Bunch,” where he was the target of Marcia Brady’s affection. He passed away in 2012.

Peter Tork was a mainstay of The Monkees’ live performances through numerous reunions and played in a band called Shoe Suede Blues. Tork died in 2019 after a long battle with cancer.

An old Disney World ticket.

Matthew Ables’ family had a Magic Kingdom coupon book from 1978 sitting in a desk drawer. He thought it was just an old souvenir.

"It's been collecting dust since before I was born and I always assumed it was an old family keepsake until I realized that it's never been used and there's no expiration date," he said while inspecting the ticket book with a magnifying glass, in a TikTok with over 9 million views.

“Which means I've either found the golden ticket here, or I'm delusional thinking that the Mouse is going to let me use it to get inside nearly half a century later,” he continued.

So, he flew to Orlando, Florida to see if it would work. As you do.


I tried getting into Disney World using a 46 year old ticket #disneyworld #disney #themepark #funny #fyp

Upon arriving at a ticket booth at the Magic Kingdom, Matthew got nervous because the woman who worked there began "aggressively" stamping “VOID” on his coupon book and then left. Luckily, she returned with a yellow ticket he could use to get into the park.

It’s fantastic that Disney honored the ticket even though it was 46 years old. Especially because today, that would have cost $164, which shows that Disney World prices have risen much, much higher than inflation.

If ticket prices rose with inflation, it would only cost $37.64 to get into the Magic Kingdom in 2024.

Some of the commenters on the video noted that people showing up with extremely old tickets isn’t uncommon at Disney parks. "I used to work Magic Kingdom Guest Relations. This exact scenario would happen a few times a week!" Allison wrote.

This article originally appeared February.


This is gold medal thrifting.

According to a study provided by What to Expect in November, parents on average spend about $173 on each child for Christmas. Each child. You don’t have to be a math whiz to see how quickly that adds up (especially if you have multiple kiddos) and that’s on top of all the other gifts, decorations, special foods and every other investment made to conjure up some Christmas vibes.

And sure, you can hope for Black Friday deals to save your wallet on these endeavors, but let’s be honest, many supposed “bargains” are just fabricated to get us to spend more. And even if you do save some money, doesn’t it sometimes (not always, but sometimes) feel like there’s something sort of sterile about this gift giving process? Like, where’s the magic of stumbling upon that unexpected, yet perfect thing and getting to share the story of finding it along with the actual item itself, ya know?

Thrifters know this feeling all too well. One thrifty mom knows it so well she decided to buy her son’s entire Christmas haul completely secondhand, and her incredible finds are pretty darn inspiring.

In a clip posted to her TikTok, mom and “avid thrifter” Natalie Joy shared how her previous attempt at an all thrifted holiday haul for her son was such a “magical” experience (not to mention a viral one, as the clip got over 4 million views) that she decided to do it again this year.

Wait til you see her impressive finds.

Starting off strong, Natalie shows an adorable vintage kiddie suitcase, made even more perfect since it reminded her of the blue suitcase she had as a child which said “Going to Grandma's” and was one of her “favorite things.” Plus, she filled it with thrift books. Both of these things cost her $26. Have you seen the price of kid suitcases these days? You'd be lucky to find one for under $100.

Next up, a lap harp that just needed a pick, and an entire Spirogrpah arts and crafts set, both of which go for around $68 and $27 on Amazon. She snagged them for $7 and $5.

And then there was the beaded alligator purse that her son personally picked out at Goodwill for $4.99, which would likely be five times the price elsewhere and she already knows her kid is gonna love. Win win.

There are just so many gems—including a sizeable box of blocks for making a medieval castle, a shiny holographic puzzle, and a toy cash register—but the real pièce de résistance is a kiddie record player that you can find for about $50 on Ebay, which undoubtedly was one of her son’s “big presents.”

“My husband owns a record label so vinyl is a very big deal in our house,” Natalie explained. “I got it at an estate sale for $18 and I plugged it into the wall. It works. I'm gonna set up a little record area in his room. I just... I'm so excited.”

But wait, there's more. Natalie also got a precious stuffed elephant, a brand spanking new Little Tikes Story Time Projector at half the price, and Lincoln Logs. Man this kid is making out like a bandit, for real.

There was one toy that Natalie’s son did specifically ask for—a Bruder crane truck—which she knew would be difficult to procure from a thrift shop. However, in trying to stick to her plan, she got a used one from Facebook Marketplace for $25. Unfortunately, this one was broken…which is sometimes the risk of buying secondhand.

But, Natalie just used this as an opportunity to get “creative.”

I have decided I'm going to put a note from Santa in the cab of the truck. The note is gonna say that a couple years ago this fell off of his sleigh and it broke. And he's just had it in the back of his workshop waiting for the right kid who he knew would appreciate it even though it has a flaw. So Santa's gonna add a little extra magic,” she said.

Seriously, freakin’ genius. And certainly more of a fun adventure than simply inputting credit card information and a shipping address.

Lastly, Natalie swiped an assortment of fun shaped scissors, an “I Spy” game, red winter gloves, a rubber snake, a little bag of ocean animals, a bag of marbles, some stamps as stocking stuffers and a handful of seashells. All of this will be wrapped with…you guessed it… thrift wrapping paper, which is apparently in abundance at estate sales. Who knew?

So, what’s the total on their incredible Christmas haul? $154. Still less than the average, and a whole lotta stuff…each with really cool memories and stories infused into them. So cool.

Now, part of the trick to thrifting is allowing enough time for the items to be found. It’s definitely more of a treasure hunt than a regular shopping experience, and you’ll often fare better seeking out multiple sources—goodwills, estate sales, the occasional online marketplace, etc.—and making it a bit of a hobby. This is a luxury not many of us can afford, schedule-wise…which is partially why Amazon is so darn tempting (and booming). But at the same time, you’d be surprised at how much you can find even going to a thrift store every once in a while. Plus once you feel the sweet satisfaction of saving big and earning the bragging rights to tell everyone about it…it gets pretty addictive.

Not to mention that when you offer someone a gift that was thrifted, you’re also giving all that time, thought and love that was put in in order to get it. What’s not to love about that?