Guy makes a post about what you should have 'by age 30.' People's responses were hilarious.
"By the age of 30 you should have anxiety, and an emotional support pet that also has anxiety."

This is 30.
When Steve Adcock, an entrepreneur and “fitness buff” posted this to his Twitter: “By age 30, you should have a group of friends that talk business, money, and fitness, not politics and pop culture,” … people had thoughts.
By age 30, you should have a group of friends that talk business, money, and fitness, not politics and pop culture.
— Steve · Millionaire Habits (@SteveOnSpeed) August 1, 2022
His post might have been intended as more of an encouragement to surround yourself with people who challenge your current mindset, considering the tweet continued with “one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made was making friends with like-minded folks who talked about the same [stuff] over and over. I agreed with 99% of it. Your comfort zone will kill your progress.”
But still, overall the tweet left an unsavory taste in people’s mouths—primarily because it implied that money was somehow a better conversation topic than what people are usually genuinely passionate about. Why not talk about your favorite television show with friends if it lights you up inside?
It also seemed to uphold the dying myth that by the age of 30, the puzzle pieces of adulthood should somehow, as if by magic, simply fall into place. And this is where folks chimed in with their own hilarious (and sarcastic) jokes about what one should expect by their third decade on planet Earth. They did not disappoint.
Here are 12 things you didn’t know you needed by the time you turn 30. Enjoy:
By the age of 30 you should have anxiety, and an emotional support pet that also has anxiety
— Shilpa Rathnam (@shilparathnam) August 3, 2022
“By the age of 30 you should have anxiety, and an emotional support pet that also has anxiety.” – @shilparathnam
I have at least three friends who tick this box.
So. Many. 401ks.
Giphy“By the age of 30 you should have a therapist you always reschedule on, a big bag of spinach in the fridge that always goes bad before you get to it, and at least one stagnant 401k that you haven’t merged after changing jobs.” – @kianatipton
Check, check and check.
By the age of 30 you should own, not rent, OWN a bouncy castle. This is a time when you should be building equity. The only way to beat inflation is with inflatables.
— Yer Gal Friday (@FridayInHalifax) August 4, 2022
“By the age of 30 you should own, not rent, OWN a bouncy castle. This is a time when you should be building equity. The only way to beat inflation is with inflatables.” – @FridayinHalifax
Where’s the lie?
What's one more notebook?
Giphy“By the age of 30 you should have a favorite pen you won’t let anyone use, a cache of pretty notebooks you’re saving for a special occasion, and at least one piece of media you rewatch endlessly for comfort.” – @allieiswriting
Oh how I do love using my unicorn gel pen while writing in my notebook as “The Great British Bake Off” plays in the background. Not my good notebook, of course. That’s tucked away for the day I finally write the next great American novel.
“By the age of 30 you should have at least one large emotional support box of obsolete* cables.* but you know they aren't.” – @nanoraptor
Better yet, make it two.
Giphy“By age 30 you should have a sick ass jacket people identify you by.” – @dieworkwear
Nicolas Cage knew this back in the '90s.
by the age of 30 you should have at least 3-5 feral raccoons as your best friends
— M.🍒 (@casinthemeadow) August 3, 2022
“By the age of 30 you should have at least 3-5 feral raccoons as your best friends.” – @casinthemeadow
A Marvel-based Twitter account thought something similar…
Wink :)
Giphy“By the age of 30, your friend group should consist of a talking raccoon, a tree with a limited vocabulary, the most dangerous woman in the galaxy, and Drax.” – @MarvelUnlimited
“By the age of 30 you should have one friend who is a little frog.” – @Hana_D_Barrett
I don’t know who these 30-year-olds with frog friends are, but they are winning at adulting.
Don't forget a funny sidekick!
Giphy“By age 30 you should have several henchmen, a sworn enemy, and a narrative foil.” – SparkNotes
The company that’s helped us fake our way through book reports in high school offers life lessons too.
My brain at all times.
Giphy“By the age of 30, you should have at least 5 web browsers with over 100 tabs opened that you don't have any plan to actually read.” – @KhoaVuUmn
Being 30 means having virtual commitment issues. Finally, one person rallied in the war of art versus commerce, and their stance was quite clear.
By your 40's-50's (or sooner), you realize that people that talk frequently about their money/wealth are nothing but insufferable, shallow boors.
— Sonya in the Backcountry (@SJCanyonLove) August 1, 2022
Call me dull, but I prefer to talk about amazing books, podcasts, gardening, hobbies, documentaries/shows on Netflix, etc.
“By your 40's-50's (or sooner), you realize that people that talk frequently about their money/wealth are nothing but insufferable, shallow boors. Call me dull, but I prefer to talk about amazing books, podcasts, gardening, hobbies, documentaries/shows on Netflix, etc.” – @SJCanyonLove
Bottom line: Love what you love and don't weigh yourself down with arbitrary rules about age.
This article originally appeared two years ago.