'This is how bad I overshare': Embarrassed woman shares funny small talk fail with stranger
"Why do I always give way more information than necessary?"

Woman totally overshares with dog-walker.
Small talk makes many people uncomfortable. In fact, a 2023 poll found that 71% of Americans would rather sit in silence than chat about the weather, sports, or if the bus is on time with someone they don’t know very well.
A big reason people don’t like small talk is that they think it’s meaningless and boring. However, Julia Korn, a leadership and development writer at Forbes, says it’s important because it enables us to find common ground and shared interests, build muscles to overcome social discomfort, and lay the groundwork for transitioning into more serious, deeper topics.
Studies show that people feel a greater sense of belonging and happiness if they exchange a few pleasant words with the barista when buying a coffee.
A funny video on TikTok with over 1.2 million views shows how small talk can be a challenge for some people—even those who are happy to talk with a stranger. Lizzy, known as @lizelleperaza on the platform, filmed herself interacting with someone walking their dog in a park.
@lizelleperaza Proof my small talk game is as unpredictable as the weather. At keast the dog didn’t judge me… I think #awkward #adhd #autistic #weathertalk #awkwardbuttrue #lgbtq #cringe #morningreflections
"It's warm out here today!" someone could be heard saying off-camera, and Lizzy enthusiastically responded with a lot of information for a brief encounter. "Yes, I was wearing a sweatshirt yesterday when I went out, and today I had to take it off right away when I got outside," she said. After realizing she could have just said, “Sure is!” she turned back and gave an embarrassing look at the camera.
“Proof my small talk game is as unpredictable as the weather. At least the dog didn’t judge me… I think,” Lizzy captioned the video.
The great thing about the moment of embarrassment was that so many people who watched it could relate.
“Several years ago, someone said ‘You have pretty teeth” and I said “Thanks, I floss every day,” and I think about that moment often,” Cattie wrote. “When you're halfway through the reply and you already know you messed up, but you can't stop mid-sentence, cause that would be more weird,” Brianne added.
Shanny knew precisely what was happening in Lizzy’s head: “She caught you off guard with a question you hadn't previously mentally scripted and then you panicked,” she wrote.
Keeks had a good point. Sometimes, a short answer to a small talk question isn’t enough and makes everyone uncomfortable. “I'm the opposite. I say the ‘sure is’ and rethink that interaction all day, feeling like I missed out on human connection,” they wrote.
How to stop oversharing
If you watched Lizzy’s TikTok video and could relate to it because you have an oversharing problem, Krista Brown has a great tip she shared at The Science of People that could help you reveal the right amount of information next time you make small talk. She says to slow down before you speak.
“Take a breath before answering a question or jumping into a story,” Brown writes. “Think to yourself, ‘Is what I’m about to share relevant, interesting, or helpful to the person I’m speaking with.’”
Ultimately, Lizzy’s interaction with the dog walker may have been awkward for her, but that one-on-one interaction wound up helping a lot of people. It was a great example of the awkwardness we all feel when forced to respond to someone out of nowhere. Lizzy may have wanted to disappear after her response, but the moment made many people feel seen.