These Are Real Tweets Sent By Real People To Real Women. WTF!?
When you're a feminist, or a woman, or anyone who can't pass for a straight, white male on the Internet, you get a lot of vitriol hurled your way pretty much any time you speak up. But here's the thing. When you start seeing enough tweets like this (and I have seen more than enough of them, let me tell you) the message starts to get a bit redundant. And predictable. It's a bit pathetic, really. I've categorized some of the most common ones below.
#1. The Murder Threat (with bonus slut-shaming)
Feminists are really into the whole "creating a world in which all people are equal" thing ... so remind me again how murdering them all is gonna help you?
#2. The "Oh Yeah ... Well, You're ... UGLY!"
WE GET IT. You think we're ugly on the outside. And think "fat" is an insult (it's not). And think we give a crap if you find us attractive.
News flash: If a woman who demands respect and equality kills your uhm ... that says way more about you than it does about us. Sorry, not sorry.
#3. The Logical Jump
A=b, b=c, therefore a=c ... so I don't know how you made the jump from glasses-wearing to having invalid opinions ... but I'm curious.
I mean, this is actually just great news, because no one wants to be raped. So thanks for the update — glad that's not on the agenda. You're too kind. Also, while we have you here, uh, can I remind you that rape is not a compliment?
#4. When Autocorrect Attacks (My Sense Of Party Dips)
LOL. If only all threats to myself and my life were funny.
They're not all funny, BTW. Cases in point...
#5. The Legit Scary Sniper Threat
(See #1). Then alert authorities. Oh, about that...
#6. The Personal Rape Threat
Bonus points for law enforcement not taking that seriously.
Watch the whole video here:
It's like they think we can't see through what they're trying to do...
And while these sorts of tweets should not be taken lightly or dismissed out of hand, sometimes there's only one way to respond:
(It's not anti-feminist! Taylor Swift is great!)