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parenting humor


Dad's viral reaction to finding out babies don't have kneecaps has people rolling

Turns out he's not the only one who didn't know this fact about baby anatomy.

When you're a first time parent, you learn something new every day.

Becoming a parent for the first time means learning all kinds of fun facts you otherwise might have never thought of. For instance, did you know that a baby won’t produce tears till its first 3-4 weeks? Or that their stomachs are only the size of a wee walnut? Incredible, right? It’s enough to put any new parent in awe.

Thanks to TikTok, we see one dad’s shock and amazement at learning that babies don’t have kneecaps—at least not in the same way that adults do. Apparently, this was new information to a lot of folks.

In a video shared by Dylan and Shelby Reese, the couple behind the TikTok account @shelbanddyl, we see a bewildered Dylan holding their son (or as Dylan says, their “no kneecap havin’’” son) presumably after Shelby has just delivered this lesser know anatomy fact.

Through laughter, Shelby tries to explain that the kneecaps will develop later, to which Dylan replies, “What kind of design flaw is this?! So you’re telling me this little nugget is kneecap-less until they’re like 2-6 years old? That’s wild!”

@shelbanddyl It only took him nearly 30 years to find this out 🤣 #shelbanddyl #husbandreacts #baby #couples #relationships ♬ original sound - Shelby & Dylan

Dylan wasn’t the only one surprised by this. Several viewers were also unaware.

“I was today years old learning that kids have no kneecaps. I am 31,” one person wrote.

“I have 4 kids, Shelby. 4 kids and never ever knew they didn’t have kneecaps. What in the world,” another added.

Another brought in this very astute question: “is this why we can crawl as children but then it hurts when we grow up?” Seriously—the world needs to know this.

To save you Google fact checking deep dive, babies technically do have kneecaps.

But according to Healthline, those kneecaps are made of softer, more flexible cartilage that will eventually become the bony kneecap, or patella, that adults have. Much in the same way that the nose, ears and other joints evolve. This process begins between the ages of 2 and 6, and ends around the age of 10 to 12.

Having soft knee caps not only helps with the birthing process, but also makes for more comfortable crawling as babies learn to walk. So yes, the soft-to-hard knee transient problem is why adults don’t have as much fun crawling around. You learn something new every day!

Just goes to show that parenting offers new discoveries to delight in all the time.


Mom's hilarious 'mom police' skits have mothers everywhere nodding and chuckling

The items she pulls out of her 'Molice' vest are perfection.

The "Molice" steps in when parents could use a little help.

Parenting is a long, tough gig no matter how you slice it. And if we don't approach the process with a healthy amount of humor, it's even harder. Being able to laugh about the pitfalls and woes of parenting is one of the keys to not losing your everlovin' mind as you strive to raise good humans.

Enter Bridgett Mack, mom, author, motivational speaker, pastor's wife … and friendly neighborhood "Molice" officer.

Practically every parent wishes they had someone on speed dial who could help us when we are at our wits' end or when our offspring are doing something we don't know how to handle. Someone with some kind of authority, who had the power and skill to convince our children to cease their tomfoolery. Someone these kids might listen to when they've tuned mom and dad out.

An officer of the peace in the parenting sense, if you will.

That's why Mack's mom police—or Molice, as she calls it—skits have gained a following on TikTok. Decked out in a Molice vest stocked with a two-way radio, a stationery pad, a dozen or so pairs of backup glasses, a spatula, a face roller, a fan and more, Mack plays the role to perfection.

Watch her pull over a speeding teen:


The Molice (mom police) pulls over speeding teen.

"The Molice knows everything." Yes. Yes. This is the kind of help we need.

How about calling in help for the teen who won't clean their room?


Episode 2: Teen won’t clean room #molice #bmackwrites

Her giggle at the end gets me every time.

The Molice does investigations as well, and hoo boy, is she thorough.


The Elders are still traumatized from Keisha’s last boyfriend. They have asked me to her current boyfriend before deciding on whether or not, he can attend the family Christmas party.

(There's a Part 2 and Part 3 as well.)

If only parents really could call in the Molice when we want to get to the bottom of something or need a little help straightening out our kiddos. Can we make this a real thing, please, Mama Mack?