Mom tears up sharing the perfect parenting advice she received from a complete stranger
Sometimes the we get exactly what we need from the unlikeliest of places.

May we all get this kind of encouragement from time to time
Parents often get unsolicited commentary that however well intended ultimately does more harm than good. This is especially true for those times when complete strangers kindly remind parents of how hectic and demanding their post-baby lives must be. Cause nothing eases the mind quite like being told how stressful things are.
But this story is the opposite of all that. In a now-viral TikTok, mom Steph Morrison shared that she had been on a walk with her newborn when an older man approached her, and instead of giving her the classic platitude of “you must have your hands full” he offered the exact encouragement she needed in that moment.
It was so perfect, in fact, that Morrison immediately began crying as she repeated it in her video.
“Wow…you’re going to have a lot of fun.”
It was such a simple statement, yet so poignantly refreshing. And made all the more touching since Morrsion could see this man’s memories of parenthood “flash” through his own eyes while giving the compliment.
@_stephmorrison_ I never would have guessed what the man would say nor did I ever predict tears would roll down my face like they did. Thankful for this sweet glimmer from God 🫶🏼✨ #momspiration #momsoftiktok #momsover30 #quotesforyou #momquotes #postpartumjourney #postpartumlife #happywords #happinessbegins #creatorsearchinsights ♬ take a moment to breathe. - normal the kid
This man’s words didn’t only strike a chord with Morrison, but literally thousands of other parents who viewed her video.
“The way I burst into tears hearing that 💛,” wrote one person.
Another shared, “As an overstimulated single momma of two, thank you for shifting my perspective.”
Many were inspired to share their own experiences of getting unexpected but oh-so needed encouragement from a stranger.
“An older man in the grocery store stopped me when my son was 8 months old and said ‘young enough to still talk to the angels, put in a good word for me!’” said one person.
“My only son is 7 months. I can’t have anymore kids due to life threatening complications at birth. The other day a man said to me ‘he gets to have you all to himself, isn’t that so special?’ I cried,” said another.
Parenting isn’t easy (then again, many of the most worthwhile things in life aren't). But it’s those small, pure moments of bliss that make it undeniable special. Those are the moments we need to hold onto. As Morrision put it, “It’s the right vibe and energy to bring to motherhood.”
It’s not possible to always hold onto this positive vibe, which is what makes kind words from a stranger truly miraculous gifts. So the next time you see a parent in the throes of childrearing, maybe take a page from this man’s book and remind them of the joy that is ever present.