New Yorker goes on an epic rant over coronavirus government checks and mortgage payments
With the economy taking a huge hit from the coronavirus pandemic, millions of Americans are feeling the pinch. And many are expressing frustration that the $1,200 stimulus check from the government will barely cover one month of rent or mortgage payment, if even that.
Vic DiBitetto, a comedian with a classic Italian New Yorker vibe, went on an epic, profanity-laden rant about how the government and large companies are handling these economic woes. Giving us $1,200 of our own money back while big companies get windfalls of cash in tax breaks and bailouts? Mortgage companies delaying payments for a few months, but then expecting people to pay those missing payments in full when those few months are up, when people haven't had any income? Yeah, no.
(Warning: Lots of f-bombs and other profanities in this video, so folks with kiddos, watch with discretion. And be prepared to be virtually spit on once he really gets going.)
DiBitetto's "ticked off" rant has gone viral on Reddit and Facebook, with people loving his way of explaining what many Americans are currently feeling. Commenters agree that his angry-yet-eloquent arguments are worth listening to, if you aren't too put off by swearing and spittle.
As folks wrote on Reddit wrote:
"I did not expect such a coherent argument that I would 100% agree with when this video started."
"Even when I agree with someone I normally won't listen to them screaming for 4 minutes. I actually listened through the whole thing. He is just extremely well spoken for the type of screaming he is doing. And the end with his head gesture was perfect."
"I can't even come close to a coherent argument like this even when I'm not mad."
"I was fully prepared for bullshit and then it was just completely logical thoughts and I was not prepared for it lol"
How refreshing to have our expectations and assumptions turned on their heads. Thanks, Vic, for expressing what many Americans are feeling right now.