2 guys show you the 3 ways our world can be a heck of a lot better by 2030.
Ain't nobody messin' with my Earth clique.
We have some unfinished business to take care of.
No, I'm not talking about those dishes piling up in your sink or that show you keep trying to watch but then accidentally fall asleep.
GIF from "30 Rock."
I'm talking about three specific things that must happen in order for us to be better humans. Together.
I'll let these two dudes from TalkFine introduce them real quick:
They are singing about the new Global Goals, which are kind of like Squad Goals but for the entire world. AKA — they involve you!
World image from NASA.
On Sept. 25, 2015, 193 of the world's most powerful leaders will commit to the Global Goals and to doing all they can to make the world a better, more equal place for every. single. person.
They say that if these goals are achieved, three extraordinary things will happen by 2030:
1. Putting an end to extreme poverty. That'd be huge!
So much yes! You can easily share this image here.
2. Fighting inequalities and injustices. Yes, please!
Like either one of these posters? Get them here.
3. Fixing climate change. Oh my, let's!
And you can find this one here. What up, Obama!
It may seem like only world leaders have the power to make these changes happen, but that's not true. It's on all of us.
Know this: the big shots of the world — they're just like us! The same way we put off doing the laundry, the tend to put off helping the planet.
BUT NOT ANYMORE! It's time to take this power squad to task and demand they follow through on their words.
But we can't do that if not all of us understand what needs to be done. "If the goals are famous, they won't be forgotten." It's true.
The Global Goals say we can be the first generation to end extreme poverty, the most determined generation in history to end injustice and inequality, and the last generation to be threatened by climate change.
But we all gotta know about what's going on first. Let's not half-ass it. This is our world, and we are its people. Spread the goals and say why they're important.