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Five Gen X values from the ’90s that can save today’s world

We're bringing "whatever" back.

1990s, gen x, '90s values

A mix tape from 1992.

A few weeks ago I came across an article about a kid who watches television at 1.5x speed so he can cram as much viewing in as he can. It seemed that his unquenchable desire to get through shows in the Golden Age of television meant he’d sacrifice the entertainment value of the show just to get to the end.

“Man, this guy would have been crucified in 1993,” I thought.

As a 45-year-old card-carrying member of Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1979), I remembered a time when nobody bragged about the amount of TV they watched. In fact, they bragged about not owning a TV. “I don't watch TV, man,” people would say. “It only exists to sell you stuff.”

This complete reversal on the social acceptance of gluttonous TV viewing made me wonder what happened to the values we were raised on as Gen Xers? We were taught that sincerity was for simpletons, everything corporate is evil, old school is always better than the latest and greatest, authenticity is king, conformity is death and there is nothing worse than being a sell-out or a poser.

Nobody would have ever referred to themselves as an “influencer” in 1991—that’s the definition of a sell-out.

“After writing this book, I’m back in the mindset of ’90s thinking, which is that nothing is worse than selling out,” Chuck Klosterman, author of “The Nineties: A Book,” told Esquire. “Nothing was more embarrassing in the ’90s than trying to convince people to like the thing you made."

Deep inside the heart of almost every Gen Xer is a deep-seated feeling of nihilism. We didn’t trust the corporations that laid off our parents or gutted their pensions in the ’80s. In fact, everything corporate was predatory. We didn’t have a lot of faith in family values because we were the first generation raised by single parents or in daycare. We didn’t care much about politics either. Back in the ’90s, Gen X’s aversion to politics was historic.

Of course, these are all generalities about a generation of nearly about 65 million people, but studies show that there are some definite hallmarks of being a Gen Xer.

According to a generational differences document circulated through the business community, Gen X’s core values are “skepticism,” “fun” and “informality.” They’re described as “self-reliant,” “independent,” “unimpressed with authority” and motivated by “freedom.”

In the young Gen Xer, the culture of the era “instilled a wariness and skepticism, and a kind of ‘figure it out for yourself’ mindset,” Paul Taylor, author of “The Next America: Boomers, Millennials, and the Looming Generational Showdown” told The Washington Post. And with that came a sense “that you don’t have to shine a light on yourself. You’re not the center of the universe.”

But things have changed since the ’90s when Gen X was coming of age. We live in an American culture that is fractured by political partisanship, fueled by a constant culture of outrage, crippled by a preoccupation with technology, plundered by greedy boomers and annoyed by overly sensitive millennials. All of this is happening while we face the greatest challenge of our times, climate change.

The answer to all of these problems is simple: admit that Gen X at one point had it right and if we followed its lead, we could reverse these terrible trends. OK, it might not fix all of our woes, but the way things are going now surely aren’t working. Plus, weren’t the ’90s great?

Also, with hat in hand, I must admit that this message is for Gen Xers as well. Many of us have lost our way by forgetting our disdain for authority and skepticism toward institutions. This is a call for us to remember what we once stood for and to fight back by doing what we do best—staying above the fray.

Gen X, it’s time to strap on your Dr. Martens boots and get back to fighting the “Battle of Who Could Care Less.” It’s time we collectively got our “whatever” back and showed the other generations how powerful dismissiveness can be.

Here are the top five Gen X values that we need to embrace again.

5.  Buying vintage items

Nothing was less hip in the early ’90s than wearing mall clothes. If you had any style you shopped at a thrift store and bought used duds from the ’70s and early ’80s and remixed them into something awesome. If you were into hip-hop or skating you shopped at the surplus store and rocked some super-durable Dickies or Carhartt gear. The mood of the times was totally anti-fashion. These days, we live in a world where fast fashion is killing the environment. By embracing the Gen X value of old-school cool, we can help the planet while looking much more fashionable in the process.

4. Corporate skepticism

In the early 2000s, people fell head-over-heels in love with smartphone technology and social media so quickly that nobody stopped and said, “Hey, wait a minute!” Now, we have a world where kids are depressed, the culture has become divided and nobody talks to each other in public anymore, they just stare at their phones. I can totally understand why young millennials and Luddite boomers would fall for the big-tech ruse, but sadly, Gen X was asleep at the wheel and fell victim, too. The generation that embraced the notion that TV rotted your brain needs to remind everyone to go outside and play in the sunshine or read a book. And if you read a book it should be by Bret Easton Ellis.

3. Just say “whatever”

Two of the most popular Gen X phrases were “whatever” and “talk to the hand (because the face don’t give a damn).” These may seem to be flippant responses but they are the correct way to deal with other people’s nonsense and in 2022, we have to deal with a constant barrage of it.

Somewhere along the way, people forgot that it’s even more powerful to ignore someone than to admit they got under your skin. In the world of social media, we unintentionally amplify the most wretched voices by subtweeting, commenting and liking the posts from the army of grifters fighting for our attention.

We also live in an era where many seem to be addicted to outrage. The quickest way to stop fanning the flames of outrage is with a simple, “whatever.” Like dogs distracted by squirrels, we’ve got our heads on outrage swivels these days. Throwing around the occasional “whatever” gives us the time and energy to focus on the problems that really matter and take action.

These days “whatever” matters more than ever.

2. Bring back snobbery

Good taste used to matter. In the 2000s, millennials decided that people have the right to like what they like and that it’s worse to judge someone’s personal taste than to have bad taste. Gen Xers based their entire personalities on taste and demanded integrity from artists and were rewarded by living in a time of superior films and music. These days, no one listens to new music and we’re stuck in a world dominated by comic book movies because no one stood up and shamed people for liking low-effort culture.

1. ​Political apathy

America’s political divide has calcified over the past decade because more and more people are basing their personal identities on their politics. This has created a culture where the dialog between liberals and conservatives has become a shouting match that only makes people dig their heels in further. It’s also created a culture in Washington, D.C. that has attracted a more debased form of politician and led to the gridlock that has halted any sense of progress. Sadly, Gen X has also been sucked into this vortex.

Things were a lot different in the ’90s. Back in 1999, Ted Halstead at The Atlantic noted that Xers “appear to have enshrined political apathy as a way of life.” He added that Gen Xers “exhibit less social trust or confidence in government, have a weaker allegiance to their country or to either political party.”

Compared to what’s going on in America in 2022, this type of apathy seems welcome. Back in the ’90s, taking a “chill pill” could solve everything. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone took one, and then we could open our ears and hearts and have some constructive discussions?

There was a common lament in the 1980s that the boomer hippies had sold out and became boomer yuppies. They went from being concerned with peace, love and the planet to stocks, bonds and conspicuous consumption. Gen X is now in its 40s and 50s and it’s fair to say that we've moved from being the outsiders to creating technological and political machines that are generating the type of conformity that we once railed against.

Now that Xers are at the age where we get to run the world for a few decades, it’s time to recommit to the core values that make us well … us. The great news is that as Gen Xers, it’ll be easy to get back to our roots because we were raised to ironically love the past.

This article originally appeared on 03.10.22

It's incredible what a double-sided magnet can do.

A new trend in treasure hunting called magnet fishing has blown up over the past two years, evidenced by an explosion of YouTube channels covering the hobby. Magnet fishing is a pretty simple activity. Hobbyists attach high-powered magnets to strong ropes, drop them into waterways and see what they attract.

The hobby has caught the attention of law enforcement and government agencies because urban waterways are a popular place for criminals to drop weapons and stolen items after committing a crime. In 2019, a magnet fisherman in Michigan pulled up an antique World War I mortar grenade and the bomb squad had to be called out to investigate.

Fifteen-year-old George Tindale and his dad, Kevin, 52, of Grantham, Lincolnshire in the U.K., made an incredible find earlier this month when they used two magnets to pull up a safe that had been submerged in the River Witham.

George has a popular magnet fishing YouTube channel called “Magnetic G.”

After the father-and-son duo pulled the safe out of the murky depths, they cracked it open with a crowbar and found about $2,500 Australian dollars (US$1,800), a shotgun certificate and credit cards that expired in 2004. The Tindales used the name found on the cards to find the safe’s owner, Rob Everett.

Everett’s safe was stolen during an office robbery in 2000 and then dumped into the river. “I remember at the time, they smashed into a cabinet to get to the safe,” Everett said, according to The Daily Mail. “I was just upset that there was a nice pen on my desk, a Montblanc that was never recovered.”

The robber, who was a teenage boy, was apprehended soon after the crime because he left behind a cap with his name stitched inside.

The father and son met up with Everett to return his stolen money and the businessman gave George a small reward for his honesty. He also offered him an internship because of the math skills he displayed in the YouTube video when he counted the Australian dollars. “What’s good about it is, I run a wealth management company and… I’d love him to work for us," Everett said.

Although the safe saga began with a robbery 22 years ago, its conclusion has left Everett with more faith in humanity.

“I was just amazed that they’d been able to track me down,” he said. “There are some really nice and good people in this world. They could have kept the money, they could have said they attempted to get hold of me.”

“There’s a big lesson there. It teaches George that doing good and being honest and giving back is actually more rewarding than taking,” Everett added.

Treasure hunting isn’t the only allure of the hobby for George. His mother says the hobby has taught him a lot about water pollution and its effects on local wildlife. “George is very environmentally conscious. He always has been since primary school,” she said. “When he first started to do this, he was after treasure. Everything ends up in the rivers and canals.”

This article originally appeared on 04.25.22


Mom sparks debate when she reveals entire family shares the same deodorant stick

"Why would he have his own? I'm not paying for another stick of deodorant."

Does your household share deodorant? Mom sparks debate.

Personal hygiene is, well...personal. Everyone has their own hygiene routine that is personalized to them, their needs and abilities. Typically no matter who you are personal hygiene includes soap, water, toothbrush, toothpaste, sometimes razors, hair care products and deodorant.

Generally, very few things that touch your body are shared with other people in your household. Many family members will share shampoo, body wash and toothpaste but that is usually where the sharing of hygiene supplies end. At least according to a lot of confused people on the internet.

The debate started after a mom took to the internet in an effort to prove her husband wrong in his way of thinking. Missusmom, complained to her 89.7K followers that her husband wants her to buy their son his own deodorant after the deodorant disappeared.

This request from her husband left the mom of three flabbergasted because the idea of buy their son his own deodorant seemed like a ridiculous request.

That's when she decides to ask the internet, "do all of the people in your house share deodorant or does each member that wears deodorant have their own stick of deodorant?"

After giving the back story to why she's asking the question, she explains what she feels the "right answer" is leaving viewers confused and some a little grossed out.

Faint Fainting GIF by DrSquatchSoapCoGiphy

"I'm not buying five to eight sticks of deodorant every month. I would need to put extra money into our budget but we all use clinical strength deodorant. That's like $10 to $12 a thing. I'm not spending $60 to $80 on deodorant just so everybody can have their own stick. Am I crazy and wrong or is he delusional, because personally I think he's delusional," Missusmom pleads her case.

Unfortunately, the results of her plea did not turn out the way in which she expected resulting in nearly 50k comments and numerous video replies explaining that it's not normal for families to share the same stick of deodorant.

Some people were very passionate about not sharing hygiene products including deodorant, toothbrushes, razors and wash cloths.

woman holding blue and white bottle Photo by Ana Essentiels on Unsplash

"Never in my life have I heard of ANYONE sharing deodorant unless they were in dire need," one person shares.

"I'm sorry but I have never known anyone who HAS shared deodorant. In fact, we all have multiple sticks. The kids have one for home, one for their gym locker, sports bag, ect.," another commenter explains to the mom.

"I have been poor, I mean poor poor but I have never shared a deodorant," someone else says.

A few people pointed out the risk of cross contamination of skin conditions like this commenter, "toothbrushes, razors, hairbrushes, and deodorant are not a shared product. What if someone had a staph infection or impetigo?"

"I was 15 when I got a blocked duct it swelled up with puss and I had to have it lanced and drained. The suspected cause?? My brother stealing and using my deodorant and then me using it after I shaved transferring bacteria," someone warns.

Work Sweating GIFGiphy

This is something that has clearly struck a chord with people giving the mom something to think about but she's not completely alone in her thought process.

There were several comments that mentioned sharing deodorant with their significant other, though they didn't share the hygiene product with their children.

Others confessed confusion as they didn't understand why the mom's reasoning on the cost increase, "I'm confused. Aren't you finishing deodorant twice as fast by sharing anyway? So buying everyone their own stick would just make you have to replace it less frequently."

Is the mom onto something with sharing deodorant or should everyone have their own stick? Put your thoughts in the comments.


Couple in their 30s live permanently on cruise ships for a little over $10K a year

“I’m not a millionaire ... I just live full-time on cruise ships.”

A magnificent cruise ship on the ocean.

Giving it all up and retiring to live on a cruise ship at 32 seems like a lifestyle choice only available to the ultra-wealthy. However, two financially savvy retired school teachers from Tennessee have managed to do just that, spending under $10,000 for the first eight months at sea.

Monica Brzoska, 32, and Jorrell Conley, 36, met in 2015 while teaching in Memphis, Tennessee. The following year, they booked a week-long cruise to Mexico, Belize, and Grand Cayman. After that, they were hooked on cruising together.

Eight years later, in March 2023, they booked a week-long Caribbean cruise. When it was over, instead of returning home to Memphis, they had a wild idea: Why not continue to book consecutive cruises? So, they did just that.

Monica was inspired to start living the life she always wanted after her father fell ill and her mother told her: "Don't wait for retirement. Follow your dreams."

The couple crunched the numbers and found that if they chose the cheapest cabins and used the deals they’ve received from Carnival Cruises, they could book the first 8 months for just under $10,000. “It sounds mad, but the numbers made sense. Accommodation, food and entertainment would be included – we’d only need spending money,” Brzoska told The Sun. “And because we’d been on so many Carnival cruises, we’d earned access to some amazing offers.”

Hopping from ship to ship isn’t difficult for the couple because many disembark from the same ports. But they sometimes have to fly when they can’t walk to the next ocean liner.

The couple then quit their jobs, sold their possessions, and started a new life on the high seas. They rent out their 3-bedroom home in Memphis to maintain steady cash flow. The average 3-bedroom home in the area rents somewhere between $1200 to $1900 a month.

Over the first year of their new life, the couple completed 36 consecutive cruises. They have already visited countless destinations across the globe, but they can’t choose a favorite. "For a cultural experience, we loved Japan," Brzoska told a Carnival Cruise director on Instagram. The couple also loved Greece for its “history” and Iceland because it was the "closest to being on Mars."

One of the most incredible benefits of loving on a cruise ship is that so many things are taken care of for you. The couple never has to cook any meals, do any laundry or drive. Every night, there is something to do, whether it’s checking out a comedy show or enjoying drinks and dancing in the nightclub.

Plus, on cruises, just about all the costs are covered, so you rarely have to open your wallet. It’s a stress-free, all-inclusive lifestyle. Brzoska says that when you remove the everyday stresses from life, it’s great for your marriage. “Without the daily stresses of life, we rarely argued, but always told each other if we needed space or more time together,” she said.

The couple also makes sure to have one date night a week, during which they dress up and have a nice meal together.

Most people may be unable to give it all up and live their lives hopping from ocean liner to ocean liner. But there’s a great lesson in the story of Brzoska and Conley: You never know how much time you have left, so don’t wait for retirement to live the life of your dreams.

Upworthy has reached out to Brzoska for comment and is still awaiting a response.

America's Got Talent/Youtube

Listen, Metallica’s “Master of Puppets” has always been cool. But ever since Eddie Munson played it to save his friends and become a heavy metal hero in “Stranger Things,” the song has had a resurgence.

But while tons of people have put their own spins on this badass tune, you’ve never heard a cover quite like this.

Maya Neelakantan, an 11-year-old guitar prodigy from India, previously wowed “America’s Got Talent” audiences with her rendition of Papa Roach’s “Last Resort” back in June.

But for her quarterfinals performance, she took things to the next level with this notoriously complicated thrash track. Surprisingly, this song had never been attempted before in the show’s history.

Not only did Neelakantan nail all the song’s technical aspects like a guitar virtuoso, she also added in a nod to her own culture with a raga-esque guitar riff reminiscent of a sitar.

Watch Maya Neelakantan blow “AGT” audiences away with her epic cover of “Master of Puppets” below:

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

Unsurprisingly, judges were blown away.

“I think you’re just one of these people that had a god given talent,” gushed Simon Cowell, who called this performance a real “step up” from her audition.

Meanwhile, Howie Mandel dubbed her “Eddie Van Halen, reincarnated.”

Down in the Youtube comments, online viewers were equally floored, especially given Neelakantan’s age. (Note: Neelakantan was 10 at the time of her ‘AGT’ audition, but has since turned the ripe old age of 11).

“Wow. This child is mature beyond her years - in her talent and conduct.”

“Bro a 10 year old shredding one of the most difficult pieces to shred EVER created is mfn INSANE. Maya KEEP ON SHREDDING LIL SIS WE LOVE YOU!!”

“I literally jumped out of my seat when I heard the first few notes. I love Metallica and I love this girl! I’m currently learning to play the electric guitar and she is a huge inspiration for me.”

“HOLY CRAP!!!!! She is 10 years old!?!?!? She is fricken fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥


According to her Wikipedia bio, Neelakantan first got her love of heavy metal from her father who also has a passion for Metallica riffs. With his help, she began playing at the age of 6, with her first song being "For Whom The Bell Tolls."

Despite being an overt Metallica fan, it was Neelakantan’s cover of "7empest" by Tool that thrust her into viral fame in 2022. It was even seen by Tool guitarist Adam Jones, who not only immediately followed her Instagram account, but also gifted her a Gibson electric guitar.

Neelakantan is also well studied in the traditional Carnatic music style commonly associated with South India, which she intentionally fuses with metal music to create something new.

"When I listen to thrash metal, I become pumped and energetic. Carnatic music, on the other hand, gives me a spiritual and divine feeling. The atmosphere would immediately change the moment Carnatic music is playing. So I wanted to merge them both. I really loved how music takes you on a journey,” she said.

And that’s exactly what you get when you listen to Neelakantan’s music. Something bombastic and heart pumping…and utterly divine. That’s metal, baby.

So much can happen in those first 18 years.

Most parents take a quick photo of their kid’s first day of school each year. It’s a great way to capture how much they’ve grown from year to year, plus in a few years time you’ll have a whole collection of memories to give you a good cry when graduation comes.

But one dad did things a little differently. Instead of a photo, he celebrated each of his daughter’s first days of school with a short record interview.

Now, she’s a senior, and this tradition has come to an end.

In a truly bittersweet video shared to his TikTok, dad Ray Petelin did a quick mash-up of all the interviews with his daughter Elizabeth, spanning from kindergarten to 12th grade.

In only a few short moments, see Elizabeth go from sweet little girl into a young woman. So much change in so little time. Including her career aspirations, which went from doctor, teacher, magician, waitress, baker and open heart surgeon before finally arriving at physical therapist.

But some things remained the same as well, including Petelin reminding his daughter that “mommy and daddy love you.”

The clip ends with present-day Elizabeth asking her dad “are you gonna cry?”

“No,” Petelin replies, saying once again, “I love you.”

Cut to kindergarten Elizabeth once more, saying in her once teeny tiny voice:

“I love you too. Is the school bus here now?”

Ugh! The heartstrings being pulled!

Petelin would later admit that he did, in fact, cry. But after this video, he certainly wasn't the only one.

“Man, if this doesn't make you tear up a bit!”

“We’re all crying, Elizabeth.”

Have a 7-month old daughter at home and already hitting me in the feels.”

“I’m not a dad but totally shed a tear there, what a fantastic tradition….You should be so proud, thinking of the journey and what’s ahead for her must be emotional for a father.

“The switch from using ‘mommy’ to ‘mom hit so hard 😭😭😭”

“Why yes Elizabeth, he is going to cry, In fact, we are all crying.”

Quite a few folks shared how inspired they were to do their own version of Petelin’s idea.

“This is so perfect, a wonderful ideaI I will keep for my future kids,” one person said.

Another added, “Just in time! My kiddo starts K next week. Thanks for the idea!”

Another person, and fellow dad, wrote, “This is awesome and makes me totally want to do this for my daughter. She’s starting a daycare in a couple weeks. Should I start with that?”

Petelin himself wrote that he “highly recommended” that parents try it out, and “the earlier the better.”

He also had this nugget of insight:

“It’s sad to see them grow up, but exciting to see who they become.”

If you’ve been looking for a sign to celebrate this short sweet life by recording small moments, here it is. Side effects might include sadness, but also profound joy.