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via Laura Danger (used with permission) and RDNE Stock Project/Pexels

Domestic labor expert, Laura Danger explains how to beat the 'nag paradox'.

Is there one person in your household who makes most of the domestic decisions and then delegates tasks to a support member? If so, then you’re probably familiar with the “nag paradox,” even if you’ve never heard it explained that way.

More often than not, in heterosexual relationships, wives carry the domestic mental load and the husband is a support member taking orders. Eventually, this dynamic can become toxic when the wife has to tell the husband repeatedly to do a task, or it isn’t accomplished to her liking.

This can leave the wife feeling rejected and vulnerable. It can also make the husband feel criticized, so he gets defensive and calls his wife a nag.

Laura Danger, a mother of two in Chicago, Illinois, is a licensed educator, certified coach, and content creator who counsels couples on emotional labor and explains the origins of this problem.

"Women are more likely to have grown up facing the pressure to perform household tasks than men," she told Upworthy. "There's a lot of cultural messaging about how women are naturally better at managing the household. The creep of imbalance isn't always an active or malicious choice. Household inequity is the norm in our society, and we've been taught that list-making and taking direction is the way to solve it, rather than collaborating."

She recently released a video that perfectly explains this paradox and how it affects partners differently.

What is the Nag Paradox?youtu.be

"The nag paradox is that very tricky and very common household dynamic where one person manages more of the mental load and is making more of the decisions around the logistics of the household," Danger explains. "And the other person is playing a support role, or is in a position of taking directions, or only giving periodic feedback."

She continues to say that the nag paradox is a “trap” because the person in charge of the decision-making process is attempting to connect with their partner, who may get defensive from being told what to do or critiqued for their performance. “The idea of nagging is that somebody’s upset about something that doesn’t matter. Domestic labor matters. Connecting with your partner matters. You’re not a nag for wanting partnership,” she says in the video.

She adds that a big problem with the nag paradox is that it can easily lead to two dangerous behaviors, “criticism” and “defensiveness,” known by influential psychologist John Gottman as the 2 of the Four Horsemen, or behaviors that can lead to the end of a relationship.

“It’s a setup for both people because, after a while, you don’t want to be vulnerable,” Danger continues. “You don’t want to open yourself up to that feeling of ‘I can’t do anything right’ … and the other person is saying, ‘I feel like I’m constantly being rejected.’”

So, how do couples overcome the paradox? On her blog, Danger says it’s all about taking time to connect and both partners understanding that domestic labor is a serious issue.

“Meet weekly and use this time to set standards, trade tasks and take your household seriously,” Danger wrote. “The resentment of one person managing more of the mental load, making more decisions and being put into the position of delegating, making decisions and giving guidance can be solved by doing the opposite! Work together. Be open and curious! You’re partners! Clear communication and some preventative care.”

She shared an instance where a couple she worked with broke the cycle by working together and communicating clearly.

"One couple I worked with had one partner who had a high-stress job that kept them away from home for long hours, and the other stayed home with their two kids. The breadwinner felt helpless when they came home and tried to help because it never felt like it was enough," she told Upworthy. "The stay-at-home parent felt alone in decision-making and felt like they were pestering their spouse. They broke the cycle by deciding a few tasks that the breadwinner's spouse could jump in and handle without feedback and agreed on expectations. Then, the stay-at-home parent stepped back and trusted the other to do what they committed to."

"They created a list of favorite meals, shopped for the kids' clothes online and planned their annual trip together," she continued. "Finding opportunities to make decisions together as a team and getting clear on expectations limited the frequency of one telling the other what to do. They would never get to an equal split, but their resentment broke down when they traded the nag paradox for collaboration."

Smoothing over resentment and building a relationship where both partners work together can be challenging, but Danger tells Today.com that it’s worth the effort.

"If you're already emotionally or mentally exhausted, it can feel like too big a battle to wage,” she said. “But it is worth it! If you want to have a relationship that's better or more balanced in the long run, it's worth doing."


Teacher asks teen daughter to mend a student's coat and gets it back with a funny surprise

“My student was grinning when he showed me the note. He kept looking at it in class and smiling..."


Sweetness stitched into every bit of this story.

Some stories are wholesome. Others are hilarious. Others still restore some faith in humanity. This one is a combination of all three.

A teacher shared on Reddit how he took his student’s torn coat home so that his crafty daughter could mend the pocket. As he explained in his post, the student didn't seem to have the funds to fix it on his own or replace the jacket.

His daughter didn’t only sew up the jacket, but left her own cheeky bit of “11th grade advice” in note hidden in the coat’s pocket.

“Hey child, it is me, the magical coat fixer. Hope it holds up and please send it back if it doesn’t. Sorry I couldn’t make it as invisible as I hoped, but I did my best,” the note read. “Also since you’re in 8th grade (I think — I’m not 100% sure what grade my dad teaches) I thought you could use some 11th grade advice.

The note then concluded with “MIDDLE SCHOOL SUCKS. YOU’RE ALMOST FREE. YOU CAN MAKE IT. GOOD LUCK," written in all caps.

I asked one of my students who is very poor to give me his torn coat so I could bring it home for my daughter to sew. He came to class and showed me that he found this in the pocket.
byu/thedeadwillwalk inMadeMeSmile

The teacher shared in the comments that even though his student was “embarrassed at first,” he kept pulling out the note and smiling through class.

The teacher shared in the comments that even though his student was “embarrassed at first,” he kept pulling out the note and smiling through class.

Folks who read the story commended the daughter for not only helping the younger student through an act of service, but also with some encouraging words.

“Such a small act of kindness will probably be something this child carries with him for the rest of his life,” one person wrote.

“Your daughter has a HUGE heart. What a gift. ❤️” added another.

Another noted how this story hits on multiple emotional levels, writing:

“There are so many wonderful things about this. You thought to help out a kid in your class who didn't have the resources to help themselves/They weren't afraid of too proud to accept help when they need it/You know your child's skills well enough to know they could help/Not only did your kid go out of their way to help, they thought it might be nice to include a note, a word of wisdom, and a promise to keep helping in the future if needed/The kiddo who needed help recognized how special this note was and thought to share it with you/And now you share it with your internet friends!”

In an interview with TODAY.com, the teacher (who remained anonymous) shared that this kind of behavior was typical of Brianna—his daughter. And apparently, her creativity was contagious, as the little boy gave her his own handmade thank-you card.

Yep, something the biggest acts of generosity are small enough to find in a coat pocket.

A young girl goes trick-or-treating on Halloween.

A family from Utah has ruffled a lot of feathers on Instagram after sharing the Halloween tradition they celebrate with their 2-year-old daughter, Aria. Instead of allowing her to eat all the candy she gets while trick-or-treating, they let her select 5 pieces.

That's right. Just 5 pieces. But there's a catch!

The parents put the remainder of the candy on the porch for the night for the “Switch Witch,” who exchanges the sugary foods for a toy. In this case, Aria received a “Frozen” doll from the witch.

The parents who came up with this idea are Emily and Erik Jensen, fitness trainers and life coaches known for sharing family health and wellness tips on social media. "You can get fun with it and give your witch a name," Levi captioned his post, in part. "The witch who stops by our house is Wilda."

After posting the video with over 10 million views, the couple was deluged by an incredible amount of angry feedback for their new Halloween tradition.

Here’s what everyone is up in arms about.

The video hit right in the heart about issues people are passionate about, Halloween, diet culture, materialism, candy and preserving the magic of childhood.

"What happened to parents just letting kids be kids and enjoy Halloween?" EmilyKohara21 asked. "Dude, it's once a year...." CGroves_08 wrote.

"It’s one day of the year. Give it a rest. You think it’s better to buy your kid toys than to let them have the bite-sized candy?" Beezus04 added.

Many parents thought making a big deal about the candy was a recipe for instilling negative body issues with their daughter. "Or just let your kid enjoy a f***ing treat instead of instilling body hatred and diet culture at FIVE YEARS OLD." TolkienQueerFriend wrote.

In the comments, the people who supported the family noted that a 2-year-old probably shouldn’t be eating all that candy in the first place. “I love this idea! I have a toddler and he doesn’t need candy, but I want him to experience going out and Trick or Treating. I don’t eat candy and he doesn’t need more than 5 pieces at TWO years old!” JACQ2400 wrote.

“When we posted the video, we had no idea the comments would be so heated,” Emily told TODAY.com.

The crux of the issue was a child’s relationship with sugar, and, according to medical professionals, too much sugar in childhood can lead to big problems in adulthood.

“As with anything, too much sugar during childhood may lead to unhealthy cravings as kids grow older,” Dr. Stacy Leatherwood Cannon wrote for Henry Ford Health. “In excess, sugar can lead to obesity, which puts a child at risk for developing high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels and type 2 diabetes (where the body’s response to insulin is not regulated).”

But in the end, families have the right to make their own decisions about what’s appropriate for their children, and for the Jensens, they will stick with limiting the amount of sugar their daughter eats on Halloween. "The 'Switch Witch' isn't for everyone, but it works for us,” Emily told Today.com.

After posting the video with over 10 million views, the couple was deluged by an incredible amount of angry feedback for their new Halloween tradition.

Here’s what everyone is up in arms about.


The video hit right in the heart about issues people are passionate about, Halloween, diet culture, materialism, candy and the magic of childhood.

"What happened to parents just letting kids be kids and enjoy Halloween?" EmilyKohara21 asked. "Dude, it's once a year...." CGroves_08 wrote.

"It’s one day of the year. Give it a rest. You think it’s better to buy your kid toys than to let them have the bite-sized candy," Beezus04 added.

Many parents thought making a big deal about the candy was a recipe for instilling negative body issues with their daughter. "Or just let your kid enjoy a f***ing treat instead of instilling body hatred and diet culture at FIVE YEARS OLD." TolkienQueerFriend wrote.

In the comments, the people who supported the family noted that a 2-year-old probably shouldn’t be eating all that candy in the first place. “I love this idea! I have a toddler and he doesn’t need candy, but I want him to experience going out and Trick or Treating. I don’t eat candy and he doesn’t need more than 5 pieces at TWO years old!” JACQ2400.

“When we posted the video, we had no idea the comments would be so heated,” Emily told TODAY.com.

The crux of the issue was a child’s relationship with sugar, and, according to medical professionals, too much sugar in childhood can lead to big problems in adulthood.

“As with anything, too much sugar during childhood may lead to unhealthy cravings as kids grow older,” Dr. Stacy Leatherwood Cannon wrote for Henry Ford Health. “In excess, sugar can lead to obesity, which puts a child at risk for developing high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels and type 2 diabetes (where the body’s response to insulin is not regulated).”

But in the end, families have the right to make their own decisions about what’s appropriate for their children, and for the Jensens, they will stick with limiting the amount of sugar their daughter eats on Halloween. "The 'Switch Witch' isn't for everyone, but it works for us,” Emily told Today.com.