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John is so excited to get her "ugly" car."

In a world where older generations often criticize younger people for being entitled, a video shared by Melissa Tylor shows that there are still young people out there who appreciate everything they have.

In a video seen over 34 million times, Melissa’s daughter, Jordan, is shown running out of her job to see a car her parents gave her as a gift. Well, the car is obviously used, but for Jordan, it’s new.

In the video, Jordan doesn’t scoff at getting a used car. She embraces it, flaws and all. "It's so ugly I love it," she says, looking inside the vehicle. After noticing her father admitting her reaction, she smiles back at him, “It's so ugly I love it.”

The father apologizes for the car, telling her, "I'm sorry, baby," to which she assures him, “I love it!"

The commenters on the video complimented the family on raising a child who was genuinely grateful for her gift. “A grateful child and a dad doing his best. Totally awesome guys,” one user wrote. “I love that she knows your first car should be ugly and to make memories in! So cute,” Kaykoontz added.

Other commenters felt a pang of nostalgia for their first cars. “First cars aren’t made to last, but her memories will,” Svn02 wrote.

In a comment on a follow-up video, Melissa shared her advice for raising grateful children. "Don't spoil them. Make sure they know they have to work for things. Lots of love and also discipline," Melissa said.

The Rock's newest baby is here, and I could honestly not be more excited.

If there's one thing we can all agree on it's this: The Rock's new daughter is our royal baby. Yes, while the Brits (and other assorted fans of the royals) spent yesterday welcoming their new prince — uh, one woman waited outside the hospital for 15 days? — those of us a little more firmly moored to American shores were screaming with joy over the fact that the man who brings so much delight into this world had welcomed a new baby with his partner, Lauren Hashian.

First of all: Congratulations to Daddy Rock and Hashian on the birth of their second child! (They're the parents to the adorable Jasmine, and The Rock is also the proud father of a teenage daughter from a previous relationship.)

Second of all: Here's a picture of the baby, who's named Tiana Gia and is honestly one of the cutest babies I've ever seen. (No shade to other babies. You are all also very cute.)

Skin to skin. Our mana. Blessed and proud to bring another strong girl into this world. Tiana Gia Johnson came into this world like a force of nature and Mama @laurenhashianofficial labored and delivered like a true rockstar. I was raised and surrounded by strong, loving women all my life, but after participating in baby Tia’s delivery, it’s hard to express the new level of love, respect and admiration I have for @laurenhashianofficial and all mamas and women out there. Word to the wise gentlemen, it’s critical to be by your lady’s head when she’s delivering, being as supportive as you can.. holding hands, holding legs, whatever you can do. But, if you really want to understand the single most powerful and primal moment life will ever offer - watch your child being born. Its a life changer and the respect and admiration you have for a woman, will forever be boundless. And to my third and youngest daughter, Tiana Gia - like I did when your two older sisters Simone Alexandra and Jasmine Lia were born, you have my word, I’ll love, protect, guide and make ya laugh for the rest of my life. Your crazy dad has many responsibilities and wears many hats in this big ol’ world, but being your dad will always be the one I’m most proud to wear. Oh and one more thing.. you’re gonna love rollin’ in daddy’s pick up truck. #TianaGiaJohnson🌺 #3rdDaughter #BlessesAndGratefulMan #ImInTROUBLE

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Of course, this wouldn't be a story about The Rock if it didn't include an element of gratitude and inspiration.

What is it about this guy? He's like a ray of sunshine on the cloudiest day. And when he posts to Instagram — whether it's a pic or video — you know he's going to have a lot to say. That was certainly the case when he announced the happy news that Tiana was here. And he wasted no time in expressing his admiration for his partner and, actually, all the women in the world. (Because The Rock is nothing if not inclusive in his enthusiasm.)

"Tiana Gia Johnson came into the world like a force of nature," The Rock wrote (as if there were any other way), "and Mama labored and delivered like a true rockstar."

"I was raised and surrounded by strong, loving women all my life," he continued, "but after participating in baby Tia's delivery, it's hard to express the new level of love, respect, and admiration I have for Lauren Hashian and all mamas and women out there."

The most important part of The Rock's message? Advice to expecting parents, some of whom may be anxious about being in the delivery room.

"Word to the wise gentlemen, it’s critical to be by your lady’s head when she’s delivering, being as supportive as you can... holding hands, holding legs, whatever you can do," The Rock wrote, encouraging future parents to be as emotionally present as possible to the experience.

"But, if you really want to understand the single most powerful and primal moment life will ever offer — watch your child being born," The Rock added. "It's a life changer and the respect and admiration you have for a woman, will forever be boundless."

And he swore an important, loving commitment to his youngest child: "To my third and youngest daughter, Tiana Gia — like I did when your two older sisters Simone Alexandra and Jasmine Lia were born, you have my word, I’ll love, protect, guide and make ya laugh for the rest of my life."

A powerful promise. And considering his track record? It's one I'm sure The Rock will most certainly keep.

Everyone loves Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.

The guy isn’t just an all-around superstar — he’s an inspiration, too. That’s why so many people flock to his Instagram every time he shares a photo or video.

Johnson’s posts are usually fun and motivational, but one he shared March 6 was much more somber in tone. In a touchingly open video, he shared that his daughter, Jasmine, had a medical emergency the Saturday before and was taken to the hospital.

"Something happened to me and my family that I would never want to happen to any of you guys out there," Johnson said right before letting viewers know that Jasmine spent all night in the emergency room.

Fortunately, his daughter was doing just fine shortly after, but Johnson knows that she may not have been without a lot of help.

He quickly shouted out the 911 operator who calmly walked him through what he needed to do next as well as the first responders from the Los Angeles Fire Department and the doctors and nurses at UCLA’s medical center.

"I just want to say thank you so much to everybody who was involved, so caring and compassionate and responsive," Johnson said, the gratitude and relief palpable in his voice.

And his gratitude is sending another message, too: We should all be more aware of the amazing work first responders do and the challenges they face on a daily basis.

911 operators are the first line of defense when it comes to emergencies. Though these jobs can be rewarding, they can also carry a heavy emotional weight.

As the people who are supposed to help you stay calm during some of the hardest moments of your life, they’re required to provide support to callers while dispatching emergency services. Sometimes they don’t even have time for breaks.

One 911 dispatcher told Cosmopolitan in a 2017 interview about not even having time to pee:

"We did have a quiet room where we could go if things got too overwhelming, but truthfully, we didn't really use it. Things got so crazy during the day that often times you couldn't even get up to pee for eight hours. You can't abandon your station just because you're uncomfortable or you're upset. You're still a public service."

Emergency service providers — those who are first to arrive on the scene — have an even more complex duty. They must not only assess the situation but decide on a course of action in situations that are often life or death. As Medstar paramedic Jason Hernandez told The Atlantic in 2016, "there’s not a whole lot of downtime."

"There are challenges all over the place," Hernandez added. "Everybody’s got a different thing going on. You have to worry about the dangers of a chaotic environment, from violent people to safety on the road."

[rebelmouse-image 19346206 dam="1" original_size="750x500" caption="Image via ER24 EMS/Flickr." expand=1]Image via ER24 EMS/Flickr.

Emergency service workers are trained to work in high-stress environments, but that doesn’t mean they’re not at risk for developing stress-related disorder from their jobs.

In a study done at Northern Illinois University, 911 operators were found to suffer from traumatic stress as a result of their jobs, with some meeting criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder. Paramedics, police officers, and firemen were also more likely to develop PTSD as well as experience symptoms of depression and anxiety.

But progress is being made. Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced in early March 2018 that he’d sign a measure to expand workers’ compensation benefits for first responders "who suffer job-related post-traumatic stress disorder," something that’s vital in the wake of events like the shootings at Pulse nightclub and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.This expansion won’t just help those who are first on the scene financially, it could also help reduce some of the stigma of mental illness and encourage first responders to seek help when they need it.

But gratitude is also important. And Johnson’s video is a reminder that we can’t take the work emergency service providers do for granted. Especially when they save the lives of our loved ones — like little Jasmine here, who her mom says is "unstoppable."

The munchkin is unstoppable! 😂🙏🏼❤️🎤@therock

A post shared by Lauren Hashian (@laurenhashianofficial) on

Cricket Wireless

Being a mom is a beautiful thing, but let's face it, it's also one of the toughest jobs out there.

I mean, moms raise tiny, fragile humans and make sure they grow into happy, healthy, well-rounded grown-ups. No pressure or anything, right?

Image via iStock.

Well, there can be some pressure. (Or a lot.) Being a mom is an incredibly important, life-changing obligation, so it's only natural for moms to occasionally question how they're doing.

The hard part comes when moms question how other moms are doing. Oftentimes, it leads to harsh criticisms, and that's not great. At the end of the day, moms have so much on their plate that the last thing they need is another person making them feel bad for their choices.

No wonder this so-called "mommy wars" thing is getting way out of hand.

Well then. GIF via "Dance Moms."

Think about it: How many TV shows out there continue to feature mean moms making fun of well-meaning moms? How many "experts" claim that their way of raising kids is the best? How many social media posts shame the methods of other moms? The answer is always far too many.

And while mommy wars may get their fair share of attention, remember that there are so many other powerful voices out there — moms who celebrate that it's perfectly OK for different moms to have different opinions on parenting. Moms that have each other's backs.

*Grabs tissue.* GIF via "Mom."

So if you're feeling a little overwhelmed, just remember, there are lots of others moms out there who want you to know just how amazing you're doing.

Just check out these 19 awesome posts showing love for all the mamas in the world:

First off — all moms are badasses, and we know it.

Every single one of them is special.

In fact, here's a toast that shows just how special they are.

Here's to the mom who's having a hard day, here's to the mom who may have no one to share that hard day with, here's to the mom who can't wait for bedtime, here's to the mom who is scrapping by today. Here's to the mom who left the tv on a little too long and here's to the mom who wonders if she will ever do this thing right. Heres to the mom who freaking nailed it in the morning and failed in the afternoon. Here's to the mom who smiles at the other mom she doesn't know , here's to the mom who helps the other mom who forgot a diaper and wipes, heres to moms who bail other moms out when they forget that it's pizza lunch and don't send money, here's to the mom who has other moms backs even though they do it completely differently, here's to moms who know this thing is hard and knows everyone is doing the best they can ..... just here's to moms who support other moms.

A post shared by Cat & Nat (@catandnat) on

Yes, parenting is a lot to handle, and it can all seem overwhelming.

But let's not judge other moms on the job they're doing...

...and the comfy fashion choices they're making.

Whether you're a young mom doing her thing...

...a mom who's also her kid's best friend...

...a hands-on mom teaching the ways of the world...

...or a single mom raising the bar...

...other moms have got nothing but love for you.

Some nights may be crazier than others.

Turning up on Friday night like whoa

A post shared by Bunmi Laditan (@bunmiladitan) on

But remember to take some time to recharge, too. And while you're at it, connect with other awesome moms out there.

Because other moms will always understand the things you're going through.

This is the truth of the matter.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

A post shared by Bunmi Laditan (@bunmiladitan) on

At the end of the day, you are all amazing success stories.

Shout out to all the mommies out there! #moms #strongwomen #momlife #love

A post shared by Ariana🌸 (@ariana_desesa) on

You are all superheroes.

And you all bring something special to the table.

No matter your approach to motherhood, always remember just how incredible you are.

Shout out to all the mommas who got through another week 😂 Who won't be sleeping in tommorrow, who work so hard for tiny humans who never notice 😝 Who are tired, exhausted & still put their family first 👍🏼 Who take 20 minutes to get in the car because you have a mental checklist of diapers, wipes, fave toys, bottles, nursing covers, shoes & maybe the keys 🙈 Who never get the chance to go to the bathroom in private and who are lucky to have time to shower 😉 For all the moms out there, stay at home moms, working moms, nursing moms & bottle moms, shout out to YOU! 🎉Mommin is by far the most difficult job ever & nothing can truly prepare you for the hard work & sacrifice that comes with this crazy journey 😂 You're doing a great job moms & if you haven't heard it yet today, YOU are an AMAZING mom! 🎉 #TGIF #momlife

A post shared by Alesha Haley (@alesha_haley) on

Motherhood can be quite the roller coaster. But when you have other moms riding that roller coaster with you, it makes all the difference.

It's exhilarating, exciting, and scary at times but ultimately, it's the ride of your life. So show the moms of the world some love, and let them all know just how amazing they're doing. In the end, we're all part of the same family called humanity.

And by the way, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!