10 reasons to stay away from a union at your job
Why would you want a better work environment?
For some people, working in a nonunion environment is the Best. Thing. Ever.
So the good folks at the National Tertiary Education Union, a teacher's union in Australia, have more clearly illustrated this for us via video. It can apply to union/nonunion workplaces everywhere in the world, however.
I could list a lot more, but I'll stick with what's in the video.
1. You think you're paid too much.
According to median wage data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unionized work place workers are, at least in the United States, paid about $200 more per week. You couldn't use an extra 800 bones per month right about now, eh? Nahhh — me, neither.
2. You love working long hours.
A side benefit of working for less money is that you don't have extra cash for fun, so you might as well be working. Bonus: You will probably die young.
3. You hate the weekend.
One of the things that workers fought for here in the United States when unions started to gain a foothold was the eight-hour workday and weekends off. But you don't need all that ... right?
4. You don't mind being bullied at work.
Heck, if you're lucky, your boss might be the worst bully in the house!
5. You don't want to get paid for overtime hours you work.
I mean, really ... who needs extra pay for busting your butt?
6. Come to work sick? Why, my pleasure. I'd love to.
Especially those who work in an environment where they're in contact with a lot of other workers or, worse yet, the public. *Cough* Food servers, for instance. *Cough.* *Hack.*
7. Paid maternity or paternity leave?
No, silly ... you don't need that. At all.
8. You don't mind danger in the workplace. Bring it!
Bonus! Without a union, you probably don't have great workers' compensation and/or disability insurance! Go, you.
9. You think you should be available to work any time.
The kids can look after themselves! Bonus: They learn how to be independent early in life that way.
10. Your boss is always right.
Especially when said boss makes you dress up in a bunny costume and blow noisemakers.