Woman plays mom's childhood videos next to her own, set to 'What Was I Made For?' Cue tears.
It's 37 beautiful years of girlhood in less than a minute.

Life is beautiful.
Billie Eilish’s “What Was I Made For?” can bring most folks to tears already. After all, the song, created for a pivotal part in the “Barbie” movie, touches on the special kind of grief one feels for their younger, more carefree self that often fades away as we become adults. Plus Eilish’s airy, wistful voice feels innocent and weary all at the same time, touching right on the heartstrings.
Now, add onto that home video footage that perfectly shows the beauty and wonder of childhood that exists beyond the limits of time and space… and…excuse me? Does someone have a tissue?In a viral video created by Carrie Moses, we see a side-by-side comparison of clips from her own childhood and those from her mom’s childhood, all while the song plays. There’s something so beautiful and healing about seeing how, whether it’s in the 60s or the 90s or even today, childhood still feels the same.
Joyful. Playful. Full of games. Full of dancing. Full of silly faces and pretty dresses. Full of zest. Full of life. Full.
Somehow along the way, our lives become full of responsibilities, worries, regrets…you know, adulting. And that light begins to dim. But it does come back in fleeting moments.
Moments like the ones below. Watch:
@carrie_momo Replying to @Vanessa’s Travels & Tips 🛩️🌎 Ask and you shall receive! Had to do a part 2! Me and my mom are overwhelmed by the response to the first one. My mom is so happy. She’s watched it so many times and read all the comments. First clip is mom with Midge (Barbie’s BFF 😭😍) FAQ: to transfer I bought the Wolverine super 8 movie maker on Amazon. Expensive but worth it for the memories. Thinking about opening up a service to transfer Super 8 reels to digital when I get back from my trip. #barbie#barbiemovie2023#barbiemovie#billieeilish#whatwasimadefor #whatwasimadeforbillieeilish #thenandnow#super8 #super8film #fyp ♬ original sound - Carrie_momo
As you wipe the snot away, I leave you with one last touching quote from "Barbie," which clearly resonated with Moses as she created her montage, since she put it in her TikTok video:
“We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they have come.”