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For years, you have been squinting, licking your fingers, or doing whatever you can do get a really tiny end of a thread into an even tinier hole, and thinking, [infomercial host voice] "THERE'S GOT TO BE A BETTER WAY!" Well, kids, there is, and you're about to feel both relieved and dumb.

Twitter user John Bick shared a video from a crafting site that went viral for being extremely helpful.

People couldn't believe it. Instead of threading the needle through the hole, shake it down and go from there.

Even GEORGE COSTANZA himself is amazed by this innovation.

This article originally appeared on 2.17.22

While to most people, the public faces of the National Rifle Association are those of the children hiding under their desks while a shooter runs through their school with a semi-automatic weapon, Dana Loesch was technically the organization's spokesperson, until this week.

The National Rifle Association is shutting down one of its propaganda arms, NRA TV, and with it, Loesch herself.

The New York Times reports that after severing ties with their marketing firm, NRATV will stop producing new content and its hosts "will no longer be the public faces of the N.R.A."

Oh no, who's going to tell us that kids getting murdered in school is just the cost of freedom now?

Loesch is most famous for getting owned by Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez and then continuing to whine about the teens on Twitter.

Shooting survivor confronts NRA spokesperson Dana Loeschwww.youtube.com

Highlights from her NRATV tenure include putting KKK hoods on Thomas the Tank Engine and saying that she hopes the Mueller report is burnt in an "AIDS fire."

The "tragedy dry humping whores" now have the last laugh.

Twitter is sending Loesch their "thoughts and prayers," even though now is NOT the time to be talking about her loss of employment.

The gun lobby should now take a good, hard look at itself...and cease to exist.

This article originally appeared on SomeeCards. You can read it here.

Another day in Trump's America, where the main debate between members of Congress is whether or not the kids concentrated in camps at the border are indeed in concentration camps.

Rep. Liz Cheney, third-ranking Republican in the House and spawn of Dick, is absolutely AGHAST that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared the detention camps to migrant children to those made famous by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

Immigrant children and families are being held in detention facilities on the southern border, and are even being transferred to an Oklahoma army base that was used as an internment camp for Japanese Americans during World War II, so yeah, comparisons to the 1940s are not out of nowhere."The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are," Ocasio-Cortez said on Instagram. "The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing, and we need to do something about it."

Cheney, a self-proclaimed authority on Jewish history and memory, accused AOC of "demeaning" the memory of Holocaust victims, whom Cheney herself dehumanized by describing them as having been "exterminated" like vermin.

AOC explained "to the shrieking Republicans" that her use of the phrase concentration camps "is not hyperbole. It is the conclusion of expert analysis."

Andrea Pitzer, author of One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps, defined concentration camps to Esquire as "mass detention of civilians without trial," which is precisely what's going on.

AOC also asked Chiz Leney for her take on the semantics.

Jewish people, whom Dick Cheney's daughter claims to speak for, are speaking up to her.

Good job, Liz. Also, APOLOGIZE TO MARY.

This article originally appeared on SomeeCards. You can read it here.

A mom from El Paso, Texas is accusing a Southwest Airlines Gate Agent of "name-shaming" her daughter at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California.

Traci Redford is the mother of 5-year-old Abcde, which is pronounced "Ab-city," and hilarious to some people.

She notes that Abcde has epilepsy, so they often board first.

"The gate agent started laughing, pointing at me and my daughter, talking to other employees. So I turned around and said, 'Hey if I can hear you, my daughter can hear you, so I'd appreciate if you'd just stop,'" Redford told ABC 7.

Redford adds, "While I was sitting there, she took a picture of my boarding pass and chose to post it on social media, mocking my daughter. It was actually brought to my attention by somebody who had seen it on Facebook and reported it to Southwest Airlines."

The airline didn't do anything for two weeks, but ultimately disciplined the mocker and apologized.

Southwest said in a statement that they reprimanded the agent. They also said that they do not condone such mockery, but Twitter certainly does.

Commenters picked up where the gate agent left off.

When it comes to the name Abcde, we hereby plead the Fifth.