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People reading at the Gothenburg City Library in Sweden.

Basketball coaching legend John Wooden once famously said, "The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching," and he has a great point. It’s one thing to do what’s right when you are afraid you’ll be punished for doing the wrong thing by an authority figure. It’s another to do the right thing because your peers will applaud you.

But the highest moral good is doing what’s right when no one is watching because that’s doing good for its own sake.

A story out of Gothenburg, Sweden, shows that in that community, the patrons of its library know a little something about doing good just because it’s the right thing to do.

On November 4, the Gothenburg City Library was closed for All Saints Day. The day is a holiday dedicated to remembering loved ones who passed by lighting a candle on their graves, or spending time with family and having a festive meal.

The City Library was scheduled to be closed for the holiday, but one of the employees forgot to lock the building door. So, being that it was a Saturday, hundreds of people flocked to the library to check out books, read magazines, surf the internet, or play video games.

gothenburg sweden, libraries, kindness

Bike parking at the Gothenburg City Library in Sweden.

via Johannes Ortner/Flickr

Library employee Anna Carin Elf was in the neighborhood and was shocked to see people walking in and out of the library when it was supposed to be closed. Even though it wasn’t supposed to be open, the people in the library just went about their business as if it was a typical day.

“They were surprised. They thought it was a bit empty,” Elf said, according to ZME Science. “The people in the library behaved as usual. Many were sitting reading newspapers, some families were in the children’s section and others were searching for books on the computer.”

Elf contacted her boss and another colleague and told everyone in the library that the building was closed. The patrons closed up their books and went home. But some left with books for some weekend reading.

The librarians later did a tally and found that 446 people visited the library on All Saints Day and 246 books were borrowed. Surprisingly, all of the books were returned within 5 days. "Nothing was destroyed. It's amazing that Gothenburgers enter an empty library and treat it so lovingly," Elf told The Local.

Through that act, the people of Gothenburg showed us what community spirit is all about. Their collective honesty is a beautiful indicator of their love for their library, its resources and their fellow citizens. Because when you rob a library, you’re stealing from your community.

The story is a powerful reminder to people all over the world of how we should view our public libraries. They aren’t just buildings but a crucial part of our community, a hub of learning and a symbol of our trust in each other.

It also proves the old Iraqi proverb: “The reader does not steal, and the thief does not read.”

This article originally appeared on 11.9.23


Young librarian shares heartwarming tale of three kids, three grown-ups and a Spanish book

"I'm now confident that library kids are gonna save the world," says librarian Mychal Threets.

Mychal Threets shares heartwarming library stories on Instagram.

We've said it before and we'll say it again—public libraries are the greatest idea humanity has ever come up with.

Seriously, a quiet place to read or study, access to tons of books you can take home and knowledgeable experts on hand to help you find whatever you need—all for free? What kind of unimaginable utopia is this? How are we not marveling all day long about the awesomeness that is the public library?

Librarians get it, and one young librarian is highlighting that awesomeness by sharing the heartwarming stories he witnesses at the library on social media. Mychel Threets, a supervising librarian at Solano County Library in Nothern California, recently shared a story on Instagram of how a young kid wanted their dad to read a book they'd chosen, but the book was in Spanish and the dad didn't know how to read it.

From there, the story turns hilariously sweet as a kid who says they think they know Spanish (even though they actually don't know a word) offers to help. And it just gets better and better from there.

Watch and enjoy this wholesome chain of encounters:

Understandably, people are loving this example of libraries bringing people together.

"In tears; I am an immigrant and libraries and public schools were my gateway to America," wrote one Instagram commenter.

"It takes a village! and why did my eyes just leak a wee bit of happiness 🥲," wrote another.

“'He doesn’t know Spanish. He just really likes people.' Same, buddy, same, ❤️ " shared another. "Love this story. It would make a great children’s book!"

Another person added, "I love these stories of real people excited about reading and helping each other. Thank you so much for sharing. Libraries hold a special, vital place in our communities. ❤️"

Even Jennifer Garner chimed in with a simple, enthusiastic "YES."

Libraries are truly magical places filled with wonderful stories—both within the pages of books and in the real-life interactions that happen there.

Follow Mychal Threets on Instagram for more wholesome, heartwarming library stories.


The world is full of so many cool things.

This article originally appeared on 10.05.17

Ever wondered what goes on in a library's dark corners, where you aren't allowed to go?

Wonder no more, thanks to The Society of American Archivists' Ask an Archivist Day.

On Oct. 4, 2017, university, corporate, and museum archivists around the world dug out the coolest, rarest, and weirdest items in their collections, photographed them, and put the results on Twitter.

They didn't disappoint. Here's just some of what they had in storage.

1. Small items. Very small items. Like a Bible so tiny that it has a magnifying glass with it for reading.

2. And a barely-bigger-than-a-quarter book about birds, published during the deadliest year of the Civil War.

3. Or this one of three women in West Virginia, rocking the slickest hats of 1908.

4. A folding chair used by Barack Obama.

5. Dirt from the grave of a well-known American writer.

6. A Roman-era coin, depicting either a man in a helmet or a curious understanding of human anatomy.

7. A photo of a sailor whose ship vanished in the Bermuda Triangle in 1918.

8. And one of of other World War I sailors giddily posing on top of two ginormous battleship guns.

9. A child's sketch of a groundbreaking concept car — complete with a built-in kitchen and a 300 mph top speed.

10. A legal document drawn up in 14th century France.

11. A pioneering, ultra-glittery work of feminist art.

12. A photo of fashion designer Ann Lowe, the woman who designed Jackie Kennedy's wedding dress.

13. A script for a rarely heard "Empire Strikes Back" radio play.

14. An image of rows and rows of classic radiator shells waiting to be installed at a Depression-era Pontiac plant.

15. A handwritten letter from Sigmund Freud.

16. Ancient technology.

17. Proof that Queen Elizabeth II is apparently a secret football fan.

18. A memo warning campus police about an upcoming Ozzy Osborne concert, citing the singer's involvement with "abuse of animals" and "alleged satanic groups."

19. And why, if you want to see more, you'll have to visit a library or archive in person.

You can happily scroll through dozens more like this using the #AskAnArchivist hashtag.

No appointment necessary.

This article originally appeared on 10.05.17

Update 10/9/2017: The headline was changed to reflect that archivists and librarians differ, in part by the type of materials handled.

Couldn't you just spend hours in here?

In movies, libraries are often beautiful, magical treasure troves.

National Treasure starring Nicholas cage took the concept quite literally. The fantastical Harry Potter movie series and comedies like Legally Blonde and The Breakfast Club, all find a way to showcase the highly creative space to be found in a library.

But what's a library in real life? Run-of-the-mill book storage, you say? Is anyone actually visiting these places anymore, anyway?

To be sure, if you haven't been in a bit, you could be missing out.

Libraries are magical archives of humanity. And some of them are just downright beautiful.

Here are nine of the most beautiful libraries in the world:

1. The New York Public Library

This one's a star: It's been featured in "Sex and the City," "Ghostbusters," "The Day After Tomorrow," "13 Going on 30," "Spiderman," "The Thomas Crown Affair," "Breakfast at Tiffany's" ... and for good reason! When you walk into The New York Public Library, you can't help but say to yourself, "This looks like a movie set!" But instead, it's your very own, open-to-the-public-anytime-you're-in-town library.

New York, public, government, community

A photograph of the NYC Public Library Research Room taken in 2006.

Photo by Diliff, edited by Vassil, from Wikipedia Commons

2. Mexico City's Biblioteca Vasconcelos

This is really the library to end all libraries. But it's also the Seabiscuit of libraries. It started its life a little bit injured. After its construction in 2006, lauded by then-president Vicente Fox as one of the most advanced constructions of the modern century, it was found to have a lot of problems.

Fortunately, it was closed down and designers put its marble blocks back in the right place and reopened it 22 months later in 2008. And now this M.C.-Escher-painting-come-to-life is available for any and all to visit.

Image via Audra Hubbell/Instagram, used with permission.

3. The library at El Escorial in Spain

This library is located in the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, aka the King of Spain's Super Catholic Castle. It has some very seriously religious books in it, including Arab and Hebrew manuscripts (in libraries, all religions live peacefully, side by side, in book form) and some light reading, like Beatus de Liébana's centuries-old "Commentary on the Apocalypse." Sit back and relax!

libraries, geography, history, books, art

A picture taken of the Biblioteca de El Escorial in Madrid, Spain.

This image was originally posted to Flickr by MAMM Miguel Angel https://flickr.com/photos/160707757@N08/30371566607

4. The Stockholm Public Library

Located in Sweden, this library opened in 1928 and was that country's first library to have open shelves. Libraries before it required visitors to ask for a librarian's assistance, but with this one, some of the power was handed to the people. It was clearly designed with that function in mind, but — wow — the form is also so beautiful!

Europe, Sweden, Norwegian, library

Creative landings exposed from above in on of Sweden's public libraries.

Photo taken by Arild Vågen, from Wikimedia Commons.

5. The Library of Congress

Located in Washington, D.C., this library houses the books of America, an archive of Twitter, a rough draft of the Declaration of Independence, a Stradivarius, the first book known to be printed in America (in 1640!), and millions of newspapers, maps, sheet music, comic books from history — just for starters.

The things you find at the Library of Congress and other libraries — they archive more than just books! — seem like they should be in that weird cavern in the movie "National Treasure." But they're right there in D.C. in a library, not a secret underground stash. No need for Nic Cage!

Plus, this library has a pretty sweet reading room, too.

history, Washington landmarks, library, government

This is the Library Of Congress main reading room.

This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division. Wikimedia Commons.

Oh, and its great Great Hall isn't bad either.

Library of Congress, Great Hall, Thomas Jefferson Building, politics

The first and second floors of the Great Hall, Library of Congress, in the Thomas Jefferson Building.

This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division. Wikimedia Commons

6. The Admont Abbey Library

Located in Austria, this library looks a whole lot like a Disney dream come true. It's the largest monastic library in the world, with a length of 70 meters — about as long as four semi trucks. Its ceilings depict the stages of human knowledge, ending appropriately to its location with divine revelation. It also has excellent natural light.

German, Disney, feelings, art frescos

Painted frescos adorn the ceiling offering Disney vibes in Austria.

© Jorge Royan / https://www.royan.com.ar / CC BY-SA 3.0. Image from Wikimedia Commons

7. Abbey Library of St. Gallen

Located in Switzerland, it is the country's oldest library and has volumes that date back to the eighth century. In addition to its contents, the delightfully fairytalelike-named Peter Thumb designed the library in a Rococo style that earned this library the status of a World Heritage Site.

historical, 1700's, Switzerland, architecture

The oldest library in Switzerland can be found in the Abbey of St. Gallen.

Image via Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen/Wikimedia Commons.

8. Delft University of Technology Library

Located in the Netherlands, this modern piece of library goodness designed by local architecture firm Mecanoo in 1997 has what I can only describe as "Star Trek-ian" flair.

Star Trek, modern architecture, Netherlands, Apple Inc.

Futuristic vibes abound in University library.

Photo by M8scho from Wikimedia Commons.

Look at those blue walls! And the cone skylight (below) looks like a teleporter. It seems like it would feel like being in the world's most friendly iPhone spaceship.

technology, environment, grass ceiling, college

A grass ceiling covers the Delft University of Technology Library.

Photo by João Victor Costa from Wikimedia Commons.

And yes — that's a grass ceiling. Beam me up!

9. Remains of the library of Celsus at Ephesus

Located in Turkey, this library was completed in 135 A.D. That's a long time ago but not even close to as long ago as the first library, which is said to have been built around 2600 B.C. in Mesopotamia.

historical landmark, travel, architecture, education

Turkey holds a library that was completed in 135 A.D.

Image (cropped) by Benh LIEU SONG from Wikimedia Commons.

Libraries are beautiful archives of human wonderfulness, literally and figuratively.

Sometimes the movies know exactly what they're doing when they share story in the houses that hold them.

There's something there (in my heart for libraries) that wasn't there before!

animation, Disney, heroines, movies, children

A GIF created from the Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast.


This article originally appeared on 07.22.16