She didn't want to continue the pregnancy. Ending it allowed her to change paths.
Two words — unconditional love. A mom gave her unwavering support in her daughter's quest to live the life she wanted for herself. This is what it's like to have an abortion and never regret it.
<span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span><span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span><span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span>
"When I was 19, I had an abortion."
"I was a very outgoing kid. I was a figure skater, I played soccer. I played the piano, even though I kind of hated it."
"My parents raised me that I am equal to my brothers, that I should not be treated differently."
Renee said:
"I realized when I was pregnant that I did not want to continue the pregnancy. I simply wasn't ready. I was afraid to tell my family. I wanted to pretend like I wasn't one of 'those' girls. I didn't want to fall into society's statistics and stereotypes. And I didn't want to be a disappointment to my parents. We sat on the phone, and we cried. My mom felt bad that she couldn't have been at the clinic with me because she wanted to have been there to support me.
Mom, you gave me all of the tools that I needed to make the best decision for me, and I'm super thankful for that. I haven't once regretted it. It allowed me to change paths. It was one of the best decisions of my life, and I'm happy."