Alabama woman who married her stepbrother and has 2 kids shares their crazy love story
“It happens more than people would think! Glad I’m not alone!”

Lindsay and Caleb have an interesting history together.
In a story that would make a fantastic, albeit long, country song, Lindsay Brown and her husband Cade of Alabama have found love even though they are stepsiblings who were once banned from seeing each other by their parents.
Lindsay shared the dramatic saga on TikTok, where she has nearly 3,000 followers.
It all began in 2007 when Linday was 14 and Cade was 16, and the couple would secretly meet at her house. However, on the fourth night they were together, Lindsay’s mother walked in on them and Cade had to run out of the house in his birthday suit.
"He grabbed his keys, his phone, he did not grab his clothes,” Lindsay said in a TikTok post. “He ran through the yard, up the street to his truck naked. Then he drove home and snuck in his house naked and his parents never knew any of that happened."
After the incident, Lindsay’s mom reached out to Cade’s parents, who agreed the two shouldn’t see each other. The teens didn’t have a big problem with the ban, mainly because Cade had a girlfriend at the time.
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Six years later, Lindsay was driving to a baseball game in Atlanta with her boyfriend and received a direct message on Facebook from Cade. The two began talking, and a week or two later, she went to see him and left her boyfriend.
This development didn’t go over well with Lindsay’s mom because Cade had a “troubled” life after high school, and she didn’t want her involved in the chaos. But that didn’t stop the two from spending time together. Eventually, Lindsay’s mom drove up to Cade’s father’s house, where the two stayed, to talk some sense into her.
The mother and Cade’s dad, Rusty, were both single and began talking “for a long time.”
Soon enough, Cade got into trouble and was incarcerated for a year. Wanting to start a new life, Lindsay joined the Air Force in Texas, but that didn't keep them apart for long. Lindsay began visiting Cade in prison and the two rekindled their love. At the same time, their parents started dating, and things were getting “hot and heavy” between them.
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When Cade got out in 2014, the couple moved in together, and after a few weeks, they "went up the road to the courthouse" and got married. Cade says it was out of "boredom." A little more than a year later, their parents also married, making Cade and Linday stepsiblings.
For the most part, things have gone well for the couple and their parents. "Our family has just blended real well, we're all happy,” Lindsay said. “They never would have got married if it wasn't for us."
After sharing their story, Lindsay learned that this type of family arrangement is more common than most people think. “It happened to my brother and his wife! They got married, and then our dad married her mom like 5 years later. best sister in law/step sister ever,” Spirit Hager wrote. “I know someone who married a guy she was with for years then years later his dad and her mom married, so same situation,” Skiddermama_748h added.
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