5 People Want You To Understand 5 Ways They See Red
Years ago, an HIV or AIDS diagnosis was a death sentence. The red ribbon was a symbol of so many lives lost. But living with HIV/AIDS isn't quite the same as it used to be, and today the iconic red ribbon is a reminder not just of the people we've lost, but of all the progress we've made and the lives we've saved since. These stories need our attention.
HIV/AIDS resource site TheBody.com asked its users to use the hashtag #RedRemindsMe to explain what living with HIV/AIDS is like.
Twitter: @AaronLaxton
#RedRemindsMe that I am standing on the shoulders of those who have come before me and fought to change a broken system of healthcare for those living with HIV and AIDS. Although quality of care has improved, new infections, threat of criminalization, and stigma still demand that we ACT UP, Fight Back and End AIDS.
Twitter: @PlusLifeOfPat
Red Reminds Me of the first marathon I ever ran. I had fabulous friends who supported and ran with me as well as the resilience to complete 26.2 miles under 4:30:00. I then had the enthusiasm to run a second marathon two weeks later because I wanted to show people HIV does not hold me down. #RedRemindsMe
Twitter @JackMackenroth
#RedRemindsMe of my work with Housing Works and Braking AIDS Ride and the importance of giving back to the #HIV community.
Maria Mejia
Twitter: @MariaHIVMejia
#RedRemindsMe of the true and unconditional love that I share with my wife, Lisa, of 8 years. We are a lesbian magnetic couple. She is the love of my life and my number one supporter. Disclosing my status was one of the hardest things, but I had to give her the option.
Jeremie “Ben B.” Rosley
Twitter: @JBRosley
If not for #HIV, I would have never discovered #healthy #adaptogens like #redtea #jujubes & #barberries. #RedRemindsMe of #RESEARCH